Academic Initiatives
The Medical Simulation Center doors first opened in early 2007, but the wide array of innovative academic and research pursuits belies the Center’s short history. Indeed, it is the Center’s vision to become a leader in the advancement of medical education with simulation technology through research, quality improvement, and creative innovations.
Collaborators: Kirk MA, Littlewood KE, and Martin ML
Granting Agency: UVA Health Systems GME Innovative Grant Program
Comments: A pilot program in resident education taht will address methods of teaching and documenting the ACGME core competencies. It is intended to develop useful metrics and create a standardized product applicable to several residences.
Collaborator: Kirk MA
Granting Agency: University of Virginia Department of Emergency Medicine Faculty Research Grant, 2005
Comments: Randomizing first-year medical students into human patient simulation vs. traditional lecture format.
Collaborators: Rigsbee S, Gerling GJ, Childress R, and Martin ML
Granting Agency: Academy of Distinguished Educators, UVA Undergraduate Medical Education Research Grant
The aim is to design a simulator to effectively train students to detect prostate hypertrophy prostatitis, and cancers at the earliest possible stages.
Collaborators: Gerling GJ, Childress R, and Martin ML
Granting Agency: Congressional Directed Medical Research Program
Comments: Continuation of research to further develop a simulator designed to effectively train students to accurately and efficiently detect prostate abnormalities.
Collaborators: Schenkman NS, Littlewood KE, Wright EB, Hallowell PT, Redick DL, Fitzgerald KA
Granting Agency: UVA Health System GME Innovative Grant Program
Comments: Curriculum development for in situ simulation-based interdisciplinary team training for operative emergencies.
Collaborators: Littlewood KE, Kirk MA, Wright EB
Granting Agency: UVA Academy of Distinguished Educators Medical Education Research Program
Comments: Study aimed to determine whether problem-based learning discussions (PBLD) or simulation sessions have different impacts on immediate concept comprehension and application related to shock.
Collaborators: Owen J, Littlewood KE, Wright EB
Granting Agency: Pfizer Medical Education Grants Program
Collaborators: Blackhall L, Brashers V, Erickson J, Owen J, Littlewood KE, Wright EB
Grating Agency: Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation
Doctoral Dissertation
Incorporating human patient simulation in medical education: Efficacy of a student-centered approach in teaching the treatment of venomous snakebites in a medical toxicology rotation by Kell, Sue Oliver, Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2007, 155 pages; AAT 3260673
Abstracts and Presentations
(alphabetical & reverse chronological order)
“Using the Laerdal SimMan 3G simulator to improve cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and bag-mask-ventilation (BVM) with third year medical students.” Abatzis V. Teaching with Technology Summit, University of Virginia, October 9, 2018.
Littlewood, KE. “Cognitive Load Theory: Implications for the Simulation Educator.” Presentation at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2015.
Littlewood, KE. “Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge: Considerations for Simulation Educators.” Presentation at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2015.
Park CS, Navedo A, Pardo M, Strom S, Littlewood KE. “Pre-Conference Experts Workshop: Debriefing: Microcircuit Training.” Presentation at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. San Francisco, California, January 2014.
Littlewood KE, Kirk MA, Wright EB. “Integrating Simulation Education into the Next Generation Curriculum: Perspectives from Medical and Operations Directors and the Dean’s Office.” Expert Panel at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, Florida, January 2013.
Littlewood KE. “Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge: What role should they play in Simulation?” Presentation at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, Florida, January 2013.
Littlewood KE. “Cognitive Load Theory and Its Implications for Simulation Education.” Presentation at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, Florida, January 2013.
Wright EB, et al. “Director’s SIG: I Am A Director of A Simulation Center – Now What? Policy & Procedures Workshop.” Workshop presentation at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, Florida, January 2013.
Littlewood KE. “Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge: What Role Should They Plan in Simulation Education Curricula? ” Podium Presentation at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA, January 2012.
Littlewood KE, Mineheart R. “Developing and Enhancing your Simulation-based Boot Camp or Newbie Courses to ‘Drownproof’ Novice Anesthesia Residents” Workshop Presentation at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA, January 2012.
Schocken DM, Shatzer J, Palaganas J, Wright EB, Peckler P. “I Am A Director of A Simulation Center…Now What? The Policy and Procedures Handbook for Simulation Center Directors.” Workshop Presentation at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA, January 2012.
Wright EB, Kirk ME, Arciaga P, Littlewood KE “Can We Teach, Refine, and Evaluate Interprofessional Practice in the Simulation Center?” Debate Presentation at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA. January 2012.
Wright EB, Tullmann D, Littlewood KE “An Interprofessional Education Success Story: The Bumpy Path from Pilot to Retrofit to Grant Funding” Expert Panel Presentation at the SSH-NLN Symposium: Interprofessional Education in Healthcare Simulation. San Diego, CA, January 2012.
Wright EB. “Business Plan Development, Strategic Planning & Finance Basics for New Simulation Programs.” Workshop presentation at the Human Patient Simulation Network Conference. Tampa, Florida, February 2012.
Littlewood KE. “Simulation in Healthcare Education in 2012.” Technology in Emergency Care: George Washington University Symposium Series on Emergency Care and Public Health Preparedness in American Society. Washington, DC, February 2012.
Brock E, Voll S, Walton D, Childress RM, Chapin A, Wright EB. “Simulation Space Design to Facilitate Learning.” Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Charlottesville, VA, November 2012.
Kirk MA and Fiumefreddo AR. “What Do Simulation Educators Need to Know?” Workshop presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Charlottesville, VA, November 2012.
Kirk MA, Fiumefreddo AR, Reynard PL. “Enhancing First Responder Preparedness using Simulation.” Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Charlottesville, VA, November 2012.
Littlewood KE. “Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge: What Role Should They Play?” Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Charlottesville, VA, November 2012.
Littlewood KE. “Cognitive Load Theory and its Implications for Simulation Education.” Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Charlottesville, VA, November 2012.
Littlewood KE and Kirk MA. “Axis of Active Learning: Taking Simulation to the Masses.” Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Charlottesville, VA, November 2012.
Reynolds JP, Reynard PL, Dickerson M, Wawsri O. “Simulation Ancillary Technology.” Workshop presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Charlottesville, VA, November 2012.
Reynolds JP, McMillan J, Bitzer A. “iStan’s ICP and Neurological Crisis Scenarios.” Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Charlottesville, VA, November 2012.
Wright EB. “New Program Business Plan Development, Strategic Planning & Finance Basic.” Workshop presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Charlottesville, VA, November 2012.
Littlewood KE, Pasquale S, Zabala, L. “Educational Quality Assurance in Simulation (EQIS), Expert Panel Presentation at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, LA. January 2011.
Schocken DM, Shatzer J, Calzada J, Reihsen TE, Wright EB, Szarek J, Peckler P. “I Am A Director of A Simulation Center…Now What? The Policy and Procedures Handbook for Simulation Center Directors.” Roundtable Presentation at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, LA. January 2011.
Wright EB. “New Program Business Plan Development, Strategic Planning & Finance Basics.” Workshop presentation at the Human Patient Simulation Network Conference. Tampa, Florida, February 2011.
Canterbury RJ, Wright EB, Jackson J, Buer TS, Littlewood KE. “Axis of Active Learning: A Model for Tomorrow’s Medical Education Facility.” Presentation at the AAMC Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 2011.
Wright EB. “Business Plan Development & Strategic Planning for New Simulation Programs.” Workshop presentation at the Human Patient Simulation Network Conference. Tampa, Florida, March 2010.
Heistand K and Wright EB. “Simulation Based Chaplain Intern Orientation to On-Call.” Spiritual Care Collaborative Summit. Orlando, Florida, February 2009.
Littlewood KE. “SEA Workshop Simulation for MOCA.” American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, October 2009.
Wright EB, Kirk MA, Littlewood KE. “New Center Strategic Planning & Business Plan Development.” Workshop presentation at the Human Patient Simulation Network Conference. Tampa, Florida, March 2009.
Littlewood KE. “SEA Workshop Simulation for MOCA.” American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida, October 2008.
Littlewood KE. “SAMBA Workshop Simulation for MOCA.” American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida, October 2008.
Littlewood KE and Durbin CG. “Professor’s Rounds: The Role of Simulation in Improving Patient Care.” American Association for Respiratory Care Convention. Anaheim, California, December 2008.
Wright EB, Kirk MA, Littlewood KE, Martin ML. “Using simulation to teach medical students life-saving techniques: A day long workshop.” Human Patient Simulation Network Annual Conference. Tampa, FLorida, February 2008.
Littlewood Ke. “Preparing Millennial Students for an Outcome-Project Based Residency-Maybe Anesthesia’s Simulator is the Answer?” American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California, October 2007.
Raja NS, Schleser JA, Norman WP, Myzie CD, Gerling GJ, Martin ML. “Simulation Framework for Training Chest Tube Insertion Using Force Feedback Virtual Reality Devices.” IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference. Montreal, Canada, 2007.
Rigsbee S, Gerling GJ, Childress R, Martin ML. ” A Computerized Physical Simulator for Training Clinical Prostate Palpation Skills.” IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference. Montreal, Canada, 2007.
Littlewood KE. “Preparing under-experienced medical students for duty-hour restricted residency in the outcome project era- Maybe anesthesia’s simulator is the answer?” American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, October 2006.
Littlewood KE. “Can the use of simulators improve clinical practice?” International Congress of AMerican Association for Respiratory Care. Las Vegas, Nevada, December 2003.
Littlewood KE. “Conscious sedation in the procedure suite: Implications for RTs and Uses for Simulation.” International Congress of American Association for Respiratory Care. Las Vegas, Nevada, December 2003.
Littlewood KE. “Is simulation a solution for the problem resident?” American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California, October 2000.
Posters and Publications
(alphabetical & reverse chronological order)
The Time to Address Curriculum and Evaluation for Nontechnical Skills Is Now
VT Abatzis, KE Littlewood
Anesthesia & Analgesia 129 (5), 1194-1196
Threshold concepts for anesthesiologists
DS Barry, KE Littlewood
Anesthesia & Analgesia 125 (4), 1386-1393
Debriefing in simulation and beyond
VT Abatzis, KE Littlewood
International anesthesiology clinics 53 (4), 151-162
KE Littlewood, D Szyid
Defining Excellence in Simulation Programs, 558-72
Simulation in emergency care
C Ranniger, KE Littlewood
Emergency Care and the Public’s Health, 87
Recreating simulation scenarios for interprofessional education: an example of educational interprofessional practice
DF Tullmann, AM Shilling, LH Goeke, EB Wright, KE Littlewood
Journal of interprofessional care 27 (5), 426-428
Abatzis V, Kwock J, Sheeran S, Morton L, Eason S, and Littlewood K.”Improving CPR quality of 3rd year medical students using real-time simulation feedback in preparation for EPA #12”. Poster presentation at the Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA) Conference, Orlando, FL, March 27-30, 2019.
Abatzis V, Kwock J, Sheeran S, Morton L, Eason S, and Littlewood K.”A simulation-based educational program to improve and assess 3rd year medical student bag-valve-mask ventilation (BVM) and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques for EPA #12: A Crossover Study (Preliminary Results)”. Poster presentation at Academy of Distinguished Educators Medical Education Week, Charlottesville, Va, Feb 25- March 1, 2019.
Littlewood KE, Huffmyer J, Fiumefreddo AR, Abatzis VT. “Simple Conditionally Progressive Testing.” Poster presented at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2015.
Littlewood KE, Abatzis VT. “Number Needed to Teach: How should we describe educational outcomes?” Poster presented at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2015.
Fiumefreddo A, Reynard P, Littlewood KE. “Educational Quality Improvement in Simulation (EQIS): A Multilayered Program.” Poster presented at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. San Francisco, California, January 2014.
Fiumefreddo A, Wawsri O, Clemo R, Littlewood KE. “Beyond Accomodations: Using Simulation to Improve Education for Special-Needs Students.” Poster presented at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. San Francisco, California, January 2014.
Ranniger C, Littlewood KE. “Simulation in emergency care.” Emergency Care and the Public’s Health, 2014: 87-96.
Owen JA, Brashers VL, Littlewood KE, Wright E, Childress RM, Thomas S. “Designing and evaluating an effective theory-based continuing interprofessional education program to improve sepsis care by enhancing healthcare team collaboration.” Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2014; 28(3), 212-217.
Bitzer, McMillan, Wright EB, Littlewood KE. “Neurological Emergency Simulation for Medical Students not Neurologists: Developing a Simulation to Link Classroom Theory to Emergency Interventions”. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation on Healthcare. Orlando, Florida, January 2013.
McMillan, Bitzer, Wright EB, Littlewood KE. “Simulation Scenarios Created by Students for Students.” Poster presented at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, Florida, January 2013.
Reynolds JP, Fiumefreddo AR, Reynard PL, Kirk MA, Littlewood KE. “Meeting Student Demand for Simulation: Extracurricular Simulation Experiences.” Poster presented at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, Florida, January 2013.
Littlewood KE, Shilling AM, Stemland CJ, Wright EB, Kirk MA. “High-fidelity simulation is superior to case-based discussion in teaching the management of shock.” Medical Teacher, 2013; 35: e1003-e1010.
Tullmann DF, Shilling AM, Goeke LH, Wright EB, Littlewood KE. “Recreating simulation scenarios for interprofessional education: an example of educational interprofessional practice.” Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2013; 27(5): 426-428.
Fiumefreddo AR, Reynolds JP, Schenkman NS, Littlewood KE. “A Model for Team Training and Crisis Management in Laparoscopic Surgery: Fire in the OR”. Poster presented at the SSH-NLN Symposium: Interprofessional Education in Healthcare Simulation. San Diego, CA, January 2012.
Tullmann D, Wright EB, Littlewood KE. “Recreating an established simulation experience to incorporate interprofessional education: Lessons learned“. Poster presented at the SSH-NLN Symposium: Interprofessional Education in Healthcare Simulation. San Diego, CA, January 2012.
Fiumefreddo AR, Kirk MA, Littlewood KE. “Clinical Performance Development: Multi-Modality Simulation Shock Sessions”. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA, January 2012.
Fiumefreddo AR, Reynolds JP, Schenkman NS, Littlewood KE. “ A Model for Team Training and Crisis Management in Laparoscopic Surgery: Fire in the OR“. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA, January 2012.
Reynard PL, Wright EB, Reynolds JP, Fiumefreddo AR, Littlewood KE. “Maximizing Operational Efficiency in a Simulation Center through the Implementation of an Inventory Management and Control System“. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA, January 2012.
Reynolds JP, Mehta S, Collins S, Littlewood KE. “Emerging Role of Simulation in the Anesthesiology Residency Curriculum Beyond the RRC Requirements“. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA, January 2012.
Tullmann D, Wright EB, Littlewood KE. “Recreating an established simulation experience to incorporate interprofessional education: Lessons learned”. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA, January 2012.
Wright EB, Cole A, Enfield K, Littlewood KE. “ Virtual Bronchoscopy Training and Competency Assessment for Organ Transplant Coordinators“. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA, January 2012.
Fiumefreddo AR, Kirk MA, Littlewood KE. “Clinical Performance Development: Multi-Modality Simulation Shock Sessions”. Poster presented at the Human Patient Simulation Network Conference. Tampa, Florida, February 2012.
Fiumefreddo AR, Reynolds JP, Schenkman NS, Littlewood KE. “Crisis Management in Laparoscopic Surgery: OR Fire Model”. Poster presented at the Human Patient Simulation Network Conference. Tampa, Florida, February 2012.
Reynolds JP, Mehta S, Collins S, Littlewood KE. “Meeting the New Requirements for Simulation in Anesthesiology Residency”. Poster presented at the Human Patient Simulation Network Conference. Tampa, Florida, February 2012.
Reynard PL, Wright EB, Reynolds JP, Fiumefreddo AR, Littlewood KE. “Maximizing Operational Efficiencies through an Inventory Management System”. Poster presented at the Human Patient Simulation Network Conference. Tampa, Florida, February 2012.
Wright EB, Littlewood KE. “Virtual Bronchoscopy Training and Assessment for Transplant Coordinators”. Poster presented at the Human Patient Simulation Network Conference. Tampa, Florida, February 2012.
Cook DA, Hatala R, Brydges R, Zendejas B, Szostek JH, Wang AT, Erwin PJ, Hamstras SJ. “Technology-enhanced Simulation for Health Professions Education: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” JAMA, 2011; 306 (9): 978-988.
Ghali B, Schenkman NS, Wright EB, Littlewood KE. “A Model for Team Training and Crisis Management in Laparoscopic Surgery: Venous Gas Embolism.” Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, LA, January 2011.
Hicks R, Littlewood KE. “Simulation Experience with Acute Cardiovascular Events Meets a Need for Medical Student Clinical Exposure that Otherwise Would be Missed.” Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, LA, January 2011.
Huffmeyer J, Fiumefreddo AR, Littlewood KE. “Preparing Anesthesiology Residents for a Cardiothoracic Rotation with Simulation.” Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, LA, January 2011.
Littlewood KE. “High fidelity simulation as a research tool.” Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol. 2011; 25:473-487.
Reynolds JP, Wright EB, Kirk MA, Littlewood KE. “Clinical Performance Development in the Next Generation Curriculum: Simulation-Based Education and Competencies in Week One of Medical School”.” Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, LA, January 2011.
Wright EB, Shilling A, Littlewood KE. “Perioperative and Acute Care Medicine Clerkship: Multispecialty Simulation-Based Education in the Third Year of Medical School.” Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, LA, January 2011.
Ghali B, Schenkman NS, Wright EB, Littlewood KE. “Use of HPS for Simulated Venous Gas Embolism for Surgical Team Training.” Poster presented at the Human Patient Simulation Network Conference. Tampa, Florida, February 2011.
Reynolds JP, Fiumefreddo AR, Wright EB, Littlewood KE. “Use of ICP Feature on iStan for Simulation-Based Education & Competencies.” Poster presented at the Human Patient Simulation Network Conference. Tampa, Florida, February 2011.
Reynolds JP, Wright EB, Kirk MA, Littlewood KE. “Simulation-Based Education in the First Year of Medical School.” Poster presented at the Human Patient Simulation Network Conference. Tampa, Florida, February 2011.
Clerico CM, Wright EB, Henahan KA, Littlewood KE. “Medical Simulation: Building Confidence While Assessing Competence.” Poster presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida, April 2010.
McCollum M, Wright EB, Littlewood KE. “Does Evaluation of Teamwork Skill in the ANatomy Lab Improve Teamwork Ratings in the Simulated Clinical Setting?” Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare.
Wright EB, Clerico CM, Henahan KA, Kirk MA, Littlewood KE. “Simulation-Based Education for Physical & Occupational Therapists: Assessing Competence While Building Confidence.” Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. Phoenix, Arizona, January 2010.
Wright EB, Heistand K, Kirk MA, Litllewood KE. “A Novel Approach to Pastoral Education: Simulation-based Chaplain Intern Orientation.” Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, Florida, January 2009.
Wright EB, Shilling A, Kirk MA, Littlewood KE. “Design, Integration, and Evaluation of Student-centered Educational Approaches in an Acute Medicine Clerkship for Third Year Medical Students.” Poster presented at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare. Orlando, Florida, January 2009.
Kell SO, Lawrence DT, Holstege CP, Kirk MA. Efficacy of a Student-Centered Approach Using Human Patient Simulation in Teaching Venomous Snakebite Treatment. Clinical Toxicology. 2007; 45:77.607
Shukla A, Kline DL, Cherian AZ, Lescanec A, Rochman AS, Plautz CM, Krik MA, Littlewood KE, Custalow CL, Srinivasan R, Martin ML. Life saving techniques and simulation training courses for 3rd year medical students. Simulation in Healthcare. 2007; 2:1.
Kell SO, Kirk MA, Rowden AK, Holstege CP, Asarkaya Y. Effects on Learning Using Human Patient Simulation in Teaching Pharmacology Principles. Clinical Toxicology. 2005; 43:700.
Kirk MA, Kell S, Dobmeier S, Baer AB, Holstege CP, Huff JS, Jackson JM. Using new technologies for medical toxicology education. Clinical Toxicology 2004; 42:780.
Kirk MA, Kell S, Littlewood KE, Eldridge DL, Shukla A, Bell M. Teaching toxicology concepts using human patient simulation. CLinical Toxicology 2004; 42:777.
Professional Development
(alphabetical & reverse chronological order)
Park C, Economus J, Littlewood KE, Navedo A, Pardo M, Strom S. “More Than Talk: Meta-Communication Skills for Instructor Development.” Professional development presentation at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2015.
Phrampus PE, Littlewood KE, Park C. “Leadership Training Academy: Facilitating (Running) a Meeting.” Professional development presentation at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2015.
Littlewood KE. Simulation Faculty Development Workshop. Emory University, Department of Anesthesiology. Atlanta, Georgia, March 2015.
Littlewood KE. “Lessons Learned From the Simulation Center: Trainee Feedback in the Clinical Setting.” Presentation as part of a Faculty Development Certificate Program for CME credits. University of Virginia. Charlottesville, Virginia, November 2014.
Littlewood KE. “Simulation in Medical Education.” Presentation as part of a Faculty Development Certificate Program for CME credits. University of Virginia. Charlottesville, Virginia, October 2012.