Research Faculty Directory PHS Listing
Bonds, Denise E.
Prevention of heart disease, association and prevention of other co-morbidities in patients with diabetes, women's health, and the improvement of medical care in the outpatient setting.
Bovbjerg, Viktor E.
Social influences on health and health behavior, pharmacoepidemiology, health care outcomes research.
Clark, Timothy
Biomedical informatics, neuroscience, Alzheimer Disease and disorders of cognition, knowledge representation and integration, digital commons frameworks, ontologies, FAIR data, FAIR software, FAIR computation, argumentation frameworks, and evidence graphs
Colvin, Christopher
Men, masculinity and HIV; the use of qualitative social science evidence in global health research, policies and programs; sexual, reproductive and maternal health; community health workers; and health activism and community engagement for primary healthcare
Engelhard, Carolyn L.
Social policy implications of the expansion of corporate managed health care delivery systems and current issues in governmentally financed health programs.
Gurka, Matthew J.
Longitudinal data analysis; linear mixed models; model selection techniques; diagnostic techniques for linear models; transformations; interim data and power analysis; general pediatric research; rehabilitation research; diabetes and obesity control
Harrison, James H.
Clinical decision support; Clinical process monitoring; Time sequence analysis in medicine; Clinical user interface design; Modeling health-related data and documents; Healthcare data mining; Collaboration support.
Lee, Jae K.
Genomic expression-based personalized chemotherapeutic response prediction; Integrative pathway modeling on atherosclerosis and cancer immunogenicity; Discovery of chemosensitivity biomarkers and novel chemotherapeutic compounds.
Lyman, Jason
Data warehousing, informatics education, data modeling, clinical terminologies, and the application of standards in clinical informatics.
Ma, Jennie
Survival Analysis; longitudinal data analysis; latent variable analysis and mixture modeling; clinical trial design; Outcomes research
Miller, Clint L.
Genetic variation, Complex diseases, Coronary artery disease, Genomics, Epigenomics, Regulatory mechanisms, Vascular biology, Pharmacology and Physiology
Mychaleckyj, Josyf (Joe) C.
Statistical analysis applied to complex disease genetics; Genetics and genomics of diabetic complications and kidney disease
Novicoff, Wendy M.
Quality data and reporting, performance improvement, program evaluation, project management, integration of research methods, outcomes analysis
Platig, John H
Gene regulatory networks, Systems genetics, Multi-omic data integration, Network science
Ratcliffe, Sarah
Functional data analysis (models for complex curves), joint models for longitudinal and survival data
Reynolds, Robert E.
Clinical data repository; Data mining; High performance computing and the National LambdaRail Initiative
Rich, Stephen S.
Genetic basis of common human disease, including type 1 diabetes, diabetic complications, ischemic stroke, atherosclerosis
Sheffield, Nathan
computational biology & bioinformatics; high performance computing; epigenomics & chromatin; pediatric cancer; computational regulatory genomics; machine learning
Stukenborg, George J.
Mortality risk adjustment methods; Administrative data base studies; Comorbid disease measurement
Yan, Guofen
Clinical epidemiology, outcomes research, and racial/ethnic disparities; Models for survival, longitudinal and clustered data.
Zang, Chongzhi
Bioinformatics methodology development; Epigenetics and chromatin biology; Transcriptional regulation; Cancer genomics and epigenomics; Statistical methods for biomedical data integration; Advanced machine learning; Theoretical and computational biophysic