
Careers in Parapsychology/Psychical Research

University Based Research Units

UVA DOPS is one of a limited number of University-based research units in the world investigating similar paranormal phenomena. Some of the other research centers are: the University of Arizona Center for Consciousness Studies; the University of West Georgia; the University of Edinburgh-Koestler Parapsychology Unit; the University of Hertfordshire in England; and the Center for Research on Consciousness and Anomalous Psychology, Lund University, Sweden.

The researchers at the University of Virginia’s Division of Perceptual Studies have a special interest in studying the evidence for survival of consciousness after death.

Please note that we do not offer classes for credit in our research division.

Psychical Research Around the World

For more information about the psychical research being done at other research facilities throughout the world, please refer to the list of Accredited Colleges and Universities in the United States and the United Kingdom found on the Parapsychology Foundation. Another resource that may be helpful is the Parapsychological Association website.

Careers in Psychical Research

Opportunities for making a full-time career in parapsychology are rare, since there are presently many more qualified people wishing to work in the field than there are funds for their support. Opportunities do exist, however.

Carlos Alvarado Ph.D., one of our respected colleagues in the field, has valuable information to offer regarding careers in parapsychology.

Nancy Zingrone Ph.D., another of our respected research colleagues, offers important information about basic literacy in the field of parapsychology.  In this article, she outlines the body of literature that serves as a solid foundation for those students and professionals who aspire to build a career in the field of parapsychology. Read: What Basic Literacy in the Field of Parapsychology Can Do For You

The Alvarado-Zingrone Institute for Research and Education offers a wide variety of resources for those interested in studying parapsychology including classes taught by respected researchers and authors in the field. Click here for information regarding the courses they offer online.