

Program Administration

Photo of Dr. Christopher McCartney

Christopher McCartney, MD, Director, Neuroendocrinology Program

Christopher R. McCartney, MD, is Program Director for the Research Training in Neuroendocrinology Program. Dr. McCartney is a successful clinical researcher in reproductive neuroendocrinology. He currently serves as PI for the clinical project (R01 equivalent)—and a pilot project—on the UVA P50 Center funded by the National Centers for Translational Research in Reproduction and Infertility (NCTRI). The major long-term goal of Dr. McCartney’s patient-oriented research is to understand the cause(s) of abnormal hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and pituitary gonadotropin secretion in adolescents and adults with hyperandrogenemia. Dr. McCartney is also the program director for the Endocrinology and Metabolism Fellowship Training Program, a three-year combined clinical/research training program with 8 to 11 fellows; and he is a member of the UVA SOM’s NIH K Award Mentoring Committee. His teaching abilities and leadership have been recognized at an institutional level with a number of teaching awards, and at a national level in his election to the Council of the Association of Program Directors in Endocrinology and Metabolism (2014-2016).



Photo of Dr. Eugene Barrett

Eugene Barrett, MD, PhD, Associate Program Director

Eugene J. Barrett, MD, PhD, serves as Associate Program Director. Dr. Barrett has been continuously NIH funded for over 30 years, he has been a formal mentor for over 25 pre- and postdoctoral fellows, and he is a long-standing mentor in the Research Training in Neuroendocrinology Program. His laboratory has contributed a significant body of work related to insulin effects on skeletal muscle perfusion, the relationship between skeletal muscle perfusion and metabolic insulin sensitivity, and pathways of insulin transport across the vascular endothelium. He also has extensive administrative experience including: (1) PD of the Research Training in Diabetes and Hormone Action Program (T32) for 13 years; (2) Director for the UVA General Clinical Research Center from 2003 to 2012; and (3) Director of the UVA Diabetes Center since 1991. Dr. Barrett has also held high level positions with the American Diabetes Association: Board of Directors 1997-2000, Vice President 2001-2002, President-elect 2002-2003, and President 2003-2004.