
Subinoy Das OtoRhinoLaryngology Innovation Grant Program

The objective of the Subinoy Das OtoRhinoLaryngology (ORL) Innovation Grant Program is to foster translational research partnerships linking medicine, law, regulatory governance, and business disciplines to provide immersive faculty and resident-driven product development experiences early in an Otolaryngologist’s career.


The Subinoy Das ORL Innovation Grant Program is open to both faculty and residents. For resident applications, mentorship from at least one UVA Otolaryngology faculty member is required. If you would like help finding a partner for a project idea, please contact Dr. Daniero. Collaborations with faculty in other Schools within UVA are also encouraged.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated by the Board of Directors of the Center for OtoRhinoLaryngology Innovation (CORLI). Applications will be evaluated on three criteria:

  1. What is the potential scientific and clinical impact of the proposed activities?
  2. How likely are the proposed activities to eventually lead to the development of intellectual property, external funding, and regulatory approval?
  3. How effectively will the proposed activities translate to a marketable health care product?


The main body of the application is a single 5-page PDF (not including cover page and references) containing the following sections: Cover Page, Specific Aims, Impact and Innovation, Research Plan (including timeline), Budget Justification (including all team member’s effort allocations), Plan for Intellectual Property, and References. For projects that were reviewed, but not funded in a previous round, applicants may include an additional 1-page summary of previous feedback and changes made in response. For help in developing an application, please contact Elena Miller or Dr. Daniero. Applications should be submitted to Ronnie Bean by July, 1st 2025.

Optional: Integrated Resident Education During Dedicated Innovation Block

We encourage resident applicants to consider initiating research projects early-on in residency to allow for a dedicated Innovation Research Block during their PGY-3 year. During a dedicated research block, CORLI will provide training and mentorship to Das Innovation Research Residents covering all aspects of product development including, research and grant strategy, intellectual property, regulatory governance, and raising capital. By the end of the block a resident will perform structured market analysis, conduct an intellectual property search, develop a regulatory plan, and create an investor pitch deck. The resident will also attend key development meetings at LVG, iLab, UVA Seed Fund, and Cville Biohub.

Start and End Dates

Start dates are available on a rolling basis to accommodate resident availability and work schedule. The earliest start date will be August 1st, 2025. Projects will be funded for one year, but will allow no-cost extensions for funded projects making demonstrable progress. Investigators can secure additional years of funding for competitive renewal proposals.

Budget Justification

There will be one award cycle per year providing 1-2 grants up to $10,000 in funding. As part of the application, the investigators are asked to provide a detailed budget justification including all team members, percent effort, and anticipated roles (1-page).

Department Chair Approval

At the time of application, investigators are asked to provide verification from appropriate department chairs to document that effort allocation will be available as outlined in the proposed budget (can be included on cover page).

Click the link to download the 2021-2022 RFP.