
Faculty Life Cycle


Icon representing core phases of a faculty member's career.

Established in 1994, the School of Medicine’s faculty development program is designed to provide professional development and learning opportunities to support faculty throughout their careers as educators, researchers, and physicians. The Office of Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development (OFAFD) strives to enhance faculty competencies, prepare faculty for promotion and tenure, instill a sense of community and shared values, and connect faculty as engaged members of the UVA Health.

As part of the Academic Strategic Plan, the University of Virginia School of Medicine Faculty Development Work Group recommended that faculty receive 5% protected time (2.4 weeks/year) for development activities. The OFAFD offers low-cost, locally available options for utilizing this protected time. Rather than accumulating travel/registration expenses to participate in faculty development courses elsewhere, we encourage faculty to explore the high-quality offerings provided by this office, and to utilize these workshops for a large portion of your protected time for development.

Each year we offer more than 500+ hours of faculty development programming. You can browse upcoming sessions by clicking on “Upcoming Events and Registration” or search by keyword. We offer CME credit to faculty who participate in the programs.

All faculty development program and offerings are evaluated to inform our continuous improvement efforts. We build upon the identified strengths and successes of each program and incorporate participant feedback and input from department chairs, center directors, and SOM and Health System leadership.

We look forward to seeing you in an upcoming session!

Faculty Salary Benchmarks

Please use this SharePoint folder to view current AAMC Faculty Salary Benchmarks.

To access SharePoint, you will to login using ESERVICES. Please visit this page for password reset instructions.

For additional assistance, contact the HIT Help Desk.


The School of Medicine’s Office of Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development is committed to facilitating the success and academic advancement of our faculty.  The faculty career life-cycle includes Retirement/Emeritus as the culmination phase.

If you would like to find out more about retirement and faculty leaves before talking to HR or your chair, you can contact the School of Medicine Faculty Guide, Donna Broshek, PhD, ABPP-CN.

For information about navigating UPG benefits and retirement, contact Christine Rudge, UPG Human Resources.