
Curriculum Committee Minutes 8/28/2017

September 13, 2017 by

University of Virginia School of Medicine

Curriculum Committee

Minutes – 8.28.17

MCBR, #2700 – 4:00 p.m.

Present (underlined) were: Gretchen Arnold, Elizabeth Bradley, Megan Bray, Juliana Bueno, Kathleen Carlson, Donna Chen, Aaron Freilich, Maryellen Gusic, John Hickman, Barry Hinton, Elizabeth Hoang, Rachel Kon, Robin LeGallo, Keith Littlewood, Vishal Madaan, Mark Moody, Selina Noramly, Juan Olazagasti, Margaret Plews-Ogan, Steven Powell, Theresa Schlager, Neeral Shah, Ryan Smith, Ory Streeter, Carlos Tache-Leon, Rick Vavolizza, Bill Wilson, Stephen Wolf, Bobbi May (Administrative Cord.)

Minutes Reviewed/Accepted. Observing governing bylaws, an electronic vote was distributed. A quorum of Committee Members voted to approve the minutes from the 8/21 meeting.

VOTE – Approved

ACE Assignments. All materials have been distributed for ACE reviews. A new addition to review materials includes a summary of student performance evaluations completed by ACE Supervisors. These evaluations include commentary which should be lengthy enough to provide a thorough evaluation of the students’ performance while on the ACE. The ACE PowerPoint by Lee Eschenroeder has information for each of these services on activities or ideas students recommended to improve the ACE experience. Please review these suggestions with Supervisors to encourage what may be easily implemented. Committee Members are encouraged to contact ACE Supervisors to schedule interviews as soon as possible. All interviews should be completed by October 2, so that reports to the Committee may begin on October 19.

Clerkship/Elective Calendars. Observing governing bylaws, an electronic vote was distributed. A quorum of Committee Members voted to approve the SOM2021 Clerkship calendar and the SOM2020/SMD2021 Elective Calendars.

VOTE – Approved

Clinical Performance Development Review. Dr. McDaniel presented the review of CPD for SMD2019. This is the CPD1, 18-month portion of this course referred to as the pre-clerkship phase. The majority of students are happy with CPD and enjoy this experience. Drs. Moak and McDaniel strive to continually evolve its progression in what is taught and how it is taught. Going forward, Dr. McDaniel is retiring and Dr. Plews-Ogan is now the new Director of Clinical Development. EPA teaching will become integral in CPD and will play a vital role in tracking learning objectives and assessment. Additionally- beginning next August each student will participate in a longitudinal patient experience where they will be assigned a patient to follow through the first 3 years of medical school.


The CPD course provides students critical foundational experiences in clinical skill development. The wide variety of activities offered across the 18 months brings together the foundational science with core skills of clinical practice including patient interviewing, physical examination, clinical reasoning, and exposure to procedural skills. Additionally, it presents students with opportunities to think about and practice social issues in medicine, ethical issues, and challenging conversations. The students appreciate the majority of activities but highlight more opportunities for presentation, physical exam practice, and continued refinement of the timing of activities as activities that may be considered for improvement.

Policy on Technical Standards Required for Matriculation, Progression and Graduation. Going forward, this policy will be reviewed annually to reaffirm the language used to describe the abilities deemed necessary for completion of medical school. There was some discussion which centered around the specific requirement; “ability to demonstrate physical stamina to work for 28 hours without sleeping.” An addition of the phrase, “as required,” was suggested. Another suggestion was to change language to “ability to demonstrate physical stamina to work a mid-level resident shift”.This mirrors duty hour requirements listed elsewhere in our policies.   The latter was supported. Observing governing bylaws, a quorum of Committee Members voted to approve the policy, pending the above revision.  This information will be forwarded to the Technical Standards Committee.

VOTE – Approved


Note: The next Curriculum Committee meeting will be held on Monday, September 11, in the MCBR, #2700.