

The Department of Medicine faculty is a diverse group of excellent clinicians, researchers and teachers.

Residents and faculty

Faculty members at UVA are on the cutting edge of novel clinical programs, evidence-based practice, bench and clinical research, and medical education. Most important, whether in the classroom, at the bedside, or in the laboratory, our faculty is dedicated to the training of housestaff and to fostering a productive and collegial educational environment. One of the great advantages of the structure of UVA’s residency experience is the proximity and availability of faculty mentors who are committed to resident education!

Resident mentorship at UVA takes on both formal and informal shapes. Many of the Associate Program Directors are heavily involved on the frontlines in mentorship, directing curriculum and clinical education. Committee on Residency Education (CORE) faculty advisors are assigned as general mentors and advisors to incoming interns. This relationship is solely advisory in nature, allowing residents to openly discuss all aspects of training and career planning with their assigned advisor. This 1:1 relationship continues through all years of training and fosters a smooth transition from medical school to residency, and then on to a fellowship or career practice. CORE faculty members facilitate career mentorship and development, serve as an advisory group to the program, and as a support for their advisees. Many of our outstanding subspecialty faculty are heavily involved in directing resident education on the wards, teaching research and evidence-based medicine, and subspecialty career mentorship. The approachability of our faculty and their close relationships with the housestaff is a critical part of the UVA esprit de corps.

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