
Congratulations to Graduate Students Bena Chan, Luis Real Hernandez, and Jeremi Kuklewicz, to be named 2022 Wagner Fellows

Graduate students awarded most promising students at UVA School of Medicine fellowship program

Top: Jeremi Kuklewicz of the Zimmer Lab. Bottom: Kandice Levental, Bena Chan, Luis Real Hernandez, Ilya Levental

Please congratulate the 2022 Wagner Fellows in our department!

Wagner Fellowships are awarded each year to some of the most promising graduate students in the BIMS programs.

Sze Ham “Bena” Chan,  3rd year, Ilya Levental Lab

Luis Real Hernandez, 3rd year,  Ilya Levental Lab

Jeremi Kuklewicz, 4th year,  Jochen Zimmer Lab

Message from Dr. Janet Cross, Associate Dean of Graduate and Medical Scientist Programs

I am thrilled to announce that, due to the tremendous generosity of Dr. Robert Wagner and his wife Mary, the Wagner Fellowship fund was able to award fellowships to 11 BIMS students this year. Dr. Wagner served as Professor and Chair of Microbiology from 1967-1994 and contributed in so many ways to the School of Medicine, UVA, and the scientific community at large.  These fellowships are a lasting tribute to his dedication to student training, his encouragement of young scientists, and his love of UVA.