
Research Ethics Committee

The Research Ethics Committee (REC) investigates suspected research misconduct in the School of Medicine. The REC is appointed by and serves at the request of the dean as a permanent advisory committee. The committee’s confidential findings and recommendations are presented to the dean.

The committee is comprised of no less than 5 and no more than 7 individuals who are current or former investigators. The chair of the REC makes recommendations to the dean regarding committee appointments. Committee members are appointed for three-year terms that may be renewed with no limit on the number of terms served. Both MD and PhD researchers must be represented on the committee. The University Associate Vice President for Research serves ex officio without vote.

When there is suspected research misconduct, the REC will meet as often as it deems necessary to conduct a fair, impartial, and thorough review of the case. No more than one committee member may be absent at any meeting.

Committee Members

  • Donna Chen, MD – Chair (2014-2017)
    Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences
  • David Hudson ex officio
    Associate Vice President for Research
  • John Kattwinkel, MD (2014-2015)
    Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics
  • Kevin Pfister, PhD (2014-2017)
    Associate Professor of Cell Biology
  • Angela Taylor, MD (2013-2016)
    Associate Professor of Medicine
  • Scott Zeitlin, PhD (2014-2017)
    Associate Professor of Neuroscience