
Program Sponsored Conferences

Research Training in Neuroendocrinology:
program-sponsored conferences

Trainees will continue to benefit from the aforementioned institution-sponsored conferences. In addition, we propose a weekly Neuroendocrinology Conference to address additional needs of the Research Training in Neuroendocrinology Program. This conference series will be dedicated to five unique goals:

  1. Research Training in Neuroendocrinology Program Seminar (60 min, once a month): While many departmental seminar series highlight topics relevant to neuroendocrinology, the Program desires additional dedicated time for all Program trainees and mentors to interact, and also a dedicated forum for Program-invited outside speakers. In addition to hosting talks by invited external speakers, presentations will be provided by Program mentors, other UVA investigators, and trainees.
  2. Combined Basic/Clinical Neuroendocrinology Journal Club (90 min, once a month): In these Journal Clubs, 2 relevant manuscripts will be presented—a basic research manuscript presented by a basic research trainee, and a clinical research manuscript presented by a MD-trained fellow. Presenters will be asked to begin with a 5-10 minute overview of a specific area of background knowledge. In this way, basic researchers learn more about how to interpret clinical research manuscripts, and clinical researchers learn more about how to interpret basic research manuscripts.
  3. Research Training in Neuroendocrinology Program Research in Progress (60 min, approx. 5-6 times a year depending on the number of Program trainees): Trainees will present their ongoing work in the Spring of each year.
  4. Grant Brewing Sessions (60-90 min, approx. 6-7 times a year): Prior to any major grant submission, fellows will formally present proposed aims and plans. Depending on the state of grant development at the time of scheduled presentation, these may take the form of either (a) informal grant brewing sessions (for grants in the early planning stages) or (b) more formal mock NIH study section sessions (after formal review of a grant draft by several mentors [see below]). Such sessions will strengthen funding applications and will provide invaluable teaching (to all trainees) related to research planning and grantsmanship. Additional Grant Brewing Sessions may be scheduled as needed.
  5. Didactic Lecture Series entitled “Introduction to Modern Concepts and Techniques in Neuroendocrinology” (60-90 min): This is a didactic lecture series designed to provide foundational knowledge about important new concepts and techniques used in neuroendocrinology research. While not all trainees will require expertise in all of these methods, a basic understanding is important for all postdoctoral fellows in the field.