
Clinical Reasoning Research Collaborative (CRRC)

CRRC Research at UVAThe University of Virginia Clinical Reasoning Research Collaborative (CRRC) is a research team housed within the Section of Hospital Medicine. Established in the Spring of 2023, the CRRC’s mission is to further our understanding of clinical reasoning (how clinicians think through medical problems, including diagnosis, management, and prognosis) to improve medical education and positively impact patient care. To achieve this aim, we seek internal and external collaboration with patients, clinicians, educators, and scholars interested in conducting high-quality research on clinical reasoning. Please click “Request Collaboration” to contact the CRRC team.

Meet the Team

UVA Parsons Lab TeamThe CRRC was launched in the fall of 2022 by co-founding PIs: Dr. Andrew Parsons and Dr. Jessica Dreicer. As internal medicine hospitalists, Dr. Parsons and Dr. Dreicer are committed to improving patient safety by reducing diagnostic and management errors. Central to this goal is an improved understanding and practice of clinical reasoning.

Collaborative members:

Select Publications

Ongoing Research Areas

  • The use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) to augment the teaching and assessment of clinical reasoning
  • New theories that underlie clinical decision-making, including the role of context
  • Cognitive bias, debiasing, and diagnostic error
  • The intersection of reasoning and high-value care
  • Frameworks for efficient use of the electronic medical record and the impact on clinical reasoning
  • How learners develop management reasoning across the medical education continuum
  • Effective techniques for the remediation of clinical reasoning struggle
  • The role of uncertainty in the communication of clinical reasoning to patients and between clinicians
  • How clinicians estimate prognosis and prognostic reasoning
  • The role of risk and testing and treatment thresholds in management decisions