
Congratulations to the Isakson Lab! In the course of 8 days, Dr. Brant Isakson and his Lab received a lot of great news…

Group photo of students with professor Dr. Scott Johnstone

(left to right: Claire Ruddiman, 2nd year PhD student; Dr. Scott Johnstone, Instructor of Research in the department; Abigail Antoine, 4th year PhD student







In the course of 8 days, Dr. Brant Isakson and his Lab received a lot of great news:

—Claire Ruddiman (2nd year Pharm student in the lab, currently on the CVTG) was awarded a NIH F31

—They had an accepted Circulation Research manuscript (actually with Claire above as co-first author) and one in JBC

—Abigail Antoine (3rd year Cell Biology student in lab) was awarded a NIH F31

—Scott Johnstone, an Instructor of Research in the lab, was awarded an AHA Career Development Award

But wait…there is more!

—Brant got official word from the US patent office that they will issue a patent for a peptide he and the Lab developed.

Congratulations to the Isakson Lab.