
Internal Research Funding Program

Paul A Levine MD Research Grant & Robert W Cantrell MD Research Grant


  1. To support innovative basic science, translational and clinical research by residents and faculty.
  2. To support worthy proposals that were not selected for funding by external mechanisms (e.g., CORE).

Review Criteria

  1. Soundness of rationale
  2. Degree of innovation/novelty
  3. Quality, appropriateness and feasibility of study design
  4. Statistical justification for approach and analysis of outcome measures
  5. Qualifications of the study team and access to required resources
  6. Likelihood of productivity within proposed timeline
  7. Justification for financial support
  8. Preference will be given to proposals that have previously been submitted for external funding.


  1. Biographical information of principal investigator (e.g. NIH biosketch format).
  2. Research plan including title, introduction, hypothesis, specific aims, background, significance, preliminary studies, research design/methods, references (attached form or CORE grant application format). Maximum length 5 pages excluding references.
  3. Budget including personnel, equipment, supplies, services and other costs, and budget justification. Faculty and resident salaries will not be supported by these funds.
  4. Complete CORE grant applications or resident research block proposals may be submitted without modification.
  5. Submit to Elena Miller by close of business on July 1 or the next business day.


$10,000 each


1 year

Click here to download the grant guidelines