
MRI Enterography: What to Expect and How to Prepare

April 20, 2017 by   |   Leave a Comment

MRI Enterography (or MRE) is an exam that helps your doctor see your small intestines. Your small intestines process slowly, so you have to spend a chunk of time preparing and getting your body ready for the exam.

What to Know Ahead of Time

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t eat any solid food or drink any liquids at least 4 hours prior to your scheduled arrival time. You can make an exception if you need water to take a medication. Just make sure you don’t drink more than 8 ounces.

You need to arrive 2.5 hours before the actual MRI Enterography exam in order to drink an oral contrast called VoLumen. MRI staff will begin giving you this oral contrast in 30-minute intervals. As you drink, you may feel full and have to go to the bathroom. Don’t worry, this is normal.

An adult will drink 4 bottles of oral contrast while a child will drink an amount based on their weight. Once you drink it, the VoLumen will move through your small intestines, helping your radiologist see and assess any issues.

A grey graphic with bottles numbered 1-4

More Contrast

Towards the end of your oral dosing, an MRI staff member will take you to get an IV. Nobody enjoys needles, but you need the IV for another form of contrast. You won’t receive the new contrast until the start of the actual exam. This IV contrast allows the radiologist to view the vessels in your abdomen that are connected to your intestines.

You will likely feel cool when the contrast is injected into you. This may be accompanied by a metallic taste in your mouth.

An IV bag

Final Preparations

Next, you’ll get onto the exam table and lie flat on your back. In preparation for the MRI Enterography, a technologist will put a pillow under your head and a cushion under your knees. Then, they will give you a pair of headphones to wear during the exam. These will allow the tech to speak to you, even while the MRI is in progress. The headphones will also block the noise from the scanner.

Don’t be alarmed when the technologist places two gray rectangular pieces on your belly. These help them obtain the best pictures for your radiologist to study. Finally, your tech will also give you a small squeeze-ball to hold. If you squeeze this ball during the MRI Enterography, it will make a loud sound, alerting the technologist. As soon as they hear it, they will either talk to you through the headphones or come into the room to speak to you.

UVA Radiologist Talking into Microphone

Time for the Exam

When it is time for your exam to begin, all the staff will leave the room. But you won’t be alone; the nurses and technologist will be watching over you through a window in the exam room. During the exam, the technologist will take a few sets of pictures. For some of them, you will have to hold your breath.

After the first set of pictures, the technologist will let the radiologist look at the images to make sure you have enough of the oral contrast in your intestines. If you don’t, they may ask you to drink more contrast. It’s possible you may even have to walk around to help move the contrast through your intestines.

Once the radiologist has confirmed that you have enough contrast in your intestines, the nurse will come in the scanner room and give you one final injection in your arm. The injected compound is called Glucagon. Your intestines are constantly moving and pushing waste through, and this injection slows them down temporarily to help the MRI capture a clear image. Glucagon might make you feel a bit nauseated at first. But the feeling generally goes away after a few minutes.

As the MRI technologist takes the pictures, they will check in with you often to make sure you are OK as the exam continues. The total time you will be on the table for your MRI Enterography will be 45 minutes to an hour.


Coming to a Close

When the technologist has taken all the pictures they need, an MRI staff member will take the IV out. You might feel full or a bit nauseated for several hours after the exam. This is normal and you shouldn’t be concerned. If for some reason these symptoms don’t go away by the next day, you should follow up with your doctor.

A radiologist who specializes in imaging of the abdomen will look at your scans, identify any problems, and then send everything to your referring physician. To view your results, you should check with your doctor a day or two after your exam. We hope this helps you prepare for your exam and feel confident about what to expect.

Written by Jamie Weathersbee, Chief Technologist in the MRI department at the University of Virginia Medical Center.


Comments (90)

  1. sandy says:

    Wow, This what i’m looking don’t know how to prepare myself for MRI. Thanks for this post

  2. Susan McDonaldSu says:

    Great expaination! Thank you…

    1. says:

      Glad you found it helpful!

  3. Laura says:

    can you drive a car or do you need someone to take you home?

    1. says:

      You can do everything as normal after an Enterography. There are no special precautions necessary after this exam.

  4. SANDRA AUSTIN says:

    is the volumen nasty tasting?

    1. says:

      Volumen isn’t the tastiest thing in the world, but you’ll have the option to add a flavor. Something like fruit punch, raspberry, or lemonade.

  5. Rose says:

    If you’ve had an MRI with contrast you drink & after the test have to drink A Lot of water – is that MRI basically the same test as this MRI Enterogrophy?

    1. says:

      No, water is different than the oral contrast. Hope this helps.

  6. Mana says:

    Thanks for the explanations… It helped me a lot … My Mom needs to undergo an MRE, and we didn’t know what it would be like. Thanks again, and best wishes

    1. says:


      You’re welcome. Very glad to hear this was helpful! Wishing you and your mother the very best with her MRE and follow up.

      Best wishes,
      UVA Radiology

  7. Sarah says:

    Thank you for writing this explanation so clearly. I am getting an MRE next week, and if I don’t know what to expect about medical procedures I tend to get anxious. I feel much better now. Thanks again.

    1. says:


      Glad to hear this article was useful for relieving your anxiety. That is our goal, because we know medical exams can be confusing and frightening when you do not know what to expect. If you have other questions about radiology or our exams, feel free to take a look at our new radiology patient information resource:

      Wishing you all the best with your MRE,
      UVA Radiology

  8. Carla says:

    I had this done, and preparing for my second one several years later needed a refresher. This is very accurate and very helpful. It corresponds to my original experience. I had forgotten the nausea and was glad to be reminded of it. Thank you

    1. says:


      Glad to hear you found the information helpful! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and feedback.

      UVA Radiology

  9. Greg says:

    Great article, thanks for the writeup! I’ve never had a MRE so I’m assuming this is very similar to a typical MRI. Do you have any tips for staying calm and collected as you get moved into this tighter space? I didn’t see any description of this part of the experience (getting moved into the tighter space, etc). Thank you.

    1. says:


      Thanks for taking the time to read through this and leave your thoughts. Yes, this exam is similar to a normal MRI in many ways. We actually put together a piece on “10 Tips for Reducing MRI Claustrophobia” on our patient information resource. You can read the article here:

      Hope this helps!

      UVA Radiology

  10. Sandy says:

    Thanks so much for this informative detailed info. Having no idea wht this test was abt, it has put me at ease knowing exactly what to expect. Thank you!! Sandy

    1. says:


      Glad you found the information helpful! Wishing you all the best with your exam.

      UVA Radiology

  11. S Anderson says:

    Just had one of these done yesterday. Very accurate description of what happens. The only difference was my doctor required me to take a stool softener at noon the day prior.

    1. says:

      Thank you for the feedback. As you described, there may be slight variations to the exam depending on where it takes place, but we are glad to hear you found the overall information accurate and useful.

      UVA Radiology

  12. Matt says:

    Thank you for describing the imaging test. I have had Crohn’s 4 years, and my 1st MRE will be Wednesday. They wanted to do one in the past, but I also have moderate-severe CP so laying still in that kind of environment for up to an hour is impossible. But I finally figured what the heck. If it works, it works; if it doesn’t, it doesn’t. I’ve had numerous CTs without any problems

  13. Charles says:

    Thank you for this incredible explanation of an MRE One quick question, do you go in the tube “feet first”? Thanks in advance. Be well everybody

    1. says:

      Thanks so much, Charles. I can’t speak for other care locations, but here at UVA Radiology patients can go in either feet first or head first. Thanks so much for your question!

      UVA Radiology

  14. Cindy Roberts says:

    Is the IV contrast gadolinium or similar? That’s potentially dangerous stuff.

    1. says:

      Hi Cindy,

      Yes, the IV contrast used is usually gadolinium. While allergic reactions to gadolinium are possible, they are much rarer than allergic reactions to the iodine-based contrast used for CT scans, for example. Some recent studies have show that small amounts of gadolinium may be retained in the body after it’s administered, but there are no known negative effects from this. There are multiple gadolinium-based contrast agents that can be used for an MRI; as always, speak with your care provider if you have concerns about contrast or about choosing the best contrast agent for you and for the body part being imaged.

      Thanks for your comment,
      UVA Radiology

  15. Dale says:

    Can they put anti-nausea medication in the IV? I have terrible times with nausea..

    1. says:

      Hi Dale,

      Thank you so much for reading and for your question. Pre-medication with steroids and/or Benadryl is typically recommended for patients who have previously had moderate reactions to contrast of a similar class to the one they will be given. Moderate reactions include hives, swelling, itchiness or problems breathing. As always, speak to your care provider about the exam you will be having, the contrast agent used, and any previous reactions you have had to that contrast agent.

      UVA Radiology

  16. It seems that you left out the part where you are running to the bathroom and some people don’t make it. I had 3 accidents in the waiting room. For me it was like a colonoscopy prep with occupied bathrooms. Why can’t this prep be done at home?

  17. Mariann says:

    1. What part can I rush to the bathroom and don’t make it?
    2. Should I receive an injection of Glucagon if Im a diabetic?
    If not, what are the alternatives?

    1. says:

      Hi Mariann,

      Thank you so much for your questions. Taking Glucagon for the MRI Enterography as a diabetic is not a problem unless you are uncomfortable receiving it. Our technologists will check your blood sugar after the procedure, if needed.

      UVA Radiology

  18. Karen says:

    Please be prepared to have diarrhea. Mine started even before the test began. Afterward, I rushed home and proceeded to have diarrhea for the next several hours. You may want to stay at the facility where you had the exam for an hour or two to ensure all is clear. Be sure to have a snack within 45 minutes of the end of the test…you need this to help bring your glucose levels back into balance. Be sure to drink lots of water after the exam to restore your hydration.

  19. Lora says:

    I am in a flare state of Crohn’s currently, having bouts of fecal incontinence. How is incontinence dealt with during the procedure? Thank you for a thorough explanation of what one can anticipate.

    1. says:

      Hi Lora,

      Thank you so much for your comment. Our team would still have you attempt to drink as much as the oral contrast as possible and then attempt the procedure. Only if a patient is fully unable to tolerate the oral contrast would the exam likely be cancelled and the attending Radiologist consulted.

      UVA Radiology

  20. I like how you specified that before getting an MRI you can’t eat any solid foods or drink any liquids about 4 hours beforehand. This is actually helpful to know because people that need to get an MRI might not know this and it can prolong the process. Thanks for looking out for people and sharing this information about MRIs.

  21. Eli Richardson says:

    We appreciate the experience one will go through the MRI scanning, especially through the noises and the devices. One of my aunts is having her first MRI scanning, and she is concerned about what will happen. I will let her know so she can be prepared for the process.

  22. Jimmy says:

    This was a thousand times more useful than the almost-nonexistent info. I got from the MRI center–at a major urban hospital–where I had this done. Echoing the other commenters to say: Prepare for sudden diarrhea afterward. That Volumen is a *lot*, especially on Crohn’s-afflicted guts. On the plus side, I found it easy to drink. Another plus: this procedure exposes you to no X-ray radiation, unlike the terrible small-bowel follow-throughs of olde.

    1. says:

      Thanks for your reply and glad you found this helpful! Yes the oral contrast can cause diarrhea but we have switched our oral contrast to Citra Select which patients have reported it to be much easier to drink! Thank you for your kind words about our site, Jimmy!

  23. Lori says:

    What is the part that makes you nauseous? Gadolidium, glucogon or the drink?

    1. says:

      Potentially all three could make you feel nauseous but it effect each patient differently. Gadolidium would make you feel sick if you were to have an allergic reaction to the contrast. Glucagon is given to help prevent the stomach and bowels from empting for a short period of time greatly improving the quality of the exam but can result in feeling full and/or nauseous. Lastly, the oral contrast can make your stomach very full causing the feeling of nausea. We hope you find this information helpful!

  24. Jeanette says:

    Can you have this test if you have metal plates in one of the legs?

  25. Devon Noelle says:

    My MRI place is requiring me to eat no solid foods after 2pm the day before and also purge my intestines by drinking 8oz of Miralax mixed into 64oz of Gatorade – 8 oz every 15 minutes. I have an option instead of Gatorade/Miralax purge to give myself enemas the morning of the procedure too. ugh.
    Is this prep usual. It is necessary? I’ve had colonoscopies before & would rather have that because at least I’ll be asleep & not going diarrhea (from the 4 bottles of prep I will need to drink) in a public place where I may not have access to the toilet all the time. My gastro thinks this test is better but I don’t know why. I am so anxious about being stuck inside a tube & nauseated & trying to hold in liquid diarrhea that I cannot bring myself to make an appointment.

    1. says:

      Our prep for MRE scans is to have you NPO for 4 hours prior to the appointment time. This helps with not only dosing but making sure your stomach is empty for excellent images! You’re never stuck in the machine, we provide you with an emergency call bell which alerts us if you would feel claustrophobic, sick, or needing to use the restroom. While we would prefer you not to have to move from the scan table during the exam, we know that sometimes it can’t be prevented and we can accommodate that!

  26. Patty Marcey says:

    I have an internal “J-Pouch”. Will my prep he the same?

    1. says:

      While we ask that all patients complete all 4 bottles for their studies, exceptions have been made for those who’ve had surgeries such as a J-Pouch or an ostomy pouch. It would be a discussion we would have with the Radiologist as to if you would need to drink the 4 bottles or less the day of your scan. Hope this information helps.

  27. Robin Mumford says:

    Can I wear something like Depends during the MRE?

    1. says:

      Yes, you could wear Depends during the MRE if it would make you feel more comfortable but is not required. We provide you with an emergency call bell during that exam which alerts us if you would need a restroom break! Taking breaks during the exam can cause the scan time to increase but sometimes it can be necessary to help complete the exam.

  28. Emily says:

    I just had an mr enterography this am and my stomach is gurgling so much and I had diarrhea. Hoping it goes away soon . Was not informed by the techs or nurse I might need to look out for side effects .

  29. Deborah Hall says:

    I just had this test done a week ago. Wear depends and bring wet wipes,extra depends and a change of clothes. I finished the test but had horrific diarrhea immediately afterward. I did not make it five feet to the restroom. This lasted about three hours. Don’t mean to scare anyone away from having the test. I just wish I would have known and been more prepared.

  30. Catherine says:

    Had my first MR Enterography today and if it weren’t for the comments here I would’ve been massively unprepared and terrified and probably wouldn’t have been able to finish the scan. Thank you all for sharing your experiences and helping me! And I will also attest to the extreme diarrhea. I was able to hold it through the scan but the rest of the day was explosive and painful for like, 6 hours. This has to be the worst test of my Crohn’s career so far.

  31. mai says:

    do we take enema before the examination ?

  32. Tresia says:

    I had the shakes, diarrhea, for a few hours in
    the morning I had vertigo, numb hands, abdominal pains, lower back pain, head ache and felt exhausted are these symptoms after an entrography to be expected?

  33. Nancy says:

    I just had the MRE this morning and was given no information ahead of time about what to expect. I didn’t know that the “contrast” is like the liquid you take to prepare for a colonoscopy! So then left with no instruction I drank the bottles fast thinking I was to clear my bowels ahead of the MRE. I wish I had read all of this beforehand. I did get the chills but took a warm bath when I got home and that worked. YOU NEED TO TAKE THE DAY OFF WORK because you will be on the toilet afterwards. It’s unnerving, you need to hold your breath a lot so I would take something for your anxiety ahead of time since breathing exercises won’t work, if necessary for you. It was not a bad experience even with such a lack of knowledge. I just wish I had understood what “contrast” was and how much it was going to impact me post procedure.

  34. Gail Hardy says:

    I’m so glad I googled my symptoms after my MRI entergraphy, I wasn’t told any after side effects, I was getting anxious as to way I was feeling nauseous, headache and diarrhea, fatigue after my scan, thanks for the info hope I’m feeling better tomorrow 😯

  35. AC says:

    Thank god I found this site. Just had my scan, not only was I shaking on table because I had to pee to point of tears– literally. Afterwards I could not leave facility for over two hours due to some of the worst diarrhea I’ve experienced, and I have Chrones in active flair mode. I had NO idea this drink would be simular to colonoscopy prep… this is miserable! And I have to prep for colonoscopy in a few days 😩

  36. ZJ says:

    I’m glad I found this article and accompanying comment section. I received no warning about the after effects from the MRE technician, which I feel was sort of cruel seeing that they knew I had active Crohn’s disease. I feel less panicked about the liquid stool and awful stomach pain after reading other people’s experiences. The procedure itself was uncomfortable but not too bad, just the aftereffects are exhausting and it would’ve been great to have been forewarned.

  37. Julie says:

    I would like to know how long I will need to hold my breath. I can’t hold it longer than 15 seconds max, and even that isn’t possible sometimes. I know if I can’t hold my breath it will effect the images they get, but I honestly don’t know if I can do that part. Also, I can’t imagine anything more mortifying than having diarrhea in the scanner. I know by the time they brought me out and I got off the table, I would have an accident. I cannot bring myself to do this, especially knowing most of these techs are young and would be grossed out. I’ve had some of the most giggly young techs when I’ve had MRI procedures before. I find it always quite humiliating

  38. Steven Winterbottom says:

    I have trouble swallowing will I have difficulty drinking the volumen? I’m also underweight for an adult will I have to drink all 4 bottles because I have doubts I’ll be able to

  39. Ele says:

    If I had a rod and pinning to my hip in 3/2020, am I safe for a small bowel MRI? Also do you usually have urge for diarrhea during the procedure? Depends is one thing, but the odor would terrible, this makes me very nervous. Can I clean my bowels out before I go for this?

  40. Claire Masters says:

    I didn’t previously know that MRI can cause side effects like nausea. My father needs to get an MRI scan soon and asked me to start looking for clinics or hospitals that offer this type of service. I’ll be sure to share this article with him so he can prepare for this procedure.

  41. Sherry Kircher says:

    I have an MR Enterography W/Contrast scheduled in 2 days. I am so glad I found this site beforehand. I appreciate all of the people who shared their experiences so I can be prepared for what I am facing. I have had MRI’s before so I almost didn’t think twice about it. When the instructions said I couldn’t eat after midnight the night before and that I should show up 2 1/2 hours ahead of my procedure to drink the prep, I decided I better do a little investigating. I am allergic to iodine dye, so I wanted to be sure that it wasn’t the contrast they were going to use. It sounds like the contrast they do use, can cause the same allergic reaction I had to iodine dye, so I will talk to my Dr about it ahead of time. Thanks again for all of your comments.

  42. June Slote says:

    Bless you all for your comments. What is the problem with the medical community that they do not give patient instructions and help as to what to expect in this exam??? I decided to go on a low residue diet for the first two days and a liquid diet for the day before this exam(which is tomorrow) to minimize the risks of diarrhea. Hope it works so I can get home without a problem after the test.

  43. Tina Leedham says:

    I have a small bowel mri in 5 days time, I’ve had them before do know what to expect. What I’m annoyed about more than anything is all the other hospital prep letters I’ve googled say starve 6 hours before procedure. Mine says 24hours before. I know this is so the bowel doesn’t t move around so much but is this a bit extreme? I’ve never read anywhere else does a 24 hour starve prior. I have crohns and am currently on prednisolone which I can’t take without food so I’m thinking of just saying I’ve starved but follow other hospitals advice on 6hours prior to appointment. Has anyone got any suggestions please would be welcome!

  44. Maryann says:

    You all had me scared on here. It wasn’t bad at all. Didn’t get sick or diarrhea. Felt totally fine afterwards

  45. Donna Madson says:

    In my reading, it sounds as though MRI Enterography is used primarily to check the Small Intestine. Is there an MRI test that works best to check the Large Intestine? Would you recommend MRI Enterography to diagnose problems with the Large Intestine?

  46. Wayne Lalevee says:

    I just returned from getting this procedure done and everything you stated was spot on! Everything from the nausea that went away quickly. This was not invasive and the barium solution was not that bad.

  47. Catherine says:

    I didn’t find this test bad at all. I just had this procedure 2 days ago, and am just seeing this site now. I have crohn’s (3 bowel resections). I didn’t eat for 12 hours before (they suggested 4 hours), found the prep fairly easy to drink (way easier than what you do for a colonoscopy), no diarrhea til 2 episodes about 3 hours after exam, no nausea but felt very full from prep, laid on my stomache for test (arms ached from “superman” position) feet in machine first, had to hold my breath multiple times for 15 sec but found this exam relatively easy. Felt fine afterwards.

  48. Pat Willis says:

    Many thinks for this site AND remarks about the procedure. Hubby is waiting to get his scheduled, will definitely have him read this. Also helped me to get a list of questions ready for the dr. before this is done. Fear of the unknown can be worse than the actuality.

  49. Alan says:

    Just had the exam today. Test was everything you described. Barely held it together (literally) on the table after having gone to the bathroom twice just beforehand. That oral contrast definitely has given me severe diarrhea. Hope I recover by tomorrow. Preparation H is my friend right now.

  50. kenny owen says:

    I had an MRI today with contrast and also I had to drink 900 mL of the solution. After the procedure they said all I need to do is drink water or a lot of water. And I have a lot of constipation do I need to take something to cause my bowels to work to get this stuff out of my system? Also they gave me a shot of glucagon.

  51. Jennifer says:

    Bring a blue pad for your car, and change of clothes. Towels and Depends too. At first you will pass what solidish stool you have and then the watery diarrhea begins. It leaves you incontinent. I fell off table trying to make it to bathroom. It’s has the same effect as Miralax.
    They gave me towels and scrubs to wear home as I was not at all prepared. Its fours hours later and my stomach is still doing flip flops and having diarrhea. Sipping coconut water and had some eggs. Horrible for Chrons patients.

  52. KRM says:

    I am a type 1 diabetic how much glucagon is given and how much will that affect my blood sugar?

  53. Sandra says:

    I have a Question, it’s been 10 days since I had my MRI without contrast. I was nauseated within 1 hour of having it. The nausea is still with me. I also had diarrhea for 5 days after.

  54. had an MRI today with contrast and also I had to drink 900 mL of the solution. After the procedure they said all I need to do is drink water or a lot of water

  55. TWells says:

    Can you take zofran for nausea before the Volumen drink?

  56. Joanne says:

    2022-just went in for MRE today. Drank the sorbitol/mannitol mixture. It took a bit to get my iv in. They took me back started test. After about 10 min, I started having diarrhea and had to go to bathroom. Could not hold and that is why I was there(UC and poss Crohns). The 2 ingredients I normally can’t use because of diarrhea. They stopped test and said I had to reschedule. Don’t think I can do this again. I have no ability to hold liquid poop back and everything goes right through me. Wish I were in VA, cause it looks like you accommodate this, with more fluid after elimination.

  57. Amitabha says:

    How safe are the dyes for my kidney my creatinine level varies from 1.15 to 1.4 without any sign of injury

  58. NS says:

    This website is the best information I have found about MRI glucagon effects. A few years ago, I had an MRE (MR enterography) and nobody warned me about the glucagon. About an hour after the MRE, while I was still NPO, I had diarrhea and then lost all my muscle strength and collapsed on the floor. I couldn’t open my eyes, or move any muscle. This lasted several hours. More recently, I had a pelvis MRI, so I wasn’t NPO, and again received glucagon–the staff misinformed me and said it was “sugar”–I found out later it was actually glucagon. And sure enough, about an hour after the pelvic MRI, I had diarrhea and became extremely weak and shaky although not quite as bad as the first time, probably since I wasn’t NPO. The severe shakiness lasted several hours. So now I know glucagon is very hard on me, and I need to make sure every staff member who tells me anything is actually right.

  59. Zvi Kedem says:

    Thank you; this is enormously useful. I wish that the organization in which I will have that exam on the coming Friday published such information.

  60. Agi says:

    I have Small bowel obstruction and diabetes. I am not sure about the procedure. Maybe it is not the right one for me.

  61. Graeme says:

    My experience with this procedure yesterday (I have Crohns). I started drinking the liquid about 10.30am and was on the table for the MRI about 11am. The liquid tasted like water with a bit of sugar in it – it was easy enough to drink. I didn’t have any issues with feeling like I needed to go to the toilet before or through the procedure (I did empty my bladder before the exam started for comfort, not urgency). I also never felt sick from the drink at any time, but they did give me something to counter any risk of that when they put my IV line in before starting to drink.

    The procedure took about 45 mins, it was not difficult, I had to hold my breath on and off but only for around 10 seconds at a time. I was dressed and given a hot drink by 12noon. I did need to empty my bowel around 12.05 – 12.20 – it was not as urgent as the stuff they give you for a colonoscopy but I wouldn’t have wanted to wait to long to get to a toilet. I paid the bill at reception and drove home by 1pm without feeling like I need to to empty my bowel during that period.

    The rest of the afternoon I did have a very ‘noisy’ stomach with a few bouts of needing to empty my bowel – but I had plenty of time to get to the toilet. I even slept for 30 mins or so at one point. I had quite a lot of gas from around 3pm – 9pm but I did manage a light dinner and plenty of fluids to flush out all the drugs, it was just safer to be near the toilet to let the gas out.

    I felt a bit washed out today (the day after) but went to work at 5am as normal and managed without any issue.

    I have a friend who is an MRI tech, she said she thinks in 10 years maybe 3 people have had ‘an accident’ while on the MRI table – but it’s pretty common for people to want to empty their bowel afterwards. If you have Crohns that will be nothing new or scary for you (in my case it was basically liquid, so easy to pass).

    Everyone will be different but hopefully this info gives those of you reading it some comfort that the procedure is very manageable. If you are worried I am sure you can stay at the facility you have the procedure done at for as long as you need while the fluid washes through.

  62. Amanda says:

    I haven’t gotten anything other than the time or the place of this procedure. I had to google what it was and what to expect. I have mine at 9am at a place that is an hour away. I had no idea I would have to show up 2.5 hours early. That would mean I have to leave my house at 5:30am so I get there at 6:30am. It would be nice to know what it is we are having done and what to expect BEFORE we schedule things or leave the GI office. Thank you to all who posted on here. I wouldn’t have known what to expect.

  63. Bonnie says:

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to manage getting the contrast in after having gastric sleeve surgery? It takes me hours to drink a cup of any fluid and contrast of awful and thick, I had an CT scan a few months ago and barely finished half of it! I get too full and throw up.

  64. Jennifer A Smith says:

    I just had the test done this morning. I have had diahrrea daily (sometimes 10 times a day) for about 10 months with no diagnosis. Thanks so much for this article as I did wear my depends to the test as I had to drink 2.5 bottles of the liquid in the MRI waiting room prior to the test and did have to go to the restroom. I luckily did not have to go to the restroom during the MRI even with the contrast injection. I did wear my depends (diaper) during the test. Holding of breath was a lot, but no more than 10 seconds each time. I did not feel great after drinking the solution, but did not get nauseated or have a headache. I am now at work. I have to say, without this article I would have been woefully unprepared and with my diahrrea problems, I don’t go anywhere unprepared.

  65. Shrekanth says:

    Very clear n neat explanation of the mri process.
    Really this article help me alot to relax. I was bit anxious wht will done in this process.
    Thnx alot

  66. tommas ethridge says:

    thank you for posting i’m going for the test in a few days and this really explains everything in an easy way that everyone can understand instead of explaining it in doctors jargon

  67. allan castillo says:

    Very informative and helpful to me prior to my test. Thanks to everyone!

  68. Leo says:

    After the MRI with no dye I came home, had a small meal then slept for 15 hours straight and still feeling sleepy.

  69. Bernie says:

    Thank you for the great explanation. I am having the test in 4 days and haven’t been able to get anyone to contact me about what prep is needed. I also saw on another site that someone had a real mess right after the test and couldn’t make it to the bathroom. They were really embarrassed. They suggested wearing depends, having wipes and a change of clothes. Is this something that should be done?

  70. Kathryn Krizmanich says:

    I was instructed to drink 16 oz of Pineapple Juice 4 hours before my scheduled appointment. Can I drink a cup of black coffee before my juice? I get really bad headaches and sometimes nausea without my coffee.

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