

Elizabeth got hitched.


February 2019

Carleigh publishes paper and passes thesis defense!


March 2019- Carleigh O’Brien is nearing graduation! She published her second first author paper in February of 2019 in the Journal of Immunology, titled “IL-10 and ICOS Differentially Regulate T…

R01 supplement funded


Congratulations to Sam Batista, who received a 1.5 years of funding in January 2019 for a research supplement to Tajie’s current R01 to promote diversity in academic research!

Maureen awarded a Training Grant


Congratulations to Maureen Cowan for being awarded an Immunology Training Grant in July for the 2018-2019 year! Immunology is one of several training grants represented in the Harris Lab, also…

American Association for Immunologists (AAI) 2018 Conference Travel Awards


Kate and Sam received travel awards to attend and give oral presentations at AAI, May 4th – May 8th 2018. They enjoyed their first visits to Austin, TX!

22nd Annual Woods Hole Immunoparasitology Meeting


Tajie, Carleigh, Sam, and Kate attended the Woods Hole Immunoparasitology (WHIP) conference April 15th – April 18th, 2018.  Kate and Sam gave oral presentations, and Carleigh received a poster prize…

Jonathan Kipnis Receives NIH Director’s Pioneer Award


October 2018 – Congratulations to Dr. Kipnis and his lab for receiving the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award! Click here to read the full UVA Today article.