
Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)

Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) is a noninvasive procedure that delivers high doses of radiation to specific targets in the body.  This innovative approach has allowed our field to cure many tumors without surgery and with minimal number of treatment days. By focusing large doses of radiation on the tumor, we can increase our chances of eradicating the tumors while minimizing dose to adjacent critical organs.

At UVA, we are utilizing SBRT to treat cancers of the lung, liver, pancreas, and prostate.  We are also utilizing this technique to target limited metastatic disease throughout the body in certain situations. SBRT is often delivered in 1-5 fractions, and it can be delivered utilizing a variety of techniques, including both with a traditional linear accelerator and with an MRI linac.

Innovative Applications at UVA
UVA has long been a social safety net hospital drawing patients from good distances away from our hospital, so we have a long history of treating with ablative doses of radiation over a short amount of time.  Most recently, we have installed an MRI linac, which will allow us to provide real time adaptive planning for difficult treatment locations.  We have current clinical trials for SBRT to the lung, prostate and pancreas.  Read more about some of the innovative research being done at UVA with SBRT.
