
Living Well after Surviving a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

September 1, 2021 by   |   Leave a Comment

Dr. Evan Cohn studied radiology at the University of Virginia Health System. Years later, his life was saved by the UVA radiologists that helped train him. Learn more about Dr. Cohn’s SAH experience and recovery, and read the comments to hear about other people’s SAH journeys. You can share your experience by scrolling to the very bottom of the page and entering your comment in the comment box.

An Update from Dr. Cohn, 9/1/21: Scroll to the bottom of the article to read about how Dr. Cohn is doing nearly six years after his subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Dr. Evan Cohn and his wife Amy at The Homestead Resort

In October 2015, Evan Cohn and his wife Amy were on vacation at The Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, VA. They took a selfie showing wide smiles and a beautiful Virginia landscape in the background.

One hour later, Dr. Cohn began suffering from a severe headache, nausea, and sweating. Within 15 minutes of these symptoms, he was on his way to the Bath County Emergency Room.

A CT of the head showed a subarachnoid hemorrhage (bleeding between the two membranes that surround the brain), and staff immediately prepared him for a helicopter ride to UVA Health’s main hospital in Charlottesville.

An Incredible Series of Events

As a physician, Dr. Cohn knew his condition was serious. From 1993-1998, he had studied at UVA Radiology and Medical Imaging, completing his residency and musculoskeletal fellowship. When he finished the program, he began work at the Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas in Dallas, Texas.

The series of events was incredible. Dr. Cohn happened to be vacationing in Virginia and was sent to the very hospital where he had studied to become a radiologist. He still knew other radiologists who worked there. On his was to UVA, he texted Dr. Mark Anderson, one UVA radiologist he knew from his residency days.

Can you call me back ASAP. We are at the homestead in Virginia and had a headache and came to the ER and have a subarachnoid hemorrhage. They are taking me to UVA wanted to see if you can help.

Dr. Cohn’s text to Dr. Mark Anderson, radiologist at UVA

UVA Health’s Pegasus helicopter

Dr. Anderson called and told him that Dr. Lee Jensen and Dr. Avery Evans, both neurointerventional radiologists, were at the hospital and were ready for him. “It was a comfort to me to know I was going to UVA and that I was in very good hands,” said Dr. Cohn. “Dr. Jensen and Dr. Evans were both there when I was a resident and they are excellent physicians.”

After this, he remembers a nurse asking to pray with him and then waiting for the helicopter to take off, wondering if he would ever see his family again. After that, his memory is blank. He doesn’t remember the two weeks he spent at the UVA Hospital, the anxiety that his wife and daughters endured, or the doctors and nurses who cared for him during his stay.

Recovery and a New Normal

The time following his release from the hospital was difficult. In November of 2015, a month after the hemorrhage, he started attending a year-long rehabilitation program for 6.5 hours a day. He supplemented the rehab with his own efforts to relearn Spanish and by playing games like Rummikub as well as brain games on his phone and computer.

Today, Dr. Cohn says he has a new normal. He gets fatigued easily and doesn’t remember details well. He still gets sporadic headaches. He’s had to adjust his life habits. But since the beginning, his family has surrounded him with incredible support and love.

While Dr. Cohn has always been a positive person with a positive outlook on life, this life-changing event strengthened this trait of his. “I’m lucky to be alive,” he said. “I found out later that 50% of people with the same diagnosis don’t make it.” The hemorrhage made him realize that he doesn’t know the end of his story–no one does. “You don’t know what’s going to happen on any given day, and you should enjoy every day to the fullest,” he said. “Now, every night I go through what I am satisfied with, what I’ve enjoyed, what I’m thankful for, and what I am hopeful for that day.”

To those who have experienced a subarachnoid hemorrhage, Dr. Cohn encourages them: “What you’re going through is normal. Recovery is long and hard. Most importantly, it’s individual.”

Dr. Cohn kept going back to his family and how incredible they are. “It’s been a definite change for everybody,” he said. “I appreciate my family and am so thankful for them. Amy, his wife, chimed in and said, “It’s a good lesson to love your family and appreciate them while they’re here.” Dr. Cohn agreed, “I feel grateful everyday. I have realized the preciousness of life.”

September 2021: An Update from Dr. Evan Cohn

Evan Cohn spoke with us in the summer of 2021 to give us an update about his life six years after a subarachnoid hemorrhage. He’s pleased that his original article has resonated with so many people. “My hope is that sharing what I went through and what has helped me can help others,” he says. “And I’m very glad that the comment section has been a place for people to connect and see that they are not alone.”

Evan Cohn’s life looks very different than it did six years ago. Staying healthy, functional and present requires daily, ongoing effort from him and his family. That starts with simple things, like getting enough rest every night, or writing everything down–appointments, tasks, lists–to help him remember to do them.

Dr. Cohn had to leave his medical practice as a radiologist because of continued fatigue and cognitive issues after his subarachnoid hemorrhage. Physicians are instructed to ‘Do No Harm,’ and he knew that mistakes he would make in his work interpreting medical images could be deadly for his patients.

But not being released to go back to work as a physician was more impactful than just giving up a job: it meant letting go of his identity as a physician. That required a broader acceptance of what his life is now, versus what he imagined for himself before his hemorrhage.

And just as letting go of his identity as a physician was hard, so too was accepting a new identity as a survivor. He struggles with knowing exactly how to talk about it and share without overdoing it.

Making Changes to Make Life Work

Today, Evan continues to experience fatigue, headaches, memory and concentration issues, and sleep disturbances. He can no longer multi-task and has to focus on one thing at a time.

Because it takes him longer to process conversation than most people, he has a hard time participating in groups. If he goes out to dinner with friends, for example, he and his wife, Amy, have worked out a system where she pauses before answering a question addressed to both of them. That gives Evan time to answer if he wants to; otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to answer quickly enough.

When it comes to tasks and chores, he has developed rituals to help him remember to complete them. For example, if he empties the dishwasher, he immediately puts soap in it when it’s empty. Otherwise, he would forget and run it later without putting in the soap.

He has similar ways of reminding himself to take his medication or remember appointments. For anything related to an appointment or a task that must be done at a specific time, he adds them to his phone calendar with an alarm to make sure he doesn’t forget.

No matter what happens in a day, Evan tries to keep his challenges and mistakes in perspective. “A patient in rehab with me used to ask herself the question ‘Are my mistakes deadly? Are they fatal?’” he reflects. “If the answer is no, then while you don’t like making them, you need to keep it in perspective.”

The Challenge of Invisible Disease

“So many people struggle with invisible diseases and conditions,” Dr. Cohn points out. “A person who has a broken leg is easy to see. But psychiatric diseases, cancer, brain injuries – in those cases, you don’t know what people are going through. Their struggles might not leave a visible mark.”

The invisibility of what Dr. Cohn experiences is an extra challenge. “I may look normal,” he says, “but you don’t see the amount of work that it takes me to look that way.”

Friends and acquaintances are well-intentioned and have been a tremendous source of support and comfort over the past six years. But sometimes they don’t understand what is helpful for someone in Dr. Cohn’s shoes to hear.

“As a brain injury survivor, we don’t want to hear ‘We all forget things,’” he says. “It makes you have to recall all the worst mistakes you’ve made. This isn’t normal aging. I hear them wanting to connect, but it’s not the same thing.”

Instead, he finds simple gestures, like adding him to prayer lists, lighting a candle, or offering thoughts and prayers, most impactful. “I used to think those things were kind of cheesy, but now I feel they are very nice things to say,” he says. “Especially when I know that the person really means it.”

People understanding his limitations and mistakes makes a huge difference, as is knowing that people are glad to have him around and don’t need him to be perfect. If someone wants to help, he has found more specific and direct questions most helpful. “‘I’m coming over, what night can I bring you dinner?’ is a more helpful question than ‘Let me know how I can help’” he says.

How Are You Doing Today?

A quote from Facebook CFO Sheryl Sandberg has stuck in Evan’s mind in the years since his hemorrhage. After the sudden death of her husband in 2015, Sheryl found the standard question people would ask, “How are you?”, to be difficult to answer. She knows they meant well. But saying good or fine felt like a lie: after all, she was grieving a tremendous loss.

In her book, Option B, she suggests changing the question slightly, to “How are you doing today?” She sees this as a way to acknowledge the challenges that someone is facing. But it also acknowledges that they are getting through those challenges, day by day. And it reminds them to take things one day at a time. That has been immensely helpful for Dr. Cohn.

The Love of Family

Above all, Dr. Cohn attributes his continued well-being to the love, support and understanding of his family – his wife and his daughters.

“My daughters have become much more patient and understanding of me,” he says. “They know that my memory isn’t what it used to be and that I have cognitive deficits.”

“My wife has been incredible,” he says. “She’s patient, working together with me to understand and not pointing out my mistakes all the time. She’s so understanding and supportive.”

Evan could see a spouse in her shoes being frustrated with him for needing extra help and making mistakes. But that’s not how Amy feels. “The way I see it, I am lucky to have him here, next to me,” she says.

Dr. Cohn echoes that sentiment. His final takeaway for anyone is his shoes, or anyone with a family member who experienced what he did, is simple.

“Live life to the fullest.”


Comments (230)

  1. Bruce Wall MD says:

    Amazing story. Glad to hear about steady progress. Carol and I are out of town during your upcoming event

  2. Sheri mcintyre says:

    Dr Cohn, I am very proud of you!
    I suffered an AVM rupture out of the blue,so I know first hand what you are talking about!
    When I couldn’t talk good I used to text this to my family, it seems fitting now ❤️?????
    To you and your wonderful family take care!!!!

  3. Melissa says:

    I can relate to this on so many levels. I had my SAH rupture while at work. Luckily, only 6 minutes from Memorial Hospital in South Bend IN. It’s been 9 months, it’s hard to accept my new normal. But I am thankful to have my life, to be with my husband and see my children graduate high school and still be part of their lives..

  4. Barbara lopardi says:

    Thank you for sharing your story! Life is such a blessing and so thankful you had medical treatment immediately! I had my SAH four years ago while running. I pray and strive each day to overcome the headaches, fatigue and confusion.

  5. Kristi L Moore says:

    Thank you for your story,I am 39 and just recently experienced my Subrachnoid Hemorrhage and it is definitely life changing and an eye opener. I had been working out and exercising, trying to loose weight, actually was working out the morning it happened.Thanks be to God for healing. It amazes me that that was your occupation and your testimony. To God be the glory!

    1. says:

      Thank you for sharing your own experience here. That sounds very hard, but we are glad to hear you are living well in your own recovery story. Hope things continue in that same direction!

      Best Regards,
      UVA Radiology

  6. Jacob Landry says:

    Had a SAH in 2014, drove myself to the hospital. I was studying when it happened, I’m not like I use to be, had a wonderful memory, but now struggle every day. I’m taking USMLE Step 1 exam hopefully in October. Regardless of what happens, I enjoy every day of my life more than ever. Life is a gift, and you don’t realize that until close to death. Never give up.

    1. says:


      Thank you for sharing your story here. We are sorry to hear about the difficulties you have had in the wake of this issue, but encouraged by your positive outlook. Life IS a gift. Thank you for the reminder not to take it for granted.

      Wishing you all the best in your ongoing recover,
      UVA Radiology

  7. Tamara Turner says:

    Thank you for your story and your words of encouragement. I had a SAH in Sept 2017. I was only 45 years old when it occurred. I live in the middle of NoWheresVille, NC. It took paramedics approximately 20 minutes to arrive with an additional 40 minute ride to the hospital (UNC Chapel Hill). Paramedics passed me on to the ER and told them I had a migraine. I didn’t know what was happening to me at the time, of course. All I knew was I was suffering the most severe painful headache I have ever had in my life. After the initial CT, they were able to recognize the SAH. I still have memory problems and forget simple words occasionally. I still struggle with headaches that I never had before the SAH and now anxiety caused by the headaches, however I am grateful to simply be alive. God bless you and your family.

  8. Patricka Verni says:

    I suffered a SAH in February and I am still off work. I have no impairments, for which I am grateful. However, follow-up shows the SAH is growing, and a re-coiling may be required. I did not expect this! I am extremely frightened at this point. Is it normal for this to happen with a SAH? I had a headache for two days before going by ambulance in Toronto. Spent 9 days in the CCU. Definitely puts life into perspective. Now very nervous about what my future holds. I will turn 55 this year !

  9. Paula Keaton says:

    I suffered my SAH Feb 9th 2019.. just getting ready to go out for the evening then BOOM !! the worst headache and neck pain ever.. passed out and woke vomiting terribly.. was driven to local A&E and scanned then quickly transferred to the Walton neurological centre.. web occlusion basilar aneurysm with daughter sac carried out next day.. spent few days in ICU then 2 weeks before discharge.. I’m now 9 weeks post op and feeling much better but still have headaches and very tired after ive done pretty much anything .. very forgetful and worried about everything..I am trying to be positive as can be Iam so lucky not to have any disability from it.. its been the most frightening thing I’ve ever experienced.. I have my first appointment next week since discharge so fingers crossed things will be ok.
    Best wishes for all your recoveries xx

  10. Jennifer Yetter says:

    Came across this story looking for comfort and answer’s so thank you for your stories ♥️ I am 35 years old had a SAH on March 9th 2019, I was in ICU for 4 days and hospital for total of 2 weeks. I’ve had 2 cerebral angiograms and have another one scheduled for next week. I didn’t have an aneurysm and they are not sure exactly what caused the bleed. I’m home but not the same as I use to be. I have severe anxiety, headache’s, neck pain and just overall don’t feel like I use too. I’ve been told my headaches and pain could be a permanent thing I will have to live with. Weather changes brings so much pressure in my head it feels like it might explode. Best wishes to anyone going through this and thank you for your stories 🙏❤️

  11. Tami Davidson says:

    I suffered an SAH on February 10 and had the worst headache of my life. I slept overnight taking Aleve hoping my bad headache would go away. The next morning I went to Urgent Care and was told I had 20 minutes to make it to a hospital. My husband who suffers from FTD was with me. I am 56 years old and was frightened thinking who will take care of my husband and son who just graduated from college. I had a few minutes to say goodbye and was shocked at the finality of what I was just told. In the back of the cold ambulance racing down the freeway in a snowstorm, my mind was racing and trying to grasp what was going on. When we arrived at the hospital, they rushed me into the ER and started removing my clothes and monitoring me. The next thing I remember is my femoral artery being cut and a camera inserted to my brain. They kept telling me to stay awake and stay with them. I felt like I was in a movie. Was this real or a dream? Will I wake up after this. My family and worrying about how everything will be taken care of kept running through my mind. I truly believe that is what kept me alive. I didn’t have any deficiencies but occasionally have vision issues. I am afraid every day and worry about another bleed.

  12. Chris says:

    Wow! I guess I an more blessed than I realized. I had a SAH on May 26th after a community chorale concert. I went to ER in Decatur, IL because my head felt weird and neck and shoulders felt tight. The ER techs took me immediately for a CT scan and said it showed a bleed, but could not tell if it was an aneurysm.
    I had complete peace and assurance that it was just a busted blood vessel.
    They kept me in the ICU for 7 days and did a MRI and an angiogram. They said it didn’t show anything more. Have me a prescription for a low dose of blood pressure meds.
    I’ve been home since Sunday afternoon and except for a slight headache and needing a nap every afternoon I feel like it never happened. I know the reality will set in when I start getting the bills.
    I thank God for his mercy on me. I had no idea it could be so life changing.

  13. Jim says:

    I am 77 years old. I had a SAH on April 29th while traveling in Southern Italy with my wife. Thanks to her, I was in the Neurointensive Care unit of the University of Bari Hospital about eight hours later. I was in a deep coma for nine days and spent eleven more days in the hospital there.

    Thanks to the emergency medical evacuation insurance my wife had purchased I was flown back to Roanoke in a private Lear jet with pilot, copilot, M.D., R.N., and medical technician. I’ve been in the Rehabilitation unit of Carilion Clinic since about May 20th. I’m up and about now and walking the halls with a P.T. beside me and expect to be released in two days,

    My wife had incredible support from so many in Italy, and I’ve been blessed by her support and that of the rest of my family. I am hoping for and expect a full recovery.

  14. Lora Price says:

    I’m 35 years old I had acute SAH nearly 3 weeks ago CT scans and was rushed to neurologist. I had an angiogram but no aneurysm found. Been told I have vasospasm vessels on one side of my head are too narrow. I am now home but starting to feel as tho I will never be the same person again. It’s a major life change and my worry is being a single parent to two young girls. I’m grateful to be alive but afraid I’m going to struggle with the complete life change and what will be become my normal. They haven’t found any cause for my bleed put me on 5% out 95% as to have no explanation most scariest experience in my entire life. I’m struggling with all of it overall. Nice to hear people talk with the same things going on. The thought of not being able to live my life as I did is truly heartbreaking.

  15. Felicity says:

    My partner is currently in the neuro ward having spent the last two weeks in ICU. She was at the dentist having had a tooth extracted. She experienced what we now know was a thunderclap headache – ambulance called. She had an aneurism on RH side of brain and a subarachnoid haemorrhage on the left. They can’t find site of SAH. She’s had no neurological impairment ( thank God) but I await what lies ahead. Good to read your story.
    Felicity from Sydney Australia

  16. kate says:

    I am worried that I may be getting dementia after a subarachnoid hemorrhage a few years ago. I am getting profoundly weak and have confusion and forgetfulness now every day. My balance is getting worse and dysautonomia is relentless.

  17. Natalie says:

    I am 35 years ok and i suffered a SAH due to a ruptured aneurysm on the 29th April 2019. I had been working out when I had a sharp pain..20 mins later whilst driving home it happened again, only this time I wasn’t in control, the next thing I remember is being cut out of my car. I spent 5 weeks in hospital, I had a flow diverting stent to fix the aneurysm. It was possibly one of the scariest times of my life, but I wouldn’t have got through it without my family and friends.I know how lucky I am to be here and not have complications, other than I do have the strangest headaches and sensations in my head and the tiredness is like nothing I’ve ever experienced, but overall I’m doing ok. It’s been nice to read your stories ,and I hope you all recover well.

  18. Nieca says:

    I had a SAH in June after just completing a line dancing class, trying to lose weight. I had major pressure in my head and I knew I had never felt this way before. I talked to my mother all the way home and was going to just go to sleep but after losing my balance and headache getting worse, I went to ER. I was in ICU 2 days and stayed total 3 days before they let me go. I was back in the hospital a week and half later with Vasospasm (having stroke like symptoms). I stayed another 4 days and was released. I am back at work and didn’t get much feed back on what to look forward to. This story and all the comments really help put things in perspective for me. I have very little speech problems and feel light spurks of head pain every now and then but it is very life changing. I thank God for my family and friends and can only take things one day at a time.

  19. Edward Carlon says:

    I had an SAH May 8th 2016. I was hospitalized in ICU for over 2 weeks, then was sent to rehab for another 2 weeks. I really don’t think I was in the rehab for long enough, but with a brain injury I just wanted to go home. I really wasn’t in my right mind to make any decisions and I was alone at the time without anyone to make them for me.. I had to go back to work in a month and didn’t think I was really ready at the time but that is what the surgeon wrote on my back to work note. I never saw the surgeon again, just the nurse practitioner which is common when a surgeon does surgery on you. I haven’t been right since. I am constantly tired and feel as if I can’t do any of the things I used to be able to even after 3 years. I retired last year but because it wasn’t enough money I have to go back to work in November. I hope I can make it because it seems like a struggle to get out of bed in the morning. I am wicked depressed and take lexapro every other day but I don’t like the side effects from the medication. I had a shunt in my head when I was in ICU to drain the blood out of my scull. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be the same again. It’s an uphill struggle believe me.

  20. Jeff Good says:

    Thanks for sharing. I celebrated my 1 year anniversary post my SAH back on August 28, 2019, and like you am grateful still to be here and celebrate everything I still have. I’ve been very fortunate – both to still be alive and to have only a few lingering deficits. First, I don’t have the same energy I used to, and second I do find both my short-term memory and my hearing have been impacted.
    My injury happened while I was on a family vacation up at a cottage in Ontario (I live in Toronto), and the local hospital took hours to order a CT Scan to figure out what my severe headache and vomiting were all about. One look at the CT and they rushed me back to Toronto.
    My recovery has been quite significant, but for everyone else who has posted, I offer my support and love. It is a tough road, and obviously some of you have more severe lingering issues. To the degree you can all I can offer is take one day at a time and enjoy the things you can.
    If you are interested, my sister suggested that I do a podcast, so here’s the link to one podcast site, and if you search “subarachnoid survivor” on most podcast sites it should come up.

  21. Christine Conner says:

    I am SO thankful to find this site and hear about everyone’s experiences and degree of progress. I had my SAH on June 29, 2019 while my husband and I were in the COLO mountains at our cabin, which is far from any medical facilities. My husband called the firestation and within 10 minutes the paramedics came. After assessing me, they decided to call for flight for life so I would get down the mtn much sooner and to the nearest hospital. Like all of you, mine started with the worst headache of my life which hit me twice. The 2nd time, it dropped me to my knees and that’s the last thing I remember for 6 weeks. I was in ICU for 3 weeks, 2 more weeks in hosptial, then rehab for almost 2 weeks. I had 3 angiograms to determine where the bleed was so they could repair it. They never found it and said sometimes they heal themselves. My husband said that I was the life of the party in the hospital, greeting by name all of my many visitors and laughing and joking with everyone. But within 20 minutes after they left, I couldn’t remember they were there and still don’t. I have done incredibly well only by the grace of God, I really have no lingering impairments other than my short term memory. While it is vastly improved, I still struggle with it and it seems like it’s getting a little worse. I’m a caregiver and I’m going to go back to work just 3 hours a week for awhile. I love my clients and my work. I don’t suffer from headaches like many of you do. I struggle somewhat with balance and my eyesight was affected. I am extremely emotional and cry over anything. I am SO very thankful for my precious husband, wonderful family and friends and for being alive! As somewhat else said, this gives a whole new meaning to “thankful to be alive”. Also like many of you, I am concerned that it could happen again at any time but then I know that life is not up to us. There are so many things we can’t control. We just all need to enjoy every minute and do what we love to do while we can. God bless you all! I am praying that we all continue to recover and become the best we can be!

  22. CAROL DAVIS says:

    Just found your story, and I share your experience of SAH. My experience was pretty crazy. I started out the same way, w/a migraine-like headache, nausea, and extreme sweating. My husband took me to the local ER. I remember taking a small trash bucket w/me to throw up into.

    I was given liquids, and seemed to be stabilized, but there was no diagnosis at that time. I was sent home, and spent the weekend (the symptoms started on a Friday), in what I would call a “tentative” state, hoping I was healing.

    On Monday, the symptoms began, again. When I went back to the same hospital, I was given fluids, again, and an epidural injection. Blood was discovered in the fluid, and I was immediately transferred by ambulance, to a hospital that had a large neurological staff. I don’t remember how I was stabilized (possibly coiling), but when I woke up, I was in an inpatient room, where I stayed for 10 days.

    I had never heard of SAH. I was told I was very lucky. I felt glad that I knew nothing about it, in a way. At my next PC appointment, my doc was really glad to see me…He said most times, when his patients suffer a stroke of this nature, he doesn’t see them again.

  23. Linda Fournier says:

    On September 29, 2018 I suffered from a brain bleed. I was stepping into the shower and just felt a tremendous amount of pressure in my head and felt really strange. I could not stand was leaning up against the wall thinking it would get better. I called out to my husband he came in and I told him about the pressure in my head and that is about all I remember. He called paramedics they took me to St Elizabeth hospital in Beaumont, Tx. The ER took me straight back for a CT scan. They said I had a brain bleed but could not tell where it was coming from. They needed to life flight me to St Luke hospital in Houston Tx but the weather was too bad to fly so they took me by ambulance. What normally takes one and a half hours to get to Houston this time due to an accident it took three hours to get there. St Lukes had a team of Drs waiting on me. They took me straight in to surgery. I was in ICU for two weeks. I have no memory of any of it. I had a temporary Shunt in my head. Everytime they tried to cut back on the shunt i would become unresponsive. They decided I needed a permanent shunt. I woke up from that surgery with my memory and no deficits. This is all due to the Grace of God! My surgeon Dr. Kan and my Neurologist Dr Bershad were awesome!
    It has taken over a year to get back to feeling normal and get strength back. I take Gabapenten
    for head and neck aches. I was 67 at the time

  24. Benjamin Chung says:

    Dear GOD, I pray your healing power in Jesus name bring healing to all those who suffered from SAH hemmorrages. I thank all the testimonials and pray all of you get better sooner and never have to go through that again.

    My mom suffered a SAH on January 8 , 2020. She was hospitalized in ICU for 2 weeks after coiling procedure…under anesthesia….she went to recover ward for 1 more week and returned home and is on medications . I pray every hospital successfully helps all those who suffer from such strokes. Dr. Young at Queen of the Valley Hospital and all the nurses were excellent caretakers….I most of all thank GOD for such mercy upon my mom…..she was 66 when it happened.

    I have strong desires for the causes of SAH strokes to be identified fully and those risks mitigated . From what I have learned….stress and bad food choices prolonged over habits are the main causes of stroke. We should return to a more vegan based diet and finds ways to love one another by repenting of all our sins of greed, arrogance, and lust and covetousness and foolishness….then GOD’s grace can prevent SAH and keep us long healthy and happy for goodness sakes.

  25. Jan Robertson says:

    I had a subarachnoid heamorage in 2018 since then I still have headaches and feel so tired

  26. Linda says:

    The lack of energy has been my main complaint.

  27. Michelle says:

    My husband is currently in the ICU for the SAH which happened February 8th, 2020. He is off the ventilator today and talking up a storm even though right now his speech is slurred and he keeps telling me to get him water. It has been crazy. I am hopeful, I am afraid, I am excited to see how much he heals each day. I am grateful that after 6 days of watching my husband in a coma, today on Valentine’s Day he opened his eyes and told me he loved me. I hope he makes a full recovery but only time will tell. He is 38 and we have two children.

  28. Jeremy Gonzales says:

    Today is Day 9 for me after my SAH. The immense headache and pressure in my head started shortly after completing a routine weight training workout. I was rushed to the emergency room in Las Cruces, NM by my wife and transferred to a Level 1 trauma hospital in El Paso, TX. I am a 39 yr old male in overall good health/fitness and an avid weight trainer so this medical incident, as for us all, was a shock. Unfortunately my 63 year old mother in law passed away from the same cause nine years ago this month so my wife and I have some experience and knowledge of what an SAH is. Neurologists conducted CT’s, an MRI and an angiogram but were unable to locate the bleed source. I have been transferred out of ICU but remain hospitalized and will undergo a second angiogram tomorrow. Thanks to God, I don’t appear to have any deficits but the headaches continue and I am told will remain this way for at least several months. I realize I am only a few days post incident but I am concerned about my future and getting back to all of the previous athletic activities I enjoyed with my children. Finding this page has been a blessing to see all of the others going through the same range of emotions. I am definitely thankful to be alive, have a renewed sense of life and with God and my family by my side, I will tackle it one day at a time. God Bless!

  29. Leona says:

    I suffered a SAH Feb 2/20 and like everyone here – can appreciate all the fear, anxiety and attempt in adjusting to a “new normal” following this life changing experience. I have little memory of the actual bleed except the excruciating pain/nauseousness. I have been home for 9 days and today is the first day that I am experiencing a headache and some nausea. I can say that I am extremely anxious wondering if it is going to happen again. I was feeling so truly grateful that somehow I had survived – my family and friends have been so strong and supportive and I want to continue holding on to that gift but at the moment all I feel is fear. Thank you for sharing your experiences – it it helping me to remain calm and optimistic that this is part of the healing

  30. Christine Conner says:

    I would love to hear from Dr. Evan Cohn about how he is doing now. It’s been about 4 1/2 years since his SAH and I’m sure it would be so interesting and hopefully encouraging to the rest of us to hear how he is. This blog has been so useful and informative for all of us who have subsequently experienced a SAH. I know we would benefit from his experience and life after this horrific event.

  31. Jan Robertson says:

    I had a sah in2018 I still have tiredness and headaches I’m back at work but workmates keep on saying why are you still so tired this website has helped me

  32. Jan Robertson says:

    Thank you Linda I’m always getting told at work why are you still so tired I feel as if I need to justify feeling the way I do I hate feeling tired all the time butbi cant help it I still have headaches as well

  33. Cindy M George says:

    I had SAH in Feb 2019 so a little over a year ago. Spent 15 days in IUC in Allegheny Gen in Pgh. Thanks be to God & the ability He gave to Dr Cerejo, who coiled the aneurysm, many refer to me as a miracle. I spent a couple weeks in rehab and then home to living on my own where I received nursing care, PT, OT, and speech therapy for a # of weeks. I, too, am extremely grateful to be walking and talking with very little speech hesitation at times; however, like many others, the overwhelming fatigue after small tasks have me thinking about the need to alter my life style. I just don’t have the energy to play in community bands, cut grass, keep up with housework, don’t enjoy travel etc. I don’t want to complain about it when the outcome could have been so much worse. I realize I am truly blessed. I can’t just will myself to do things as I once could. This site has been a comfort to me.

    1. says:

      We very much appreciate your kind words about our blog site. We care about patients and want to provide the most accurate and helpful information possible. Our very best to you!

  34. Mindy says:

    I had my SAH January 15, 2020. I was on vacation in Mexico , worst headache ever, sweating and vomiting , taken by ambulance to the hospital where they said I had a migraine , the next day they took a CT and found the blood , two days later I was flown back to the US where I spent a month in the hospital due to Vasospasm, I’m now back home but still get headaches and my vision is weird sometimes , it’s so scary and they don’t know why I had the bleed , I’m 37 years old and hoping it doesn’t ever happen again , I’m so lucky to be alive and I’ve changed completely it’s a lot to take on mentally .

  35. Jo Robinson says:

    Jan 2017 I collapsed at work aged 45 from an almighty headache all across my head and painful eyes. I was sweating and being sick & in & out of consciousness. I was taken by ambulance to my local hospital who scanned me and then sent me to John Radcliffe (Oxford Uk) where a fantastic neurosurgeon & his team operated on my ruptured aneurysm, clipping it. I spent 8 days in ICU that I have very little memory of, I was then sent to a high dependency ward and released after 9 days.
    Whilst scanning they found another aneurysm which hadn’t ruptured which was on the right side mirroring the one on the left that had been clipped, so July 2018 that was also clipped to prevent any future rupture.
    I am virtually back to normal now after the 2 ops, I do have ultra sensitive hearing , am very emotional, think back to their life saving expertise at John Radcliffe and each time have thankful tears in my eyes. I still feel tired even years later, but I work part time back in accounts and cherish every day. My outlook on life has completely changed. I am forever grateful for crossing paths with fantastic neurosurgeons/trainees & nurses within my life.

  36. Jordan says:

    I had a subarachnoid hemorrhage on March 24th, 2020.
    I was at home talking on the phone when I got
    a tremendous headache that came on suddenly.
    I tried taking some aspirin, then some Tylenol. I took a shower but it was getting worse.
    I remember praying to Jesus to just let me make it to help. I knew I was in trouble. I drove myself to the immediate care where I had to wait due to coronavirus testing they were doing there. After being evaluated I was sent to my local hospital ER. They gave me a shot of Toradol which worked
    amazingly well at stopping the pain. They did a CT scan and found out what I had. I remember asking the ER doctor if I was going to make it. I think he said “You caught it early” Unbeknownst to me, he was sending me to the BEST place in this area for my condition, The University of Louisville Hospital, in Louisville, KY. Once there, I got a different kind of CT scan with dye, a CTA they called it, where they injected me with an iodine solution first.
    I was then taken to their Stroke Center ICU where I was placed on quite a few medicines and an IV. I was monitored VERY closely with frequent checks of my physical and cognitive function. I learned that people in my condition can change for the worse very fast so they were keeping a close eye on me. I was, of course, having the headache, but I was also having muscle spasms. My legs and chest were “shivering” like when you’re cold, except that I wasn’t cold.
    They were able to treat the muscle spasms with medicine.
    When I would get up I could feel the pressure throbbing in my head to my heartbeat. It was a pounding pain timed to my heart beating I could feel and hear in my ears.
    I received two angiograms where they used my veins to enter my brain and shoot dye to get
    images of the inside.
    Eventually the pain moved down. First to my neck, down my back, and finally to my lower back as the fluid in my brain slowly drained down. I was there for 10 days. I never lost consciousness.
    I am now home with no pain, the muscle spasms are long gone, and I am basically back to normal.
    I am a 45-year-old male who has never been hospitalized before this.
    I am learning what many of you already know. That we must make the most of every day from now on.
    This event has changed everything for me and rearranged my priorities.
    Every day is a gift. I thank God every day and the amazing people UofL Hospital’s Stroke Center.
    Thank you letting me tell my story.

  37. ChrisE says:

    I suffered a SAH 8/3/20 at first it felt like I had been hit at the base of my neck and my hearing began to degenerate and of course pain ensued..I’m 59 and the reason I survived is it happened when I was with a good mate who looked after me and basically knew what was happening to me. Walton Hospital in Liverpool UK and the Goldseal nurses and doctors saved my life…along with my friend who insisted on calling an ambulance in the first place and indeed staying with me until I had been diagnosed. I was in a coma for 3 days and I remember hearing my son talking to me during the coma… Something I will never forget.
    I was exceptionally lucky…I cherish every moment anyway during the second scan they found another potential Aneurysm and I had an operation (keyhole via my groin) to fit a coil to hopefully neutralise this second aneurysm.
    It’s been six and a half weeks (just over 2 weeks in hospital)
    The first 2 weeks were a struggle fatigue and tiredness one day and ‘fairly’ OK the next. Plus I suffer a sensation of what I can only describe as having tepid water poured over my brain occasionally. But, thus far I am not cursed with bad headaches so I am truly thankful for that. I lost completely my sense of taste and smell completely, around 10 days after I left hospital but I can report it started to return and now I would say it’s 75% returned thus far to normality. I have read all the contributions here and God bless you all and your families and friends. Because without them it’s truly a challenge. Walton Hospital thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I hope you are all safe in these times of the Coronovirus I Will Never forget you all.

  38. Rajdeep says:

    I had SAH in February 2020 . Thank god , no impairment. Just slightly headache and anxiety. Life has been changed. I have no energy. I’m 38 years old mom of two little girls . My worries point dr put in shunt in my head. Hope it will be removed soon. It’s big encouragement from comments.

  39. Ram says:

    My mom is 53 years old and had SAH on feb 22nd, 2020. She is still trying to get to minimally conscious state. Its been 2 months and we are scared if she will gain back full consciousness. Anyone here who gained some normalcy after 3-4 months?

  40. Rae says:

    I’m 38 years old and suffered from an SAH on 3/8/20. Didn’t have the severe headache till the 9th . Went urgent care and they thought it was a migraine gave me nausea shot and pain shot and sent me home. March 10th I knew something was wrong ! Woke up with same pain ! I had my fiancé take me to ER. They treated me as if I was a drug seeker complaining of a headache for meds. I wasn’t seen for 5 hours. I was in so much pain ! Finally they ordered a CT. It showed nothing is what I was told. They wanted to send me home with pain management . I refused! I knew something wasn’t right. I was admitted. I laid in pain till 6 pm the next day . They gave me a LP which showed I had blood in my CSF. My pressure was at a 40! As soon as they removed some fluid I was relieved of pain. I was immediately taken to get an angiogram. After that I finally got a MRI. Neither showed an aneurysm but confirmed I had an SAH. I was there for 9 days. I couldn’t walk for 5. I had spasms that went from my head down my back to my legs that was excruciating! I’m home now . I can walk but I do suffer from headaches, back aches, and PTSD. I have fear I might get another. I have fear of hospital staff that treated me wrong and neglected me. I’m glad God was with me and I’m here with my kids and fiancé. Glad to read your stories it helped me. God bless!

  41. Shellie Harmon says:

    Dr. Cohn,
    Thank you for sharing your story. It means so much to read about how others overcame this horrific experience. In 2015 (41 yr. old) I suffered
    from my subarachnoid brain hemorrhage and it landed me in the ICU for 15 days. I had just lost my sweet young momma (61 just 3 mo. earlier) and was in a new marriage with blending children.
    Stress is something what it can do.
    I went through some short term memory loss at the beginning and abrupt loud noises caused so much pain.
    Dr. Cohn, it will be 5 years this July; is it normal
    to say after something like this I just tire easily and unfortunately get just a bit agitated easier?
    Thank you ,

  42. Travis says:

    I had a subarachnoid Hemorrhage in July. It was some sort of special one where you get a 10% chance to live. It destroyed my memory and did a number on my family. I was hoping to gaine something from a different perspective, but I can see he had a different experience. Lucky guy, this thing destroyed my life, even with family helping, and now we’re in the middle of a pandemic. I’m living a nightmare, I’m glad some people managed to claw their way out of this.

  43. Sandra Vazquez says:

    My 19 year old son suffered a SAH, after a Lobectomy. He had vasospasm and had 3 angiograms. We stayed 38 days in ICU. This happened in July 2018. Regrettably the surgery didn’t stop it reduce his complex partial seizures and moreover, due to all those complications, I’m seeing how his neurological system is deteriorating.

    I was wondering if the SAH can come about because of the brain surgery?

  44. Katie says:

    My mom is currently in ICU in Atlanta, ga for a SAH. She had a headache for about 5 days before losing vision in her left eye. The doctors believe she’s been bleeding for 7-8 days. She’s in recovery after having surgery. Due to COVID-19, we are not allowed to be with her. And that has been the hardest part. I haven’t talked to my mom since Friday, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to. Siblings and I have been communicating with nurses and doctors, but I wish more than anything I could be sitting next to her every day. They say she’s doing good. My family has never experienced this before, so it’s new for us. We are learning about it, and her recovery and what could possibly change for her when she’s out of ICU. I’m glad to see so many other people who have gone through this and seem to be well! I’m being very hopeful! <3

  45. Ginger says:

    Hi all, found this site while exploring the impact of SAH on memory. So thankful to learn more about what to expect. My husband has aneurysm with SAH May 15, 2020 and spent 28 days in ICU due to prolonged / repeated Vasospasm , and now in rehab. Also with the COVID pandemic and initially no visits which was hard. Your stories and continuing journeys provide a lot of insight . Thank you for sharing. Thinking about reaching out to one of the foundations for patirnts/families as well.

  46. says:

    Hi there. Please forgive our delay. COVID has caused lots of furloughs and I didn’t realize that there were so many wonderful comments on this post until I just discovered them. Thank you for sharing your story and for your words of encouragement to others and for finding encouragement from their stories as well. COVID has been difficult on many of us. Much like you, I haven’t seen my mother since February as she is in an assisted living facility, so I can totally relate to what you are saying. Please stay safe and positive. All our best wishes to you that your mom will fully recover and that you’ll see her again very soon.

  47. anna vlanes says:

    hi everybody .
    thanks for all your stories .
    my dad 85 had a laminectomy and suffered an SAH during or after surgery . he spent the next 3 weeks in icu in and out of a coma and hydrocephalus and other infections. He was not giving much hope of survival but he did . He is now in neuro ward at the epworth hospital in melb . He’s anxious a little aggressive , agitated and moaning a lot . They are trying different meds . I fear he will not come home . this covid means we can’t see him .
    it’s devastating needing your family to help you recover . Rehab was next but we can’t see him strong enough to get there . Did anyone else have these issues ? thanks again and best of luck after this nightmare

  48. Heather says:

    I am 53 I suffered traumatic brain injury in car wreck 10 yrs ago , 2 nerve decompression surgeries 6 yrs ago. Slowly regained my active country lifestyle riding horses and raising a family suffering from ON and daily headaches were common . 3 weeks ago I had a horse fall while barrel racing. ( I wear a helmet every time I ride)Not bad at all, I got up walked away , 10 minutes later I’m found passed out near horse trailer. Rushed to ER .. I had suffered Subarachnoid hemorrhages (4 bleeds in front right ) in ICU for a day then moved to reg room for 2 days did not have surgery .. literally sent me home with not much but scared paperwork of my condition. I still have a extreme head ache , very tired and weak left side a little slower . I have a dr appt tomorrow have to get a referral to neurologist? Crazy hospital sent me home with no dr follow up . I’m very concerned and scared of my condition after reading info and feeling as bad as I still do been almost 3 weeks … HELP? I need advice please… God bless all

  49. Evan Cohn says:

    I had not looked at this article in a while. I was pleasantly surprised that there were many comments. It seems like it has been a good location for people to describe their experiences. I am really glad people have found this forum and that the article about my experience has helped others. As an update, not much has changed for my family and I. I still have cognitive deficits and fatigue. I still feel very fortunate to be alive. I wish you all well with your journeys.

    1. says:

      Thanks for the update, Evan! We’re so happy that you’re doing as well as you are! We miss you too and hope to have your visit next year for alumni Homecoming once Covid is a faint memory. Please stay in touch.

  50. Lisa Otten says:

    My SAH happened April 27, 2020. I am a 56 yr. old female with no medical problems and very healthy. I had worked out as usual and just finished an online meeting with my spiritual director. I hung up the phone and noticed a little bit of coffee left in my cup. I whipped my head back to drink it and boom. Something popped in the back of my head near my neck and I felt the movement of blood across the back of my skull. The pain began and within 5 minutes I realized I was having stroke like symptoms. I took two aspirin and had my husband drive me to the ER which was 5 minutes away.
    They were testing for Covid and I just ran by them and yelled ‘I’m having an aneurism!’ They wouldn’t let my husband come with me. I got into a room and at this point the pain was super intense. They got me on morphine and did a ct scan and diagnosed the SAH.
    I was transferred to a hospital that specializes in neurological care – Abbott Northwestern in Mpls. – and spent 3 days in icu and another 7 days in regular care.
    I had two angiograms with dye where they go through your groin and shoot dye into your brain and look for aneurisms.
    They never found anything. I was told this was probably a once in a lifetime experience. I went for a follow up ct scan about two weeks after leaving hospital and had a horrible reaction to the dye and had a 103 degree temperature and back in the ER I went. I was shaking and vomiting and eliminating everything. Thought it might be covid19 but got tested and it was negative.
    Three months later now and looking back it has been a slow and steady recovery. I had minor headaches and head pain and weird skull sensations. I couldn’t bend over Without causing head discomfort. I also couldn’t get my heart rate up for the first two months. I started feeling stronger and began exercising and the next day I would feel awful. My doctor told me I would know when I’ve over done it by how I felt the next day.
    She was right! I had to slowly and gradually increase my activity and rest in between. I also have to pay attention to other things that make me tired, which is engaging in conversations, and limit how long I do that.
    I feel pretty much back to normal mentally. Still working on the physical strength with walking, biking, and my elliptical- still can’t run yet.
    Like others, I am so very thankful to be alive and doing as well as I am. I thank God for this experience as it has opened my eyes to many things I took for granted. Also this time of slow recovery coming during covid19 And staying at home feels like God’s plan to renew my relationship with him which has been a huge blessing.
    To all those people like myself who read these posts looking for encouragement- hang in there and take it SLOW and it will get better. God will use this time to draw you close and show you how truly loved you are by him!

    1. says:

      Wow, Lisa. What an incredibly inspiring story you shared. Your words are full of encouragement for people who have suffered what you have. We are grateful that you took the time to be a light for others. Thank you again!

  51. Paula Batlow says:

    Hi I had a SAH at the end of April 2020 and after 2 aneurysms were coiled I was discharged 4 weeks later. Still struggling with immense fatigue and headaches but feel very lucky to be here. I am struggling with anxiety and because of Covid I have had no face to face appts to try and alleviate my fears of this happening again. Any help and advise would be appreciated.

  52. Susan says:

    Hi,I had a fall ,hit my head. I remember the fall, how I could not move, lost my bowles and throw up. I eather passed out or went to sleep,after waking up I was able to pull myself in bedroom and call for help still cauld not get up. Went to ER by ambulance. Cat scan showed I had a subarachnoid hemorrhage. After having a second cat scan. I was treated, and evaluated by occupational and physical therapy. Dr examined me.I was able to go home after 2 days. I have head aches, and fatigue. I have been home 2 days. I am 80 years old . Feeling well.

  53. Dale Hansen says:

    I had my non aneurysmal sub arachnoid haemorrhage in March 2017. I had 10 days in ICU & another 10 days in hospital. I have returned to work when I can. I still suffer from headaches, brain fog, forgetfulness, confusion, fatigue & anxiety. I hope this is normal. A lot of the research says you either recover or die.

    I am coming to understand that there is a group of us out there who have survived but have a new normal. I am recovering I have not recovered. Every day is different & is challenging. I have good days & bad days. I find that people can’t see my injury & don’t understand. They don’t understand that I have not fully recovered.

    Thank you to all of you for sharing & helping me to understand that I am not alone. I think that is an important message. It’s ok to still be recovering, it will take as long as it takes, you are not alone. God bless you all & I pray that everyone can recover & find some sense of normality,

  54. Jean brook says:

    What a great forum I have found that I can relate too! I am a 23 year old student and I suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage 3 months ago. There is no medical history of neurological issues In my family and I am healthy And fit otherwise. It was the most terrifying experience, I had been up very late studying and feel asleep on the sofa, i was then woken sudden for no and then went Into a seizure. When I came round I wasn’t sure what had happened, but I had a deadline so stupidly I pushed myself to finish it. After the hand in I just slept for days and not knowing how serious it was and that I could have died.

    The headaches were awful so I decided to go to A&E, in which they were only concerned with COVID and sent me away. I therefor paid for a MRI scan, which showed my haemorrhage and a blood clot. Cut a long story short, I tested positive for COVID 3 months after having symptoms of coronavirus (when my dad was diagnosed with the virus), so they now believe COVID caused the blood clot which caused my haemorrhage but they are not still not sure. I am still currently waiting for my angiogram.

    3 months on and I still have horrible headaches and my anxiety is 10x worse than it ever has been but I’m grateful that I wasn’t left with any long-term disability. After everything I’ve been through, I’m thankful to be alive and if you do not have your health, you have nothing. I wish you all the best possible recovery.

  55. Mike says:

    I’m a 50 yr old male. I had mine on July 28. I live in AZ but was in FL with my son for a baseball tournament. It was around 1am when I suddenly had massive neck pain at the base of my neck followed immediately by the most intense pain in my head I’ve ever experienced. It quickly moved from back to front and I had a sensation of something coating my brain…I assume now it was the initial rupture. I instinctively stood up afraid that if the pain continued to increase that I might not be able to if I remained down. I told my 17 year old son that something was wrong. I didn’t know what and didn’t want to worry him but told him he needed to keep an eye on me because I knew something had just gone wrong and I didn’t know how bad it may get. I laid down for about an hour hoping it would get better but it didn’t. I finally said I needed to go to the ER so I walked downstairs and he drove me to a nearby hospital. Because we were in FL at the height of Covid, they made every assumption that this would be my diagnosis as well. They did a chest x-ray, a strep swab and blood work because the said I exhibited many covid signs. I was adamant that I was fine from the neck down but from the neck up I was in more pain than I’d ever been in. Four hours later they determined that I was good to go. They gave me some prescriptions to fill (all to treat my inevitable covid diagnosis) and sent me home. I went back to my hotel and called a friend who happened to be a neurosurgeon. Based on what I was telling him, he advised me to go back to the hospital and demand a CT scan. So I did. The gatekeepers up front argued with me a bit but once I got to a doctor in the ER, he quickly agreed that a CT should have been performed the first time so they did. It showed that I had a brain bleed and they wanted to airlift me to a nearby facility in Orlando that handled these cases. The weather was bad so I was ambulanced there instead where I had my first Angiogram. I was told the Angiogram would reveal one of three things: 1- they’d find the source of the bleeding and try to clip it while they were in there. 2- they’d find the source and be unable to clip it so they’d have to go back in through the skull to access and clip and stop the bleeding, or 3, and I was told it was the least likely of the 3 but most hopeful, was that they wouldn’t find the source of the bleeding. I was told that each would have their pro’s and cons but #3 was my outcome. They didn’t find the source so they said they’d have to do another Angiogram in a week when some of the bleeding subsided to look again. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks. The 2nd Angio was performed and again they found nothing. So I came back to AZ and was told I’d either have a 3rd Angio or possibly a CT scan to check again. As I type this, I’m currently waiting on that CT scan to hopefully get the “all clear” that they still can’t find the source of the bleed. I was told if they can’t find the bleed it was likely one of two things that occurred:1-if it was an aneurysm, the sac completely obliterated when it burst so there was no sign of it or 2- it was a spontaneous rupture which sealed itself. Apparently that’s rare but that’s the explanation when they can’t find the source. I was also told that 50% of the people who have a brain bleed don’t make it to the hospital. Another 25% don’t leave the hospital. Of the remaining 25%, half have deficiencies for the rest of the lives and the remaining 12.5% are the lucky ones who move on to live normally. I’m hoping that’s me. I do still have headaches, usually in the early morning but those have lessened and I do realize that I’ve had some short term memory issues. There’s a bunch I don’t remember about my stay in the hospital but for the most part I’m good. I’m now on blood pressure medication and I monitor it daily as that seems to be the cause of everything. I feel for everyone who’s been through this, it’s been a crazy 6 weeks. But I definitely have a different view of life and health as I had no idea how serious this was even as it was happening. I knew something was wrong but had no idea how likely it might be that it could kill me. I’ve already lost about 20 pounds as I am eating much better. I’ve never been a fan of vegetables and have always been a big meat and potatoes guy. My Mom is a vegan and has shown me how to change the meals I’ve always eaten and “veganized” them into something healthier. I’m not vegan but I’m definitely eating better. I encourage anyone out there to go watch the Netflix film “The Game Changers” as it is hugely informative and could change your view on food and it’s connection to your health. Good luck all!

  56. Fiona Smith says:

    I had my SAH on the 14th September 2019. Felt like my head was being crushed! My husband rang an ambulance , and I was taken to James cook hospital in Middlesbrough . CT scan showed a large blood load & I wax in ICU fir 4 days, then transferred to neuroscience ward in Leeds general , where I spent 10 days. I still have short term memory loss and get confused if I am around a lot of people. Apart from this I know I’m lucky to be alive & am always counting my blessings. I now realize how fragile life is & to appreciate every day & the people we care about.

  57. Craig Bines says:

    I had my SHA in March 15th this year, just sitting at home and felt a poping in my ear and then a loss of sound. Knew something was wrong, then the pain in the head and neck started, told my wife that I think I needed an ambulance, taken to Lancaster infirmary where they performed a cat scan and was told I had a bread, transfered to preston and onto the nuro ward, knew I was sick but other than a stiff neck felt OK, 2 days later had it coiled, felt a bit groggy for a day but it sounds like I got away with symptoms lightly, in hospital for 6 days and then let home, I was back to work the following week even when the UK went into lookdown, it just shows that people have such a different reaction to the same medical issue but reading everyone’s posts here just makes me realise both how lucky we are to be able to discuss this and how lucky I look to be to not be having any real long term consequences, I found this post when searching for follow up to having surgery as I habe just passed my 6 months and have just had another MRI yes have had no word back from the department

  58. Shalini says:

    Hi , i suffered SCH in Jan 2020, sudden headache , though i took pain killer and tried to prepare tea for myself . However within few seconds, it was like some attack on head and i shouted to my husband and like some film story i collapsed in his arms. I was semi conscious , but was able to take only my husband name, i knew what he was asking and my 12 year old son, but i was not able to respond. I was taken to hospital but emergency doctor could nt establish any major issue in brain and i was discharged. Rest of night , i spent in pain , vomits etc. Next morning , we went to visit neuro, till he came, i was again vomitting etc. it was a nightmare.. Finally Neuro came and immediately directly to ICU and explained status to my husband. He was totally devastated to know my situation. and my poor son at home was crying endlessly … each one of us lived that movement differently.. With god grace , coiling done and all went well. After 11 months, i often feel tired, get depressed fast. But one thing is clear, that one should live the life as today.. we dont know tomorrow would be there for us or not. Yes there is constant fear, but one must try to make self, family and surrounding happy.

  59. Danielle says:

    I suffered from this condition a year ago on December 30th. I had just given birth to my 4th child, she was 8 days old and I started having a headache and blurred vision and next thing u know I had the first of 4 seizures! I was rushed to the hospital and treated with lepta and I’m not sure what else but I woke 4 days later with no memory of what happened after that first seizure. I was released from the hospital a week later and slept for a week straight after I got home, I remember being so tired. The neurologist said it was caused by preeclampsia or at least that is what they think. I had no history of seizures or stroke. I didn’t need surgery or rehabilitation so I was blessed. I am still terrified every single day that it will happen again. Every time I get a headache I get so scared. I have a baby, a grandson and my 3 older children and all I worry about is leaving them behind.

  60. Danielle says:

    I had mine the same month and year as you!! It happened similar to you as well. Mine started with a headache at which point I took an Aleve and waited but if didn’t stop like it usually does when I take something, then I started getting blurry vision, I couldn’t see anything but light, no images, then my neck and head started twitching and I knew something was wrong so I told my son to call the ambulance. When they arrived I was sitting on the couch upset because as hard as I tried I couldn’t control what was happening to my body and that is a terrifying feeling. The paramedic asked me what was going on, I explained and they told my son to get me a jacket and right after that I had a seizure on my couch, another seizure in the ambulance and 2 more in the hospital. When I woke 4 days later I remembered everything up to the point when I had the first seizure but nothing else. The neurologist said my age combined with preeclampsia from my pregnancy is most likely what caused it. It’s been almost a year but I’m forever terrified it will happen again. I fear leaving my babies behind more then anything else.

  61. Melissa says:

    I had SAH 3 years ago and still have to rest every 2-3 hours because of fatigue and dizziness. Some days are hard to function. I’m in bed a lot but at least I’m still able to keep my job working from home. I try to do short walks (10-20 minutes) 2-3 times a day. I still cannot walk more than 2 miles in one shot. I take CBD for anxiety and depression, it really helps a lot.

  62. Lisa E says:

    My SAH hit me like a baseball bat to the back of the head on August 14, 2019. I was 53, a nonsmoker and don’t have high blood pressure. I had experienced a similar occurrence about two months earlier when I had reached up to open a gate and felt the same sensation of being hit with a baseball bat and I managed to get into my house and into bed. I did not lose consciousness the first time and stayed in bed the rest of the day and didn’t go to work the next day because of the headache and neck pain. My husband convinced me to see an ortho Dr. and nothing showed up on the x-ray and an MRI was ordered but I declined as I was already feeling better by that time and was thinking this was something where I had moved wrong and tweaked a muscle. Now I realize it was a sentinel event. On August 14, I was feeling extremely stressed with work and was getting ready for an early morning meeting when I heard one of my chickens being attacked by the others. I wasn’t dressed yet and had to make the decision to run outside in my underwear to save my chicken and that is when it hit. I remember the baseball bat feeling and tried to make it into the house and I don’t remember anything else for several days. By the Grace of God, my husband hadn’t left for work as a Neurosurgery nurse yet and he immediately called 911. He saved my life. The paramedics ignored his insistence that I was having a stroke and brought me to the wrong hospital that wasn’t equipped for stroke patients and he described being on the phone with two different neurosurgeons at the same time, one who wanted to life flight me an hour away to Seattle and the other who was holding an OR for me at the other hospital in town. I was transferred to the other hospital and taken immediately to surgery where I had coil embolization of a ruptured aneurysm of my anterior communicating artery. As far as aneurysms go, it was huge and shaped sort of like a sock. I was in the Neuro ICU until my discharge 3 weeks later. I wanted to go home at 2 weeks but had to stay until the vasospasms relaxed. As someone else mentioned, I was able to receive visitors and share laughs and conversation but would fall asleep immediately after and not remember the visit at all. I started back at work for half days on September 7 and was back to full time the following week. I did tire very easily but I was cleared by my Doctor and out of PTO and I just wanted things to be back to normal. Of course I had cancelled my short term disability insurance the year prior! I went on a pre-planned weeklong trip with a girlfriend a couple of weeks later and was functioning normally, as far as I know. My husband has been saying from day one what a walking miracle I am, but he has a tendency to exaggerate so I’ve just taken it all with a grain of salt and have avoided doing too much research on SAH until now. Finding this blog has made me realize that I am in very good company and I pray that everyone is able to appreciate the fact that they are still here and we are all miracles. Even with residual effects. My new normal is that my job is harder now, I am not able to multitask like before and have to write things down immediately or I will forget and I feel pressure in my head if I bend over and my husband claims that I forget things but I don’t know about that 😉 God has blessed me with a new outlook on life if I slow down enough to recognize it. It is amazing how quickly I can forget that life can change or be gone in a second so we have to make the most of our time here every day. I am so Blessed and I pray that you are too.

  63. Barbara says:

    I suffered SAH on 4th Nov I was making the bed when had a serious headache and backache. I was in the house on my own and managed to get downstairs and unlock the front door!!!then phoned the ambulance. I had collapsed into unconsciousness and dont remember anything until I came round in hospital 3days later. About 4 days after this tested positive for covid so got moved to covid part of hospital I had no symptoms of covid but no Neurologist came to see me and I think I got forgotten I was sent home during the next week but really not feeling well in the 4th night of being home it all started again headache stiff neck eyes bad and again fell into unconsciousness. I was taken to hospital for the second time and had suffered another bleed. Had an extremely painful angiogram but the following day my eyes were getting better and my head was clearing. I was told to do nothing but stay in bed for about a week and then home. We are now nearly 3months on and although I am changed my life is getting back to normal.
    Then at the start of Jan 21 a lady whose mum lives just near me had been to visit her mum got home and collapsed with head pains this was a monday evening she died Tuesday afternoon with exactly the same as me. It has had a profound effect on me and left me feeling very guilty even though I didn’t know her well
    Every day is precious live it to its fullest

  64. Joe Lennon says:

    Thank you all, for sharing possibly one of your worst ever nightmares, it brought back so many feelings and memories of my own. After suffering and being very lucky or unlucky with my SAH 27-Nov- 2012.
    I think I have managed mostly to block out my memories of the initial day and hospital admittance. My family especially my two daughters and sister were amazing.
    The only worry I have now is, after 8 + yrs is it still possible for another SAH to bring me to my knees again.
    The Internet is a great thing but unless you understand things from a medical stance, such huge amounts of specific knowledge are confusing and worrying.
    I was lucky with my recovery as I was able to believe 100% in my mind I would be okay, blind belief, perhaps, but for me it worked.
    Good luck to all who are going through this life changing experience and those going through their recovery. (stay safe)
    Joe Lennon

  65. Erin says:

    I had my SAH on December 22, 2020. I was working out on my new exercise bike and had a strange feeling in my neck then a sudden zap of what felt like electricity and then flooding hit my brain. I quickly made it to the bathroom when I started vomiting. My fingers starting tingling and then then my hands started contorting. I called 911 and had my kids unlock the front door (due to covid, we are still distance learning which ended up being a blessing). My legs then started tingling and contorting and it felt like a seizure. When the EMS showed up, I was losing control of my tongue and passed out in their arms. I’m 40, in great health, I don’t have high blood pressure, I don’t smoke, etc. but I was sure I was having an aneurysm. The EMT said I was just having a panic attack. (I’m sure I was on top of everything. My poor kids all watch me leave on a stretcher and we weren’t sure I was coming back.) The ER knew something was terribly wrong. I couldn’t move any of my body besides my head and was in intense pain. I had multiple Angiograms, multiple CT scans and lots of doppler exams. They never found the location of the bleed like many of you, and there was a ton of blood, but it eventually reabsorbed. They said they treated me as I had an aneurysm because I presented like one, but they couldn’t find the source. I had lots of vasospasms at the hospital, but finally after 16 days in the ICU and 2 days on the neuro unit, I was sent home. Due to covid, I wasn’t able to see my husband and kids…oh the joy just to hold them again!! I am so grateful to be alive. I just finished my at home rehabilitation program and am grateful for the progress I have made. I overdid it yesterday as my head has been hurting all day. (It’s a weird type of brain pain, that’s different from normal headaches. Not intense, just a reminder that I need to slow down.) I’m hopeful to continue my recovery, but need to remind my husband and kids that its is a process and even though I have made lots of progress, I am not finished recovering and need to lean on them for some of the help still. I am so glad to see there are other survivors! I’m aware not everyone does and for many their way of life changes. Right now, I am battling insurance and the insane hospital bill. Even with insurance, they amount they are charging me is something I couldn’t pay in a lifetime. Anyone else have experience on fighting that? They told me I could pay in small payments of $61,000 a month! I don’t know a single person who could possibly afford that. Dealing with all of that while trying to recover makes me feel like it could cause another brain bleed! Aghhhh!

  66. Rick says:

    On Jan 19/21 (2 1/2 weeks ago), my 77 year old mother, Ginny, had a SAH. She had a coil placed that same day. 4 days later she experienced the vasospasm. 3 days after that they discovered a UTI. With each problem, the hospital has responded according to protocol. On day 10 she was transferred to a rehab facility. Our concern now is that for every 1 good day she has, the next 2-3 days are discouraging in that she sleeps all day. Initially the therapists told us this is to be expected, but now they are suggesting releasing her to a nursing home since she isn’t showing enough motivation in their eyes. Her neuro checks have been good and she shows signs of strength, and answers questions appropriately. Our concerns are that she is not eating, she has 2-3 bad days for every 1 good day, and she seems to be sleeping more and more, and losing interest. Due to Covid restrictions it is extremely difficult as a family to feel like we are getting the answers we are so desperately searching for. We need someone to tell us if we are doing everything right for her. We don’t want the therapists to give up on her too quickly, as she was such an active and self driven person prior to this life threatening experience. Should we be pushing harder for the Neurologist and therapists to continue with therapy. Are there suggestions on how to motivate this type of patient. Or does she just need ALOT of sleep for the body to heal. We are making every effort to be a voice for our Mom, just really struggling to get informative and complete answers We welcome all input.

  67. Steve says:

    Hi All,
    I want to thank you for your experiences, its been hard for myself as my wife recently suffered SAH about 4 months ago, the Neor said she has a bust blood vessel but could not locate the bleed and most likely it will heal itself. She is home recovering very well, only thing is she gets tired very easily, sore neck often and stuffy headaches. I was just wondering if this is normal and also how long does it take for it to heal. I am sorry to sound so selfish and i know most of you would have endured more pain than my wife as hers was only grade 2 SAH at the most. Thanks be to God

  68. Susan hofbauer says:

    I am so happy I found this place! I am 64 years old, and suffered an SAH two weeks ago. My sister passed away in the early morning hours and I had to give permission to the ER team to stop resuscitation attempts. She was 60 and suffered from heart disease. That evening I stood up from my chair and experienced balance issues, I blamed it on stress and went to bed. The next morning dizziness and mild nausea. Went to ER expecting a heart attack diagnoses. A very good Dr at a mini ER immediately did a CT scan and ekg. I was transported to Ocala Regional hospital in Florida where they have a comprehensive stroke unit. I had to spend 4 days in the ICU being monitored. They decided to not operate because the CT and MRI showed no aneurysms, and the bleeding seems to have stopped. I am tired and very light headaches. Went for an hour walk yesterday. I seem to have some memory deficit, not bad. No physical deficits. Weird reaction to some mint flavored items, they taste like mold! Scared of what the future holds. Currently taking Xanax,grief and SAH, no wonder I’m anxious and sad.

  69. Chigs says:

    My 31 year old brother experienced a SAH last Tuesday. It’s too early to tell how well he may recover. Glad to have found this web page. Reading the posts gives me hope.

  70. Susan hofbauer says:

    I had my SAH on Feb 13. I have found that by just going through the messages here helps me. Just not to feel so alone and isolated. Family and friends don’t seem to understand what I’m going through. The headaches, fatigue, memory lapses. Moments of confusion that are frightening. I think because I have no physical problems they think I’m fine. It’s my birthday today and I thought my 2020 birthday was the worst ever, but 2021 has it beat. 😳. Hope this gets better as time passes.

  71. Peanut says:

    My 59yo wife had a SAH on Monday evening. I came home from work and found her on our bedroom floor breathing and moving but unresponsive. It’s definitely the scariest in moment I’ve ever experienced. She was transported the Methodist Hospital in SA, TX Monday night and then had the coiling procedure done Tuesday afternoon. She’s woke up 3 hrs after surgery and was able to speak and move all extremities though she could remember me her memory is really groggy. She’s experiencing pain in head, neck, back, weakness in both arms, recently low O2 Levels, high BPs (the last three days), pneumonia in her lungs, and will be on a ventilator by today. I am grateful for each of you sharing you’re experiences and wish every one a full recovery and better days. This blog gives me hope and comfort that she will recover in the near future though I’m extremely scared.

  72. Alena Kelly says:

    I had my SAH on March 18, 2021. It was my husband’s birthday. About 3;30am returning from the bathroom, I developed the worst headache of my life, vomiting and unable to move from the floor. EMTs came and struggled to find a vein for an IV — blood pressure was 212. God’s Grace brought me to my rural hospital’s ER where the Doctor recognized the SAH symptoms, confirmed by a CT scan. He ordered a life flight helicopter to OHSU’s Neuro unit, which saved my life. An immediate angiogram coiling procedure. Nine days in the Neuro ICU and another 7 days on the floor. I am home now. I have a second aneurysm that will likely be treated with a stent in the next several months. My son is getting married on August 20th and I am so grateful that I am alive to be there to celebrate with him. That mother-son dance will have so much more meaning. Like so many others, I am incredibly grateful for the medical staff who have cared for me, for family and friends. whose love and support have been unbelievable. I never realized that I mattered to anyone. I know that sounds weird. I am afraid, I don’t know what the next minutes will bring. I don’t know to what degree I will be “me” again. But as has been said, there is a new normal and I have to become more comfortable with that definition. So glad I found this site — I realize that I am not alone even though I have never met any of you, we share this. God bless you all — may your recovery continue. May each morning bring you joy. May you know that you are loved.

  73. Mary says:

    I am so grateful to have found this blog site. I suffered my SAH at the age of 50 on February 13, 2019. I was a very active person, half-marathon runner and doing boot camps 2-3 times a week. I had taken a day off from work – I work in research in the Cardiology Unit in Rochester, NY. That morning I was doing a moderate boot camp and developed the worst headache of my life. I thought that I had pinched a nerve. I grabbed an ice pack from the fridge and my husband was concerned (he is a former EMT) as I never had headaches. I went to take a shower to cool down and shortly afterwards was violently vomiting. He called our PCP and we were told to get to the Emergency Department. We had a friend come and take my BP, which was normal. My husband drove me to a satellite ED and after an immediate CT scan I was told that I had bleeding in my brain and I would be taken by ambulance to the University of Rochester Med. Center, I would be admitted to the Neuro. ICU and then have surgery that day. I immediately started texting the doctors that I work closely with to obtain names of the neurosurgeons. I was in the hospital for 8 days (6 in the Neuro ICU), and out of work for 6 months. I went from running 20-30 miles per week to taking a month to walk next door – 200 feet. My first major walk was 6 weeks after my SAH and it took me an hour to walk half a mile. I am fully functioning now, but still have headaches if I strain too much when trying to exercise (biking uphill) or if the pressure outside changes. I sometimes struggle to find words and may need to talk around the word that I am trying to come up with. I am not as fatigued as during my early recovery, but still have to pace myself and sometimes I have to tell my husband and children that I need to lie down, stop my activity or take a nap. I have been back to work full time for about 18 months, at times I still need to take a sick day to rest. The Good Lord was watching out for me and I work with a great group of doctors who really helped me as well as my family to understand what I was and would be going through. I am very grateful to still be able to function and do all that I am able to do. I hope that this post will have some insight to those who may need it. Know that you are not alone!

  74. Marc says:

    Glad I found this site as well. Was helpful reading these accounts. I am one of the lucky ones. Much similarities between me and Dr. Cohn. I am also a radiologist and so is my wife. I had the typical thunderclap headache while trying to shake off covid deconditioning with a hard workout with a trainer in my backyard with my kids watching. My wife read my ct head and one look at her face told me what I already suspected. Ended up in NICU under the care of a neurosurgeon I had trained with previously and having angios with radiologists that were prior trainees or teachers. Despite not having a paramesencephalic bleed pattern, two cerbrsl angios, 4 CTAs and 3 MRAs, never did find the source of bleeding. I am about 6 months post, back to work as chief of radiology at another hospital, decreased my clinical by a third. Still some nagging subjective symptoms, like fatigue, occasional headaches and blurry vision and tinnitus. But overall doing well. Certainly taught me a lot. Gave me an opportunity to rearrange my priorities, work less and appreciate being in a position to be more compassionate when caring for patients. I certainly appreciated it.
    Thanks for sharing your stories as I add mine to the growing list.

  75. Jordan says:

    Marc, They never found the source of mine either with two angiograms and at least 4 CT / CTA scans during the course of it. I continue to monitor this page (my story is up the page). I am bothered by the timing of the onset of coronavirus and the spike in these SAH cases with unknown origin on otherwise healthy people such as myself. I had COVID symptoms 1 week prior to the SAH but thought I had recovered completely except for lingering chest paint which lasted until the SAH itself. I think in the fullness of time we’ll know if there is a link. I was told at the hospital that COVID doesn’t cause this kind of stroke. I know the doctors are learning more every day, and I will monitor this site to see how many others had an SAH after COVID.

  76. Stuart Hearn says:

    HOPING that you continue to improve

    I had a stroke too, right side bleed
    totally paralysed left side
    I now, 5 years later limp badly, the pain in my left hand never goes away and there is only partial use of that hand
    The worst thing is any exertion leaves me bathed in sweat.
    Sure has changed the way I live, but in its own way, it has been an experience
    one lives with it
    I still use potentially very dangerous machinery, I still use my brain
    I stumble a lot but only two falls and three bicycle tumbles

  77. Juri Sharma says:

    I am grateful to find this site and read these inspiring stories. My 49year old husband has suffered SAH due to rupture of an AV fistula on 8th Jan 2021. He survived with left -sided hemiplegia and neurological defficiet like short term memory loss. He is presently in the rehabilitation centre undergoing the therapies. The recovery is very slow and hard. A journey with a lot of patience and an uncertain future is all, I could see right now. Seeing him, going through this devastating experience makes me overwhelming and restless. Sometimes, I feel so hopeless and lost to be in such a difficult spot. But then, when I got to read these inspiring stories, they give me new hope and energy to continue being the pillar of strength for my husband.
    My salute to all the survivors and their family members who had been through this trauma and came triumphant.
    God Bless!

  78. Ann Monteith says:

    I had my SA long ago, in 2001. Apparently I was in hospital for a few days and went home alone. I don’t remember much at all about recovery, it was just me and my local doctor. I still don’t know much about what actually happened and remember very little, I don’t know if life ever return to anything like normal, I will never know. I survived.

  79. Hobbes says:

    Wow! After all I got a web site from where I know how to genuinely obtain helpful data regarding my study and knowledge.|

  80. Sandra Taylor says:

    I am reading all these comments from the UK. I suffered a SH in January 2018 following a stay in hospital with renal failure. It was coupled with a encephalitis and I do not remember anything about it at all. My family have told me I was in ICU for 4 weeks. Like most of the comments I suffer from tiredness but I have not seen any posts of a physical disability. My brain does not speak to my right leg and I cannot or walk or balance without help from crutches or a frame. I also suffer from dizziness if I look up suddenly. Has anyone else suffered with these symptoms and if so, recovered.

  81. Chandra says:

    me too, after lot of search I also found this site and benefited to get much needed hope and comfort.

    I think is also too good with plenty of useful and hopeful info and more real time experiences.

  82. Nancy W. says:

    Hi! I’m an extremely healthy 51 year old. I had a SAH April 16, 2021 while I was teaching a Bodypump class. I had the classic thunderclap headache and pain in the neck followed by vomiting. EMT’s looked me over and said my vitals looked good and I could drive myself home, lol! I looked at the manager sitting with me and told her I couldn’t move so I was taken to the hospital. A CT was done and didn’t really show much so a lumbar puncture was done and confirmed my diagnosis. I was transferred to a different hospital where a angiogram was done and didn’t show aneurysm. My neurosurgeon said I was lucky and got the best kind of SAH. I was released from SICU after 7 days. My neurosurgeon didn’t give me any restrictions but verbally told me to wait a week or 2 before resuming activities. I waited 1.5 weeks and now I’m back to teaching my fitness classes. I am tired like many of you and my legs are very weak, hoping this is all temporary. I’m trying to be patient and I know I’m truly blessed that I’m one of the lucky ones. This happened 9 days after getting my 2nd Moderna dose, I have no idea if it’s just a coincidence.
    Grateful for everyday and for my children who are 9 & 12.

  83. Celia Shepherd Glennon says:

    So happy to come across this blog. I suffered a ruptured anterior choroidal artery and SAH on Feb 1,2021. Got home from the grocery store and while unloading bags had an acute onset of the worst headache of my life. I suffer from migraines and this headache was very different, it came on like gangbusters with neck pain, nausea and tingling of my fingers. Thank God my daughters were home and had the good sense to call 911. The paramedics arrived within 5 minutes and I was on my way to Marin General hospital where I underwent CT which confirmed my diagnosis. I was transported to UCSF medical center where I underwent coiling procedure and multiple angiograms including angioplasty for severe vasospasms. In all I was in Neuro ICU for 3 weeks. Kind of a strange experience since I am a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and specialize in neurologic neonatal intensive care. A shout out to the spectacular, state of the art care I received at UCSF. In particular, Dr. Christopher Dowd, my Neuro-interventional radiologist was exceptional. Coincidentally, he attended Medical school at UVA…and I attended Nursing school at UVA. I am on disability until August, and while I am expected to make 100% recovery, I remain fatigued, have some short term memory deficits, and difficulty multitasking. I have also developed a “new” form of migraine with aura where I lose part of my visual field in my right eye. Wondering if anyone else has developed new or different headaches post SAH. Like many, I practice gratitude daily and am trying to take advantage of a slower life pace and getting closer to God. Good luck all!

  84. Rashonda S Charlton says:

    Hello. I pray all is well! I had a SAH on April 2, 2021. I attended a Rugby competition that my daughter was invited to in Orlando and ended up in the ER. I spent 14 days in the ICU and 3 days in PCU. I had 2 angiogram and neither showed an aneurysm. This happened 9 days after my 1st Moderna dose so I have been thinking if getting this vaccine had anything to do with the SAH. I did report my incident to the CDC website for further research. In the meantime I am so thankful to be alive if not for my faith in God. I have 4 teenagers and a God sent husband and parents that has been so helpful and caring through this tragedy.
    God bless!

  85. Celia Shepherd Glennon says:

    As is the norm for these days, I forgot to mention something in my previous post. I am 55 years old with no risk factors for SAH…and I received my 2nd Pfizer Covid vaccine 18 days prior to my SAH.

  86. Siem says:

    I am so happy to have found this site where I can relate to a lot of other peoples experiences. I had SAH quite recently back in April 8th after trying to take a power nap. At first I thought it was nothing but could tell I was not okay. So I tried to walk my self to the toilet to splash water on my face when i collapsed on my coffee table. I then realised this was serious, I had the worst headache of my life with intense pressure in my head. Realising the seriousness of the situation I was not willing to wait for an ambulance so walked my self to the nearest hospital which was 2 mins away from me. At this point I couldn’t see was throwing up, with left sided weakness. I was then taken to a specialist neurological hospital where a CTA scan was done. I was left in ICU care with around 7 nurses providing round the clock care and operated on the very next morning via Clipping of the aneurysm. I feel so great full everyday I wake up now. What’s more incredible is that I have no deficiencies at all and it’s as if nothing has happened, aside from the usual headaches here and there no other deficiencies. My surgeons thought that rightly so this is incredible and have been studying how the aneurysm developed especially considering I am very young at 25 y/o. However thank you for this page. Siem from London, England

  87. Anthony Richard Panting says:

    Well, not one of the above is anything like my subarachnoid haemorrhage. I am a cyclist albeit and old one. I am 86 and although I have stopped racing and breaking records, I still go out in the lovely Suffolk lanes (in England) and cover about 25 – 30miles. Unfortunately, in March I hit a small pot hole and crashed to the ground. I woke up in hospital with no rememberence of ambulance or who found me. I was in there for 4 days and was told that I had two rib fractures, eye socket and jaw fracture and many cut and bruises. also a sub. haemorrage. It is now 7 weeks later and while I feel reasonably OK I am so tired and weak. The likelyhood of getting out on my beloved bike again is receeding so as someone above said “make the most of every moment”. I would add that my wife has been wonderful.

  88. Gary Fogle says:

    I’m very glad I came across your website Dr. Cohn and even happier you’re doing better and same to the other respondents. I’m a 60 yr old, 6 foot tall, 50 pound overweight male, I’d say fair/average shape before I was hit with SAH on March 30th 2021 out of the blue. I was just changing into my outside work clothes after finishing a 8 hour work day. The headache came on full strength quickly, like others, never felt such pain, did not throw up or blackout luckily, wife wasn’t home yet, but when she got home took me to ER where they life flighted me University Hospital in Cleveland OH who I feel saved my life. They drained the fluid from my head, but could not find the source & installed a shunt. I was there 3 weeks in ICU before I was good enough to send to a rehabilitation facility where I stayed for an additional 5 weeks before being sent home. Like the others I’m sure, trying to keep this short, there’s more, but I was blessed to have some great doctors & therapists working with me and good support system led by my wife who endured all of this with me. I’m on the mend, my short term memory is getting better thru the help of therapy, my walking is getting better, still get tired easier than I used to, no headaches thankfully. I am very thankful & know I’m blessed to be where I’m at and and working my way to be a better me, not wanting to go thru this again or put my wife & family thru it again. There wasn’t any one thing that did this to me, but a perfect storm I feel. Not enough quality sleep, hard on my heart,(getting a sleep study),done, losing weight, exercising, safely, eating better, never smoked, drank moderately, quit that, lowered my coffee intake, just all of that. I feel very bad for the people on here I read still have complications from this and wish all a full & complete recovery. I will post again when I reach my goal of that.

  89. Pam E says:

    It is nice to find this group! I had my SAH in April of 2003. A loooong time ago. I was 26, in the best shape of my life, a police officer with a little over a year service and a newlywed. I’m interested that so many people experienced their SAH while working out as that is what I was doing at the time. I had just started my warmup when I felt tightness then pain in my neck. I assumed I’d hurt myself somehow and started to gather my things to go to the hospital. The pain got soooo much worse so fast. Luckily one of my coworkers came into the gym and I asked him to take me to the hospital that I thought I’d hurt myself. The pain just got worse. At the hospital they game me demoral. I started throwing up. It took about 5 hours for a doctor at the small hospital I was at to realize what was happening and sent me to a large hospital with an excellent neurology unit. I don’t remember the first week but I think that is mainly because of the morphine. Once they took me off that I remember everything. I had no idea what an SAH was. I was told that I’d had a spontaneous bleed and it healed itself. I had a drain in for two weeks then sent home not long after. I spent my first wedding anniversary in the hospital with my husband and mother there. I spent 6 weeks recovering at home then went back for follow up with the neurosurgeon and had repeat MRI and CT scans. The neurosurgeon said that there was a less than 1% chance it would happen again and to go back to work and back to normal. Not likely! The police force doctors had me on desk duty in the office for almost two years until I was able to do all the physical tests and was working out almost daily. I challenged their decision and with the support of the Neurologist I was seeing for the continued headaches I was supported going back to the street. I had no idea how serious the SAH was until I started doing research and saw how poor the stats were and how lucky I was to have limited deficits. Only continued headaches and learning what I couldn’t do. Over the years I have learned what my physical limits are. When I over do it I still get pressure that shoots up my spine into my head. I had a bit of a panic attack the first time I had a brain freeze from a slurpee then realized that is exactly what the SAH felt like! A brain freeze that just kept getting worse. Every few years I do some searching to see if there is new research that might give me some insight into causes, long term effects, etc. This is the first forum I have found and glad to see it. I have never met anyone else who has experienced an SAH. What I learned is that I had PTSD from it. It made sense. I couldn’t talk about it for a long time without crying. I saw a psychologist who explained this to me and helped me work through it and give me some coping skills. I have found that stress, poor sleeping habits, not eating properly, not drinking enough water and pushing myself too hard increase the headaches. The last few years of my policing career I spent working with people with mental health challenges including brain injured people. I’ve done a lot of research and training due to this and have realized that suffering from an SAH is a brain injury. Also that everyone experiences brain injuries differently. I hope each of you give yourselves a bit of a break. You have suffered from a traumatic incident. It will take a long time to heal and you may never feel the way you did before. I think I came back to the level I did because there was nothing out there telling me I couldn’t. As far as I could see my body and brain worked and I had to trust the neurosurgeon that it would not happen again. It has actually helped me to live a more positive life. I believe that my SAH was caused by the unbelievable stress I was under at work. I was still new, we were understaffed, I was constantly working overtime, being called in on my days off and not sleeping. Many days I was coming home in tears from the sheer stress and exhaustion. I certainly had a renewed sense of trying to love life and compassion for people going through their worst days. There is hope, but it is not a fast recovery. That’s ok. Take care of yourself. Share the information with your family and friends so they understand what you experienced. I printed out information about what happened to me and shared it with my coworkers so they understood. You can’t see a brain injury from the outside. You may look totally healthy, but you are recovering from a major injury and you may need their support. You will have good days and bad days. I still do. I still get frequent headaches and headaches from extreme weather changes, but I am so grateful for my otherwise healthy life. It is just a part of my story now. I found my headaches were getting worse due to the increase in stress at work so I took an early retirement and my head has been so much better. I wish the best for all of you. You’re still here! That is cause for celebration ❤️

  90. Jo says:

    I am very happy to have found this site – its nice to know I am not alone . I had my SAH on 8th March 2021. Id been to the bathroom at midnight and lay back down in bed and thought I had wrenched my neck very badly. My husband went to get me a wheat bag and I asked for a bucket – when the intense vomiting began we knew it was serious. Rather than wait for the ambulance my husband (police officer) elected to drive me to the hospital in Christchurch. I initially thought I was having a reaction to the Pfizer vaccine as I had received my first dose the day prior. The doctor in the ED took one look at me and knew exactly what had happened. They were amazing and never did I fully understand the seriousness of what had and was happening to me – that came when I could google it!. I felt safe and reassured the entire time. On leaving the hospital I felt a bit of a fraud as I felt OK – tired a lot and short term memory was shot – but I felt OK. My biggest concern was my obsession that I was going to die – it took me a long time to get over this and I still find myself weeping suddenly at the thought. I returned to work part time within 6 weeks of the event. I think it is finally catching up with me – recently I’ve had a niggling persistent headache – and short sharp pains in my head. The OT tells me these are normal. I have a follow up MRI booked in a couple of weeks and have a list of triggers for my Neuro guy. I think the hardest thing for me was there isn’t much info out there about what happens afterwards – I mean how bad does a headache have to be before you start worrying again – after all you’ve suffered the worse kind! What symptoms should I look for, what symptoms should I seek immediate medical help for? Tonight is the first night I will be on my own since the event and I must admit I’m a little afraid. I’m so grateful to those who surround and love me – it must be even more stressful for them to understand as there is nothing to see! I am forever indebted to the medical staff who looked after me and I thank whoever listens to my prayers – that I am still here. You guys all take care – we are all very lucky to be able to contribute!

  91. Bettany Hill says:

    What happens to you is not always in your control. Don’t wear yourself out or get discouraged trying to change these things. Choose instead to focus on your own feelings and motivations. If you are not shaken by external issues, you can reverse a difficult situation and go beyond.

  92. Deborah A Railton says:

    Dr. Cohn my maiden name is Cohn.. I had a SAH three years this coming August.. my medical event sounds much like yours .. we are the lucky ones . I was airlifted to Harborview Hosoital in Seattle .. Dr. Leavitte did my procedure, he also does instruction at University of Washington.. timing played a big part of my outcome , I was at a hospital within half hour of headache , then airlifted to Harborview .. sadly I have heard stories of people waiting too long to get to hospital.. I tell people my head felt as though it was being pushed from inside and outside at the same time , along w shooting pain down back of neck .. truly worst headache ever.. I have silly reminders .. I can’t jump or skip .. sometimes my words are back wards , my tongue isn’t straight ( when I stick it out).. certain sounds irritate me.. when I’m tired my left foot gets lazy and I need to be careful as not to trip .. I laugh about all tbe little things .. I love that I’m here and living my “New Normal”

  93. Brenda Juranek says:

    I had a bleeding anurism in the back of my head
    3 yrs ago I’m still very unsteady on my feet, I feel
    Very dizzy light headed heavy headed so, I’m extremely
    Light headed, I still get extremely tired quickly
    I ask myself how much longer will i be like this
    I’m thinking all wrong I cannot except this I need so much help. I am not big or overweight I don’t smoke
    I have never been really ill that put me in the hospital
    I cannot come to terms that this has happened to me

  94. Gary F says:

    I posted a few weeks ago about my SAH & recovery, I just want to update. I returned to work 7/1/21, working 5 hours a day for 2-3 weeks, then hopefully build up my endurance. I’m doing good, feel fine at the end of the day and just like an old usual day for me. There are a few symptoms still existing, but nothing severe that I’ve noticed or others have remarked about. I posted this to give anybody who’s gone thru this hope and I will update when my work hours increase. God bless us all and keep your faith thru this.

  95. Dave Krider says:

    I suffered a SAH on July 1-2021
    I live 25 miles north of Pittsburgh Pa
    I build and install industrial equipment
    I had driven home from a job I was on in Columbia SC
    It is a 10 hr drive so o split it up by driving to Wythville Va
    on June 30 and finishing it the day of July 1
    There were what I perceive warning signs on the drive home. We had lived near Wythville for a couple of years and had made the drive to Pittsburgh many times
    On two occasions I missed turns that I don’t even recall missing.
    Well I made it home and took a nap waiting for my wife to get home.
    After she got home we returned my rental car drove 45 minutes to shop I work at and got my truck.
    We drove back home and stopped to get dinner
    We are then went home.
    We were hove not ten mins. I had this sudden onset of a fierce headache, cold sweat and nausea
    I tried everything to get some relief layer flat. Stacked pillows around my head. Finally got on my knees asking God what to do. I immediately got up went out side and spoke words I had never spoke in 61 years
    I have to go to the hospital
    We went to the closest trama hospital. By this time I could barely stand. I was violently sick. Vomiting and unable to stand. That is the last I remember till they were putting me into a Life flight helicopter
    They transferred me to Presbyterian hospital in Pittsburgh
    I woke up in the Neurology ICU at Presbyterian hospital finding out I had suffered a SAH. Brought on by blood thinners I was on for a cardiac issue I had 2 years earlier
    They had installed a drain into my brain and had me on an external shunt
    They monitored me closely for the next 14 days.
    I was released on the 15th of July

    Today is the 28th of July. 2021
    I am home and thru the grace of God am on the mend
    So many things could have gone wrong and the outcome could have been very different
    I’m a stubborn old man. Always pushed my way thru issues like this. I was blessed not to chose that route and listen to the response I received while on my knees
    I have kept a positive attitude thru this all
    I suffer from double vision, headaches, stiff neck, bit of a balance problem, fatigue, small memory issues and insomnia

    Each day I fell like I am getting better a little at a time.

    I am very blessed
    The outcome could have been very different
    Against the odds I am alive and have no major motor skills affected I am hopeful that the rest will return

    I thank my Savior Jesus Christ for thee blessings and mercy that He has shown
    Friends and family and church family for the support shown.

    Any one going thru this have faith.
    God bless you all. Stay strong. Stay faithful
    Thanks for the opportunity to put this in words

  96. Kathy Reynolds says:

    On December 8, 2009, my husband came home, popped his head into the room where I was sitting at my computer to let me know he was back and headed for bed.

    I told him I wanted to work just a bit longer. A few moments later I changed my mind. I would finish working on the article I was writing, tomorrow. That decision may have saved my life.

    I never got a headache or any other warning signs that there was a time bomb in my head about to go off. It just happened shortly after I fell asleep. Yes, I was asleep when “the bomb” ticking away in my brain “exploded”.

    Thankfully my body reacted when it happened by vomiting. Thankfully my husband had trouble falling asleep right away. He was just drifting off when he heard me get sick in bed and realized… I was making no attempt to get up. He quickly turned on the light and…yeah.

    I am thankful the blizzard had hit on December 6th/7th and by the evening of December 8th the roads had been plowed. If it had hit a day later this story could have had a very different ending.

    I am thankful that although was I going in and out and was later told I was not speaking except to answer a yes or no question, there was one exception. I heard which hospital they were going to take me to and I suddenly spoke up and demanded to be taken to a different hospital. They complied and took me to the hospital that was better equipped to deal with me.

    You have to remember at this point no one knew exactly what had happened as I had been well before i went to sleep and could not give any pertinent information. It would have done no good if I could because I felt nothing and in fact, it is difficult to explain but any words kept coming apart in my mind and my brain seemed, well quiet. GRRR…. It is hard to explain but since then I am more aware of how “noisy” the brain is. There is a constant barrage of thoughts zipping about, information being processed, etc, even when we rest.

    I can only describe what I experienced as an eerie silence yet I felt nothing. It was as if, and I believe this to be true, that I lost use of all of my five senses except hearing and that seemed to be very selective.

    I was lucky. The National Brain Aneurysm Center was just down the street from my hospital. I later found out my interventional radiologist was one of the founding members. In other words, I was in good hands.

    My issue isn’t with my initial care. It is with how my care was handled after my release. There was none. I was considered to be fully recovered and everyone congratulated themselves on a job well done.

    Although I was in ICU twice, I was released after 12 days. What I remember about the psychological exam was that I could only remember one word, could only recall one geometric object when I had to reproduce a picture I had seen and could not recall the word I had been told to remember despite multiple hints.

    Apparent my performance was good enough because like I said, I did remember one word out of the multiple words I had been told to remember.

    I was told my mental functions were fine. Really???

    Physically I had to walk down hall and go down some stairs. I remember experiencing the sensation that I was about to tumble headlong down the stairs. I clung tightly to the railing and cautiously placed each foot on the same step before going to the next one.

    I passed the physical exam as well. No rehab for me as I was normal. What???? Do you know I still inch my way up and down stairs 11 years later?

    I was cleared to return to teaching second grade the end of January 2010 and on January 4, 2011 I was put on a medical leave pending a review as to whether I was capable of adequately performing my job. I was not and eventually qualified for SSDI as well as LTD under my pension plan.

    Today while I have developed strategies to help me cope and also have the best and most understanding and helpful husband there is, I can not help but one if post-aneurysm interventions would have helped. Maybe not but we will never know because I was never even given the opportunity to try.

    I was eventually diagnosed with cognitive impairment as well as PTSD more than two years later. This wasn’t all in my head! Well, it was all in my head, LOL, but it wasn’t my imagination!

    When, oh when will the medical community actually listen to the real “experts” who have actually survived ruptured brain aneurysms? I being to a BA survivor group on FB and have discovered my post-ruptured brain aneurysm experiences are not unique. This has served to remind me that the brain is very complex. Just because you can’t actually detect any known damage doesn’t mean all is functioning just like it should.

    Then of course, there is the denial factor. I am not saying there are not people who escape completely unscathed yet I can’t help but wonder if the stigma of having something not firing quite right in your head is too much for some people to admit. They convince themselves they are “just a little tired” or “getting on in age”. I wonder what effect it will have on those who may eventually concede that all is not well?

    I am fortunate in that I have a husband who gets it as well as understanding friends who are helpful, patient and encouraging as I muddle about in my post-ruptured aneurysm world. Many people are not as fortunate.

  97. resident says:

    as someone in uva radiology residency right now, so proud to have alumni like yourself a part of this program.

  98. APK Pivot says:

    So happy to come across this blog. I suffered a ruptured anterior choroidal artery and SAH on Feb 1,2021. Got home from the grocery store and while unloading bags had an acute onset of the worst headache of my life. I suffer from migraines and this headache was very different, it came on like gangbusters with neck pain, nausea and tingling of my fingers. Thank God my daughters were home and had the good sense to call 911. The paramedics arrived within 5 minutes and I was on my way to Marin General hospital where I underwent CT which confirmed my diagnosis. I was transported to UCSF medical center where I underwent coiling procedure and multiple angiograms including angioplasty for severe vasospasms. In all I was in Neuro ICU for 3 weeks. Kind of a strange experience since I am a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and specialize in neurologic neonatal intensive care. A shout out to the spectacular, state of the art care I received at UCSF. In particular, Dr. Christopher Dowd, my Neuro-interventional radiologist was exceptional. Coincidentally, he attended Medical school at UVA…and I attended Nursing school at UVA. I am on disability until August, and while I am expected to make 100% recovery, I remain fatigued, have some short term memory deficits, and difficulty multitasking. I have also developed a “new” form of migraine with aura where I lose part of my visual field in my right eye. Wondering if anyone else has developed new or different headaches post SAH. Like many, I practice gratitude daily and am trying to take advantage of a slower life pace and getting closer to God. Good luck all!

  99. Normally, the old nursing home patients appear to be content with regard to the change. Also, it seems like the nation is understanding the requirement for the behind-the-stage and advancing toward lower nursing homes and higher in-home consideration.

  100. Gordon Barr says:

    Hi in October 2020 woke to wonderful day although had small headache so obviously I need coffee to fix that. Half way through my coffee suddenly my head felt hot and pressure started building very quickly. With that I walk to where my wife was having a shower put head in door and said I need help something going wrong. Then trying to get on bed I fell to floor trying cover my eyes from light then started to vomit. Time went very quick from this point finding great need not to let light in my eyes vomiting praying to die and only been able to say yes and no as answers to questions from paramedics some of time then I remember saying to my wife while in ambulance I love you. Next I woke been told I vomited in CT machine only remembering pain from that point until I was awakened next day to sign three sets of forms telling me the three different ops that all can kill me turn me into a veg. Along with daughter who is radiographer at hospital saying please dad don’t die I need you to give me away at her wedding in upcoming months.
    Only spent week in ICU before moving to head case ward with bunch crazy peeps like myself where once again time went very quickly after thee weeks got moved to hospital closer to home where OMG was so bad in there I got so desperate to get out I was home within two days getting myself ready for work which didn’t happen for a whole month.
    Sorry I wouldn’t listen to anyone telling me not to rush back to work as not going let thing like this hold me back although its not without couple small problems I have to deal with.
    First, I not sure if good or bad but I feel compassion for nearly everything I see or hear whether from work colleague not been treated well to person that just sings with heart, war on tv child been hurt all these things can bring me to edge of nearing crying. Sometimes I have to wipe a tear from my eye.
    Next one really sucks it’s the pain when I lay my head down to rest it’s like pressure builds on brain to point I must get up walk around middle night. Can pin point pain in my brain 24/7 hope this goes away soon little over that but like rest you guys pretty happy I alive.
    Thank you for setting up this site to give us all place to vent and give us opportunity to share life experiences so we can help each other while showing we are not alone in this ride.
    Biggest positive for me is I living every day like a gift not putting things off.
    Gordon Barr

  101. Ginny says:

    I had a SAH in 2018, never had any symptoms. I just got up from bed and heard a loud pop in my head. I knew then something was wrong and everything started spinning, feeling nauseous and going to pass out. I called 911 before I went unconscious, woke with tubes in my skull and on a breathing tube. I recovered and went to 2 different rehabs to learn to walk. My short term memory is bad and I still have some balance problems. I haven’t any family close and my husband divorced me, but I still thank God every day I’m alive.

  102. Ryan says:

    My mom is currently fighting after having a SAH after a ruptured aneurysm. Reading these stories is helping me sort of put my mind at ease as she fights her fight. She is in wonderful hands and her SAH was caught and the aneurysm was attended to very early, but it is going to be a long dark road. You’re all such amazing fighters and I can’t wait to share my moms story with everyone when she recovers.

  103. sue harrison says:

    Hi I’m Sue from UK, I had a SAH in February 2020, I was 72 years old then, I had just had my hair “done” by the hairdresser when I got this tremendous pain in my head, then was sick, she phoned for an ambulance, don’t remember much after that. Seems the consultant told my family it was 50/50 I have to walk with a stick if we go out to the shops twice a week, we don’t have a car so are on the bus. I find climbing stairs etc quite challenging I’m so tired all the time everything is an effort, I like Dr Cohn have notes everywhere to remind. Good job my husband does all the washing and ironing, it’s so frustrating when you’ve always done. Loved all your comments – not alone

  104. Sue Harrison says:

    Hi, my name is Sue, I’m 73 from the UK, I was 72 when I had my SAH, the hairdresser was at the house when I had a striking pain across my head, then I vomited, they got an ambulance straight away and I was operated on the next day(coil). I have no energy what’s so ever and if we go out shopping I have to use a stick, we don’t have a car so have to use the bus, I’m exhausted when I get back. I had a MRI scan on Saturday so we will see what the outcome is the consultant said I still had a small lump showing that was February 2020. I like Dr Cohr have to make notes, I used to have a really good memory
    but it’s gone now

  105. Mary Allen says:

    Hi I’m the wife of a survivor of aneurysm with subsequent SAH. His symptoms were much like the symptoms as above and when I took him to the hospital it was at the height of COVID (December 1, 2020) and I was not permitted in. He was LifeStar to Pittsburgh Allegheny General where he underwent coiling. I wasn’t able to see him for two weeks. Post-op, he’s been fine. He has fatigue and poor memory, but he’s back in the gym working out again. He did go see a neuropsychologist and passed, except his short term memory is a bit of a challenge and he needs to incorporate reminders and even that’s a task as he forgets to see his notes on the phone. I am grateful he’s alive and no COVID. The neurointerventionalist recommended that the kids be tested and our daughter has an aneurysm of which she is asymptomatic and they elected to just watch it and for her to pay close attention to the symptoms. All the comments above are encouraging.

  106. Susan Thompson says:

    Hi, I am Susie from Minnesota, USA. I had SAH three weeks ago. Due to bed shortage in hospital, after only two days in ICU, I was sent home! I am so thankful to be making a good recovery and have a wonderful support system. My speech and walking are slow but almost normal. Fatigue, forgetfulness, and frustration that I cannot be more active bother me most. Does anyone have any suggestions for safely getting some exercise? i have to be careful to keep my blood pressure in check. It’s great to have found this site! Blessings to each of you as you navigate your new normal.

  107. Fiona Manonn says:

    Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) refers to bleeding within the subarachnoid space, which is the area between the brain and the tissues that cover the brain.

  108. Caty says:

    Had my SAH in 2011, live life to the fullest every day!

  109. I have read your article. My mom is currently fighting after having a SAH after a ruptured aneurysm. Reading those testimonies is supporting me sort of put my thoughts comfortable as she fights her combat. She is in first-rate palms and her SAH was stuck and the aneurysm was attended to very early, however it is going to be a protracted darkish avenue. You’re all such splendid fighters and I can’t wait to share my mother’s story with everyone whilst she recovers.

  110. It was a comfort to me to know I was going to UVA and that I was in very good hands. After this, he remembers a nurse asking to pray with him and then waiting for the helicopter to take off, wondering if he would ever see his family again. After that, his memory is blank. He doesn’t remember the two weeks he spent at the UVA Hospital, the anxiety that his wife and daughters endured, or the doctors and nurses who cared for him during his stay.

  111. Gary says:

    Thank you for your update Dr. Cohen & this blog for all of us. I’ve posted twice on here my experiences with this SAH. Fatigue is my biggest issue, my vision did change but it can be corrected thankfully & no blurred/double vision. Short term memory seems to act up sometimes, but don’t know if it’s all SAH or the age, (61), some with finding my words sometimes when talking. Back to working full time also. I feel guilty sometimes when I read what some others are struggling with, I say a prayer for their full recovery when I thank God for my outcome. Dr. Cohn put it very well when he said they don’t know how hard he has to work to appear normal. We all have that I feel to varying degrees.

  112. Marina says:

    I am 19. I was bedridden with what my family and I thought was a fever (COVID) when on August 28, in the late afternoon I was struck by the first seizure. It took two more seizures and the fear on my mom’s face before I gave them the green light on calling an ambulance.

    I was taken to the closest hospital that did not have the necessary resources to treat me so I was airlifted to the second hospital an hour away, sedated due to the fact that I was seizing. I was sedated for nearly two days; in a critical condition, battling COVID, a tube stuck down my throat, and dying. The doctors didn’t think I’d make it past the second day- and they were right in a way: my heart stopped beating.

    For 2-3 minutes, I was dead on earth and I was swimming in black waters in the afterlife, and then I woke up on the third day to an attending nurse.

    I’ve been home for nearly a month now and only had numbness on the left side (the side most affected by SAH) once. My depression has gotten worse due to how traumatic the whole ordeal was but I’ve been talking to a mental health councilor in order to let out everything that’s been bringing me down mentally and draining me. It hasn’t been easy- my left side falls asleep easily now, bringing an anxiety attack because of how much it feels like it was another SAH occurring, my memory isn’t as good as it used to be, I mix up sentences and words, I struggle to read Spanish (native language) as I have to relearn it again, constant headaches, and unsteady balance every now and then.

    Not to mention that the medication I take has side effects that also affect me, but at least I’m alive, even with my mental state recovering, too.

  113. Jo Robinson says:

    Very good to hear your update Dr Cohn, I have found the website so worthwhile enabling me to share my story & to check back on others who have been in the same situation & relate to them so well.
    It’s coming up to 5 years since I had my SAH and first aneurysm clipping, I am no longer as tired as I used to be, am still emotional though & agree with what you’ve mentioned regarding the invisible disease, I still have ultra sensitive hearing but am very lucky to still look & feel virtually back to the old me.
    ” Live life to the fullest” & cherish every moment is definitely how I feel too.

  114. Linda says:

    My mom had a SAH on October 5, 2021. She suffered bad headaches for almost 3 weeks leading up to the rupture. Dr. Berkelis Neurocritical Surgeon at Good Samaritan hospital in West Islip, NY tended to the bleed pretty quickly by coiling the aneurysm successfully stopping the bleed 100%. Since the very first day my mom has underwent another angio and craniotomy and is still in ICU. She has not been responsive since they did the craniotomy and it’s torture to know what we will be facing. My mom has never had any health issues besides a thyroid condition and has always taken care of herself. She’s 67 and was working full time teaching 7th and 8th grade math. She loves being a teacher, she’s one of the smartest and hardest working woman I know. I always referred to her as a workhorse and never expected this to happen to her of all people. Me and my entire family are so worried because she is the rock of our tribe. We have all the faith in the world that she will make a full recovery but we know what we are up against. Reading these stories have helped gain some perspective so thank you and god bless you all. I will update you all as she progresses. Godspeed to all. 🙏🏻❤️

  115. Sue harrison says:

    I wonder if anybody can answer my comment/question,
    I had a bleed on the brain February 2020 it’s now 18 months and I’m still extremely tired will I get my energy back? I have notes all over the house to remind me what to do. Lol. Sue UK thanks

  116. Mark says:

    I also had a brain bleed April 1st of 2015. Because of where it was the doctors said they had to let my bleed go before they could do anything. They ended up sacrificing the 7th cranial nerve to stop the bleeding. My question is because they did not do anything for that amount of time, is that why my balance is off terribly. It seems that I have gotten worse. Is this possible

  117. Rakesh singh says:

    My 19 yr old brother suffered sah in Feb 2019,
    He had mild headache for 2 days followed by thunderclap headaches, neck pain , vomiting and loss of conciousness, he was taken to hospital and was given painkillers, but it didn’t work out ,the condition was getting worse , he described the pain as if somebody is penetrating iron rod through his head, Doctors were unable to find the reason behind the symptoms, and prescribed only painkillers for weeks, Losing all hopes , I just prayed to God..and to my surprise, he started getting better and came back to his normal lifestyle with mild headaches sometimes. 2 years passed , on 10th September 2021 , he was struck by lightning on open ground , and died the same day due to lack of aid on the spot.
    Postmortem report showed no surface injury, but sah was found with 20 cc of blood and blood clot.
    Can somebody explain what kind of SAH he was having that lasted two years , WAS that aneurysmal or non-aneurysmal? How probably SAH happens to teenagers?..
    He was just 19 that time.

  118. Brad says:

    For individuals and families researching this, I’m posting this to offer hope.

    I had my SAH on September 13, 2020 at age 57. I had the classic “thunderclap” headache in the early AM – even lost hearing in my left ear. I knew something wasn’t right, took some aspirin (totally wrong) and went back to bed complaining about the headache. My wife had the sense to call 911. Ambulance arrived in 5 minutes. By then, I was going downhill fast. The last thing I remember was my kids saying “Love you Dad” as I was getting put in the ambulance. After that, I have no memory of anything until seeing my wife in my ICU room a couple of days later. In the meantime I had an MRI and brain angiogram and had a drain catheter inserted to clear the blood. Despite numerous other MRI’s and another brain angiogram, they could not find a source. (Which apparently “good news” as nothing else was needed as far as coils etc). As I had previously had stents and was on Plavix and low dose ASA, they concluded the antiplatelet therapy was the likely cause.

    The initial recovery for me included balance issues, slow speech, and initially sometimes talking with my eyes closed.

    However, the good news is that a full recovery was my ultimate outcome, for the most part within 2 weeks. On the final follow-up in June 2021, they told me there was no further follow-up needed.

    Driving, work (Creative Director) verbal and written communication are back to normal. I go up ladders to clean gutters, ride a bike in traffic, and otherwise do what I always did. Can’t wait to go skiing!

    I do realize, this is not everyone’s outcome. The stats on survival and permanent disability are sobering. Although I lean aetheist, the phrase “There but the grace of God go I” rings true.

    There is hope. I’m proof.

  119. A Salter says:

    My wife had a SAH in January 2013. That’s a sample of 1 which isn’t much to go on. But her experience bears out what some of the doctors* told her: 18 months is still work in progress; no one can predict with confidence what follows.

    *NOT the neurosurgeons at the Royal London who were uniformly dire – e.g. response to her questions about sequelae at 2 year follow-up “Well you’re lucky to be alive you know.”

  120. G. Wilson says:

    Wisconsin – I had a SAH about 6 weeks ago, at around 5 pm. After strenuous walking, I suddently had a severe headache and neck ache. If I moved my head at all it got worse. Once I threw up, I knew I had to call an ambulance. The FD was nearby, so they got there quickly, and took me to a nearby ER. I stayed awake, but wanted to keep my eyes closed and just REST… The nurses and doctors kept asking me how this had happened, which helped, probably. CT scan told them what happened, and they sent me to the full hospital downtown to be admitted.

    I remember I was concerned about keeping my backpack with me, and kept asking for my mom to be contacted (She was contacted, although I think it was late night by then. She also lives an hour away). I REALLY didn’t feel up to doing much of anything, and probably did doze off occasionally. The staff was really nice, cleaning me up, moving me from stretcher to board to bed, etc.

    The neurologist told me the SAH I had was very small and they couldn’t find the cause, and while people would usually be in for a couple weeks, I was able to be discharged from the hospital after only a few days. I’ve had home-visit PT, and have improved since I was released from the hospital to the point where I almost feel like I did before the SAH.

    I’m still in the early months of post-brain-bleed. It’s nice to hear what others have been through. I know I’m not alone, and that there may be subtle changes I don’t realize right away. They might stay with me, or they might fade after a while. Knowing what could happen is comforting, even if it’s not always good things. In another few weeks, I’ll be seeing the neurologist for a follow-up visit.

  121. marc s says:

    Hello all and thank you for you’re comments. My first time on this site. I am now 10 months post SAH. Like many of you I had a “thunderclap” headache and not being someone prone to headaches plus being a physician (hospitalist) I unfortunately knew it was a hemorrhage. Transported to nearby ER part of UC San Diego . Hospitalized 5-6 weeks including 2 of rehab. Many scans but like many of you no aneurysm or AVM found. As my surgeon just shrugged his shoulders implying sometimes s–t just happens.I required permanent VP shunt. I am 71 and already retired (3 years) so didn’t have to deal with return to work. I was very lucky and cognitive impairment remarkably improved. I am so grateful for my partner’s support. She and my 2 daughters have been wonderful. But while I appear “normal’ to others I’m just not. Lots of neck discomfort, poor sleep, some headaches, and balance issues. Still fearful to travel other than visiting kids in Midwest. This is an issue since we had previously gone on several oversea biking trips and I just want to be near “meca” medical centers here in USA. Use my rowing machine and Pelaton bike daily to keep sane but still need daily nap. I’m giving myself a break from worry on Thanksgiving and I hope for all of you to do that as well!!!

  122. Gordon Barr says:

    Thank you to everyone who has posted on this site.
    This time i do have a copy of questions hoping someone can give me answer.
    Like most i have massive brain pain in night but work through that with lots drugs problem i am haven is dizzy feeling all time thought maybe because low energy and been over weight.Stall work full time and run around after others full time. Second thing i find myself getting bit upset about is people i have known for years when i introduce them i can’t remember there names until like 30 minutes later finding it very embarrassed is there anything like brain training i can do help this,
    Thanks to all appreciate any help.
    Gordon Barr

  123. Minnie says:

    I‘m surprised not to have found anyone else diagnosed with RCVS (reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome). At 61, I have had at least two SAH as verified by CTA. Neither resulted in any apparent deficits. My first was three years ago: two thunderclap headaches within a week, each accompanied by vomiting. The episode last month seemed to be following the same pattern, i.e. two TCH followed by a month of recovery, except that I seem to be recovering much more slowly this year. I had two more TCH in the first weeks after getting out of the hospital, but they resolved so quickly that I chose not to go back to the ER. (Unless there’s compelling reason to suspect a new problem, I’d prefer to avoid having my head irradiated again quite so soon.)

  124. Katie Sunday says:

    My husband 45years had a SAH in August this year, a lot of things have changed and I am worried, he gets angry and frustrated easily.. his blood pressure goes up when he feels angry and I am so afraid, sometimes I don’t know what to do… We have 3 little kids who have been confused… Going through this post and all the comments have helped me a lot,

  125. Renee Kemp says:

    I had to learn how to walk, everything, like I was starting over again, I was determined to get back to as normal as I could. I drew on my faith and the people around me, who were inspired by my determination. support from husband and family for helping her get through recovery. I was cured naturally with the use of Dr Gomez Sims RSO Herbal Herbs. Stroke recovery will naturally follow from working with the one organ damaged by the stroke and from which all true recovery comes: the brain. In order to recover, stroke survivors have to rewire their brains. The technical term is neuroplasticity. It is the way the circuits in the brain can change and take the new shapes. We take advantage of this amazing ability of our brain to change in order to promote greater recovery of function after a stroke. Recovery is hard work that takes lots of repetition to change the brain Also the use of Herbal medication can be of great help for recovery and dealing with paralysis. Seek options. Find out about what’s out there that could help. WhatsApp +27731060717, He has a cure for ALS/MND, and Parkinson’s. Two months after my stroke, I returned to work.

  126. DrSuresh says:

    Excellent article! I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.

  127. Tracy Cain says:

    Hello, that was refreshing to read, I can see myself in your words. I am a nurse in the NHS who contracted covid April 2020. On the frontline. My normally low bp doubled and I went on in dec 2020 to develop reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome with subarachnoid and inter cranial brain hemorrhages. After 6 month I returned to work on a phased return, I look the same to everyone but am very different. I have PTSD and have felt suicidal at times. My sleep has been affected, I have gaps in my memory, fatigue, poor concentration and aphasia has improved but I struggle with not feeling like me anymore. I know it’s early days but the fatigue is so frustrating, people say I look great but they don’t really get it. They don’t know that I feel fake and just a vessels. It was very enlightening to read someone else who feels the same way.

  128. Gary says:

    Gordon, this SAH seems to affect us all in slightly different ways, the same with our recoveries. For me what I feel works is is I do some cognitive apps on my phone every day, I spend 15-20 minutes on them, then I do some sort of word puzzle. My wife says I’m getting better as far as my brain. But the fatigue is still there, I don’t push myself, but I do try to not accept it, go a little further in what I’m doing. Again, every body seems to recovers different and I say a short prayer for full recovery for us all in my morning routine. Hope something here helps you.

  129. Colton says:

    This post and comment section have put things into perspective and brought me a measure of comfort. I just had a SAH with SDH and IPH components on December 27, at the ripe old age of 25 with no significant medical or familial history or even being overweight or hypertensive. HH2 Fisher4. As a neuro trauma ICU nurse at a comprehensive stroke center for years, I immediately recognized the signs of a SAH and sought emergency treatment. Initial angio didn’t show anything definitive, repeat angio did reveal a much larger/more recognizable than previous PCA pseudoaneurysm. They couldn’t coil it due to atypical location and morphology, so had to onyx embolize it and sacrifice some small feeder branches, which has left me with minor, but persistent visual field defecits/“floaters” and blurring. I am lucky to not have worse defecits but it was so unexpected and frightening, and the visual changes, weakness and exhaustion, and severe headaches remain an issue. I will likely discharge in the next two days and am unsure when I’ll be able to return to work. I have no idea what my new normal will be and how long these debilitation headaches and weakness will last, and not knowing is the hardest part. Thank god I am alive and relatively ok, and new enough to get care immediately. Thankyou for the article and comments, it truly brought me some comfort.

  130. Michelle says:

    I am a 46 year old from Australia and came across this blog, which i am grateful for.
    I suffered a SAH on the 18.11.2021 and ended up in the emergency department. The most excruciating pain i have ever experienced. I had a bleed on the brain but dr’s don’t know where it started from. I spent 3 days in ICU and 2 weeks in hospital in vasospam watch. I had CT scans, an MRI and Angiogram showing no aneurysm, which i feel god was my saviour.
    It has been a few months now and i still get headaches, feel head pressure at times, brain fog, fatigue, dizziness and balance issues. my cognitive function is a little slower. I just keep praying that i will be able to feel myself again soon.

  131. Sabina Seiders says:

    I also had a S.A.H. on 12-17-21 .. scariest and painful experience! Had a pop in my head after I checked out with my groceries in walmart and felt like someone threw a bucket on my head.. everything got echoey and my legs nuckeled.. somehow managed to get to my car unloaded my groceries, started vomiting uncontrollably.. at this point thought it was the mother of all migraines.. managed to get home still to this day I don’t know how.. husband drove me to the hospital, they ended up life fighting me to a hospital with a NICU unit, I kept passing out.. never would have thought it could happen to me.. learned was rushed in they put in a brain and were able tp coil the hemorrhage.. was there for 21 days.. been home almost 3 weeks.. stil having headaches and still terrified to do anything.. ..but looking tp get in with a support group to help get some guidance..

  132. Christine Conner says:

    Dr, Cohen, look at what you started by having the forethought to start a blog for SAH survivors!!! I log on frequently to see how many new people have posted. You have brought such understanding, compassion and a sense of community to all of us who have experienced this horrific brain injury!! Most of us had never heard of this before it happened to us . It has encouraged us at a time when we are fearful of the future (what if it happens again, how will I go on in my life, etc.). All because you were thoughtful enough to share your own experience with us, giving us hope for our future! I am so sorry that you had to go through this and as a result, lose your life’s profession! Yet, like many of us, your life’s purpose has changed and now it is to encourage this growing group of SAH survivors by giving us hope in sharing your story with us. I, like everyone here, am SO thankful to have found your blog. I have learned so much and mostly that this is all normal for survivors of SAH. As so many people here have said, it helps tremendously to know we are not alone and to learn how to cope from others. May God bless you, Dr. Cohen, as you find your own way to accept this new normal and for your desire to help others by sharing your story!! I hope we all continue to share in the coming years!

  133. Jessica says:

    Thanks, Dr. Cohn for your story. Also, thanks to everyone else for sharing your stories too. It gives me hope.

    I suffered a PM non-aneurisymal SAH on Jan 15, 2022. Like most people here, I had never heard of this. I had a headache a few nights before, took Tylenol, and went to work the next two days. The night before the SAH I did not feel quite right but thought it was due to my cough. I didn’t have a desire to eat much or drink wine at all. I normally pass out around 10:30 but had difficulty doing so and thus went to bed around 12:30 AM. The next day I lacked energy and motivation. I was in my PJs all day with no desire to do anything on my to-do list. I tried to do some work on my computer but could not concentrate. I started vomiting and had a bad throbbing headache. I got into bed. The next thing I know, my neck started to tighten and I got scared. I called the ambulance. In the ambulance, my hands went numb and my feet felt tingly. I thought this was maybe a reaction to my cough medicine.

    Good thing I had a barf bag because I could not stop throwing up. I felt sensitivity to light. The ER doc thought maybe it was meningitis. They were going to do a lumbar puncture. But the CT scan showed a small bleed. They thought it was an aneurism. So then they did a follow up CT with contrast which showed no aneurism. The doctor told me that was good news and that 99 percent of the time the bleeding stops on its own. I still had to be in the hospital for two days for monitoring. I was in the worst pain of my life. The headaches and neck pain were horrible and they couldn’t give me much more than Tylenol to help. The nausea was only slightly alleviated with medication. I could not keep down food or fluids. After two days the follow-up CT scan showed no increased bleeding. I was keeping down fluids at that time so they let me go home.

    Three and a half weeks later all pain and nausea are gone but I still struggle with fatigue on and off. I don’t have the same level of energy. I’m hoping it will continue to get better with time. My concentration is getting better. Now I can watch a whole hour of TV. Before it was 20 or 30 minutes.

    I know I got really lucky. I’d give anything to be fully back to normal and I think it’s possible. Anyone experience improving fatigue over time?

  134. Cherie Berry says:

    My husband suffered a sub-arachnoid hemorrhage on January 28, 2022. They found an aneurysm, tried unsuccessfully to coil it, went back in the next day and were able to clip it. He’s still in ICU. what can I expect mentally and physically when he gets home? He’s 64 and also has severe Crohn’s Disease.

  135. Jessica Nyce says:

    I have a positive update. My fatigue is gone and I’m back to work 100 percent!

  136. Anita says:

    My husband has entered hospital since 21.3.2022 due to SAH, he continue to has severe headache (even leg pain) during this week. Under COVID 19, I can’t visit him and I am so worry.

    Anyone here have headache after SAH and how long will it persist? Many thanks.

    This website really help me in my difficult time. Many thanks.

  137. Maria BG says:

    Thank you for sharing your update with us! I suffered a SAH in May 2021 (11 months ago) and I’m still navigating some of the changes. While I have returned to work and seemingly function just fine, there are some moments where I get really tired. I also get headaches a few times a week, so I try to make sure I stay hydrated and do not overwork myself. It’s been a journey for sure, and reading this post as well as the comments from many others who have suffered from this has been very helpful and therapeutic.

  138. Meg G says:

    I’m a 65 year old woman. My SAH was 6 years ago; thunderclap headache, temporary aphasia, surgery to clip the aneurysm and a couple weeks in hospital. So disoriented after that (couldn’t believe they let me out actually).

    A feeling of (yes, the “new”) normality gradually returns, though I am always aware of the need to concentrate. There are pluses; I notice the world around me more since I am often standing there trying to figure out what I’ve just forgotten.

    Fatigue and difficulty sleeping (no doubt related I know) and out of proportion anxiety are my faithful unfortunate companions. I get frustrated and anger can flare up. I avoid groups of people as my ability to focus on conversation is limited. I gravitate to isolation, but work (sort of) to avoid too much of it.

    Things that have made life better:

    Maintaining ties with family and friends, sometimes difficult but important.

    Keeping to a daily routine, aided by the timer on my phone (and my dog who seems to know it better than I do).

    Adding pets to my life; can’t say enough good about them. They require that I get up and see things through every day and I do for them what I might not do for myself; maybe adding horses to the list isn’t for everyone (it was sort of by accident) but that has been rewarding, as well as physically and mentally challenging. Also riding helps your balance.

    Keeping a daily journal which starts with a list of things to do. It is invaluable as a back up memory and I refer to it often.

    Keeping a sense of humor and taking the occasional “vacation day”; where it’s ok to just make it through the day.

    Sometimes I think I have lost my senses, other times I realize that this constant striving makes life worth living. Getting on my feet and going outside always improve my mood (that or a cup of coffee).

    Did I mention running off at the keyboard has also been a problem? Carry on and do your best, you can do it!

    Many thanks!


  139. Rene Longoria says:

    Hello thanks for the update and story. I was 35 yr old male riding my bike when it happened. I just remember hearing a pop in my right side, kinda like popping the small bubbles of bubble wrap and then i felt a pain i hadn’t felt in 25years. I’ve read that a ruptured aneurysm is the worst headache you’ve ever had. I had survived a ruptured subarachnoid hemorrhage in 1988 and thought i had forgotten what it felt like until that morning on march23, 2013 when it happened again, and yes, it is painful, the only way i can describe it is that it literally feels like someone is hitting your skull with a hammer, but from the inside. The hardest thing is getting on with your life afterwards. I used to be a teacher, i had used to have a wife. Like i told a Dr., ” I feel like I don’t have a life anymore” and she told me,” you do have a life, it’s just different than the one you’re used to!” Those Simple words put a lot of things into perspective for me. I also struggle with things like balance, left side weakness, foregetfullness, division making, organization skills but i try my best. I even enrolled back in school and have taken 3 courses, A&p 1, lifespan, and a communication class, and u e gotten all As so wish me luck with the a long time after the ruptured aneurysm, i felt like I let down my family because I couldn’t stay a teacher and my marriage fell apart, and I want them to be proud of me again. It’s the little things that stand out for me. For example, mom would tell people,” oh my son suffered a ruptured subarachnoid hemorrhage in 2013 , and it always felt like I was looking for sympathy but i wasn’t, so i asked if she could change the word suffered to survived, and it made a huge difference in the way i felt about myself. Good luck to all , and engrave it in your head that it is possible to live a long life after a ruptured subarachnoid hemorrhage! I also struggle with staying focused and sometimes cousins get frustrated because i switch topics easily and often.

  140. Rene Longoria says:

    As one Dr told me after i complained about still getting headaches after 7 years from the SAH, he said,” at least you get to have headaches, some don’t get that luxury”!

  141. Natalie says:

    Wow, I am so thankful to have found this article.My SAH rupture was followed by a series of strokes. This was 10 years ago in 5 days. I am still struggling to adapt to my new normal & the massive sense of loss, letting go of who I used to be. My marriage broke down and I had 2 kids under 2 at the time. The way the Dr describes his experience – i haven’t been able to put it so concisely in 10 years! I feel useless alot og the time & i still struggle with asking for & accepting help or the concepts that I am not capable of returning the help & not capable of living independently. I lost half of my vision & will never be able to drive a vehicle, but i can still read and that is a blessing. Having a second chance to raise my kids – well that’s a miracle & I’m so grateful to all of my doctors and nurses & support staff over the last decade.

  142. Jim says:

    There is an awful lot to read here. I am struck by how different everyone’s experience is.

    I suffered SAH on 4/29/2019 while traveling in southern Italy with my wife. I was 77 then. My wife and the hotel staff got me to the University of Bari hospital later in the day. I was in a come for 9 days and in intensive care there for another 10. Luckily my wife had purchased medical evacuation insurance and I was flown back to Carillon Clinic where I spent a month in rehab.

    Fortunately I have made a full recovery and carry on my usual activities including a daily 3+ mile walk. Went back to Italy about a month ago and planning to go again in the Fall.

    Lately I have been having some pain in my head and I was researching to see if it could be delayed symptoms from SAH.

  143. Ronda Cornett says:

    I am so thankful I came across your story. It has reminded me to be thankful. I suffered a SAH Oct of 2019. I was at my Aunts funeral and passed out. I was surrounded by a loving family and even though they thought I just locked my knees they called for medical help. I was carried by ambulance to my small home town hospital where it was discovered that I had an aneurysm leak which shortly completely burst causing them to life flight me to a large hospital. While I was in flight the surgeon waiting for my arrival was on the phone with my daughter explaining that she needed to get my other two children there quickly as well as other family members because I was not expected to make it through surgery. Long story short I did by the grace of God. I have some of the same disabilities and unable to work. I have let frustrations and disappointment seep in and then I read your article. I know I am not a lone and I know what I have been dealing with is very real. I appreciated your positivity it has truly helped restore mine.

  144. Sana Jahshan says:

    I am thankful to come across your story and see how many people have experienced what i have. I was 49 years old when I suffered a SAH on August 19, 2020 after a stressful day at work, I returned home and decided some physical excercise to releave my stress. I usually suffer from panic attacks and while excercising I felt I was having a severe panic attack, there was no headache, just extreme body shivering and weakness in my hands and legs and i felt a lot of confusion. My mom lives nearby, i was able to walk the 20 meter distance to her house. I then collapsed, started vomiting and went into alternating states of unconsciousness and consciousness. The ambulance took me to the hospital and i had an angiography as I was told later. I laid unconscious in the ICU for 4 days. After regaining consciousness, i stayed in the hospital for almost 7 days. The neurologist told me that i had suffered a SAH but they were not able to detect the actual location. It took me about a month to fully recover since my legs felt weak. Thankfully, I have not suffered from lasting disability. My Doctor prescribed blood pressure medication and i was able to pursue my life normally and get back to work. But now my anxiety has increased a lot which causes an increase in my blood pressure from time to time and any small physical activity seems to trigger this anxiety though i am taking anxiety medication as well. After spending some time with my husband or cleaning the house or even the smallest physical activity is bringing back all the memories and I feel i am having another SAH. I really don’t know how to get out of this vicious circle.

  145. Theresa says:

    In December 2022 it will be 9 years of SAH recovery.
    Amazingly, I returned to teaching middle school about 8 mos afterwards (although probably too soon). I too am more easily fatigued (50+ hour work weeks don’t help) and find I tend to lose track of thoughts mid sentence which is rather annoying for my husband sometimes. It is comforting to know it is likely a lingering effect of SAH perhaps to the small “dead” spot in my brain. Overall, I am grateful have survived and see purpose for my survival as things come up in life. I have found ways to continue serving my community in politics and as an animal rescue volunteer despite limited free time and energy limitations.

  146. Theresa says:

    In December 2022 it will be 9 years of SAH recovery.
    Amazingly, I returned to teaching middle school about 8 mos afterwards (although probably too soon). I too am more easily fatigued (50+ hour work weeks don’t help) and find I tend to lose track of thoughts mid sentence which is rather annoying for my husband sometimes. It is comforting to know it is likely a lingering effect of SAH perhaps to the small “dead” spot in my brain. Overall, I am grateful have survived and see purpose for my survival as things come up in life. I have found ways to continue serving my community in politics and as an animal rescue volunteer despite limited free time and energy limitations.

  147. Tim Chandler says:

    Thank you all for your experiences and sharing, I had an SAH on the night of April 25th, 2022 one month before my 50th b-day. Mine came without warning and no symptoms that would have warned me about 15 minutes from going to bed for the night. After a routine using of the restroom before going to bed I was found in a trance like state washing my hands over and over for what I was told was about 10 minutes. I remember feeling not quite myself like as if really tired but not sleepy. I then rejoined my family and watched some tv for about 15 minutes and then stood up and attempted to walk back into the restroom and began walking into an extended recliner my daughter was using (instead of walking around it) When asked if I was ok I apparently giggled and spoke gibberish (which in my mind I could swear I was talking normally.) I remember trying to move my legs to walk but they would move seconds after attempting to move them. This lasted for maybe 10 to 15 seconds before I then walked to the restroom and then started to wash my hands again then stand in front of the “commode,” in a trance like state no pupil response to light, no response to stimulus and barely breathing. I was told once at the hospital I would respond to basic commands but could not talk and I was not “home.” I apparently had seizures before the ambulance to hospital and again during the first CT scan. I was rushed to a local hospital and airlifted to a hospital in St.Louis where I spent a week in the ICU. I spent the month of May recovering at home with my family. While I don’t have debilitating after effects, I don’t feel like I did prior to what we are calling “the event. When doing a lot of walking or work that I used to do (especially yard work) I get dizzy, feel weak, and need to sit for a bit. I don’t get headaches but every so often I get dizzy spells, and I have been told i don’t have as much patience as I used to exhibit in certain situations. i had CT scans, an MRI, and an Angiogram all coming back negative for aneurysm or other anomaly. Doctors have told me they don’t know exactly what caused it. I am thankful for everyone sharing, I’m scared, anxious, and a host of other emotions all at once and find myself crying a lot easier than before. I thank God each day for more time with my family and friends and find talking about this is some level of therapy for me.

  148. Thato amelia says:

    My first symptoms of ALS occurred in 2014, but was diagnosed in 2016. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn’t walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Tree of Life Health clinic. It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit w w w. treeoflifeherbalclinic .com ). I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others. ]

  149. RJ says:

    People who have a good support system are so blessed. My SAH was on August 26,2018. Funny how that date sticks in your mind. While in the hospital until Oct 2, I had lots of support from friends and family. However, I had an additional trauma added to my experience. When I was intubated on the way to the hospital, my windpipe was bent. So after I returned home, I endured having a trach put in because within a month, I couldn’t walk across the room without gasping for breath. The trach stayed in for 6 months but did not help so it was removed as well as the part of my windpipe that was damaged. I still struggle to breathe. I have the headaches, lightheadedness, memory loss, tiredness, sleeplessness followed with sleeping 12-14 hours some nights. I make unusual and detrimental decisions that I would never have made before my SAH. At times, I feel like I have mush for a brain. Because I have made bad decisions, even though I am retired, I have looked for a way to work at home but cannot find a job. Everyone was so concerned about my physical health, no one paid attention to my mental health. After my hospitalizations settled down, everyone else returned to their normal lives, including my family. But my “normal” has been replaced by a “new normal”. One I am not proud of and my behavior is so out of character with who I used to be. I am looking for a resident rehab center where I can get help. Because of the lack of support from my family, I hope I can find somewhere that includes family counseling. I am trying to be as normal as I can be. I am very happy I found this sight and am hearing about SAH survivors who have a good support system and are living a good life! I want my family to understand what is going on and accept me as I now am. This site is what encouraged me to look for a rehab center in the hopes I will be successful.

  150. Tony says:

    I’m going to apologize ahead of time for the length of this.

    Literally, this page is like finding new brothers and sisters. I’m touched and uplifted by so much that’s been written here. It’s been cathartic to read your stories—to laugh, cry, worry and rejoice with you. It’s comforting to find this camaraderie—to find that I’m not alone. It’s helpful to see that though our journeys are all unique, they seem to intersect around a single shared event—even intertwine as I read your posts and see so many experiences and feelings that we have in common. Thanks to all of you.

    I was a high school English teacher and a hobby juggler. I was also a workaholic who found identity in my job and sacrificed both sleep and quality time with my family in order to perform to what I thought was the best of my ability.

    It happened 5 years ago, June 2017; I was 51. I was married and had four kids, ages 11 to 15. The thunderclap headache woke me up. My palms were unusually sweaty. I went to the bathroom, drank water, sat up for a few minutes and finally decided that these symptoms were too unusual to ignore. I was coherent when I called 911and as I talked to the paramedics and was taken to a local hospital. Then I fell asleep.

    The night crew at the hospital decided I must be having a migraine, but my wife argued that I don’t get headaches, so they gave me a CAT scan. I was transferred to Adventist hospital in Glendale, California for 14 days where the bleed was coiled by Dr Yaser Badr. I was out of the operating room within 14 hours of that thunderclap headache. It’s very likely that the timing saved my life.

    My wife stayed with me virtually the entire time I was in the hospital, looking up information on SAH and medication side effects. Having her there was an immeasurable comfort, but more than that, since she knew my tolerances, she may have saved my life through her research and advocacy. I was beyond lucky to have her by my side, and I’ll never be able to repay her for all that she did for me.

    Once home, I had maybe 2 hours of OT but no follow-up neurotherapy. I fought to be normal again and to regain all my faculties, and it appeared as if I was on my way toward that goal. Because the SAH happened at the beginning of summer break, I had about two and a half months to recover, but I wanted to get back to work—to “my kids”, to my mission, to being productive, to making an impact and making an income. I started working half-time for 8 weeks then went full time and finished the year. The next year was interrupted by COVID and distance learning. The year after that was also COVID impacted. I made it halfway through the 21-22 school year before the school district found me unfit and let me go. I can’t fault them for that decision.

    My big question at this point was “What happened? How could I have had 20 years of good teaching and then suddenly ‘go bad?’” I went in for a psych evaluation and got diagnosed as “high functioning autistic.” Asperger’s Syndrome.

    So now there was an explanation—not only for my post-stroke irritability, sound sensitivities, balance issues and word troubles—but also for much of the emotional trouble I had as a child. It seems as though I was able to hide my autism well enough through most of my life, but the SAH made it so that my masking was less effective, and thus the theory is that the SAH exacerbated and unmasked my ASD, and that seems to provide some explanation and closure for why I couldn’t stay working in the classroom. Not that there’s anything wrong with ASD; it’s that I didn’t control some of my “filters.”

    So here I am, still in recovery. My wife (who did all that research) says that full recovery for a traumatic brain injury takes close to the eight years. On the outside, I seem fully functional, but my brain is still healing and I still have some “issues.” I’m currently out of work, 56, and have lost both my career and the identity I had in that career. I cannot multitask. I am challenged to understand what is being said when there’s more than one conversation going on in the room. Emotions have a lot of ups and downs. I quit juggling out of frustration after the SAH. After losing my job as a teacher, I began to feel very alone. I became depressed—at times bordering suicidal. Sometimes faith seems to help; sometimes it doesn’t.

    Side note: many have told me that juggling demands that my non-dominant hand keep up with my dominant hand—that my right brain and left brain keep up with each other. Juggling also encourages continuous learning, so in both ways it encourages neuroplasticity—the ability for the brain to adapt and forge new neural pathways. They say that this neuroplasticity helped me with my quick recovery. So I was pretty sad and frustrated when I felt that I had to quit in order to lower my stress level.

    Now, finding that I’m autistic, I have to reevaluate the childhood traumas that have shaped much of my view of the world, and I have to adjust to who I am going forward. To put it mildly, this SAH has shaken up my life all the way to the roots.

    Like so many people have written before, “one day at a time” is all I have. I have to choose to get up. Choose how to face each day despite which “side of the bed” I wake up on. Choose to grant myself grace to continue healing. Choose not to dwell on what I’ve lost, what I used to be. Choose to accept who I am and what I can do now. It’s all I can do.

    “One day at a time:” sometimes it sounds lazy, but often it’s wiser than the “go get ‘em” that we’re taught to use to push ourselves every day.

    True, by all outside appearances, I seem to have fully recovered from the SAH. The headaches are generally now just a sign for me to drink more water. I’m still as tech-savvy as a small rock, but I’m writing. I held a job—until I couldn’t. That brought on the autism diagnosis which forced me to reconsider a lot about life—and to grow. I have lots of new deficits to face, but I have an awesome wife and four awesome kids who do their best to help me through. I worry about loss of faculties, deterioration, and dementia, but I still wake up each morning. I see my shortcomings, but I search for my strengths. Occasionally, I find something to make me smile.

    The other day I took out my dusty, old juggling stuff because my son has been showing interest. I surprised myself; the skills are rusty but still there. It was an interesting juggling session. I was less concerned—and less stressed out—about technical ability, difficult tricks and performing prowess; instead, I was just happy to be doing it at all. Juggling aside, that point of view, that approach to juggling was new and revolutionary to me. I’ll be working on developing that approach, that attitude, that gratitude. That’s a goal for me.

    And goals are evidence of hope.

    Blessings, Courage and Comforts to you, my brothers and sisters, in this season and on this path that we walk together.

  151. Alex Murphy says:

    Much thanks to you for your story and your uplifting statements. I had a SAH in oct 2021. I was just 42 years of age when it happened. I live in the center of Sydney. It took paramedics roughly 20 minutes to show up with 40 extra moment ride to the clinic. Paramedics gave me to the ER and let them know I had a headache. I didn’t have any idea what was befalling me at that point, obviously. All I knew was I was experiencing the most serious agonizing cerebral pain I have at any point had in my life. After the underlying CT, they had the option to perceive the SAH. I actually have memory issues and fail to remember straightforward words once in a while. I actually battle with cerebral pains that I never had before the SAH and presently tension brought about by the migraines, but I am appreciative to just be alive. God favor you and your loved ones.

  152. Al-B says:

    Long story but will try to give short version
    I am 66 years old
    5 years ago had a “” thunder clap headache””
    Scans did not reveal anything at the time and i recovered well
    June this year in the shower one night and hit by the worst headache ever in my life
    Brought me to my knees , bare ly able to move
    never felt pain like it before
    no head position helped
    Blood pressure thro the roof
    top end read “‘ to be continued “”

    Had scan done two days later
    Scan revealed an aneurysm on left side of brain
    There and growing for a while
    Flew to S A July
    Surgeons explained the procedure to me and gave the stats on outcomes ( my age group not so good )
    Very sobering chat
    Good news was procedure would be less invasive surgery – via the groin and no ICU
    Had coiling procedure performed
    Was discharged the following day and flew home two days later
    Was off work for a week

    For most of this episode i was more concerned about wife and daughters and family and the anxiety they where going thro
    I had Read up about coiling procedures and all that goes with it

    It only really hit me laying outside the theatre waiting to go in how this all happened to me and will i make it and if so what op or post op complications
    will i have

    Fortunately all went well and i was thankful i did not have to go into ICU

    I am not sure if i am 100 % – times i just feel “”different “: I am not sure what it is
    see things and people differently
    dont let little things upset me
    For a short while curtailed all my hobbies and activities – felt like i was walking around with a time bomb
    Now back to hobbies moderate excercise ( afraid to go back to pre op levels )

    Having follow up scans shortly so rather anxious about that

    When i speak to people about the whole episode I make light of it all to the point where someone once said I seem unfazed by it all

    To all of you my best wishes and prayers
    and u be strong

    Like most of you I had no idea about any of this
    Stopped reading further stats as sometime s they can be very depressing

    Every morning I thank the Good Lord and Mother nature for life and count all my blessings

    P S

    In march 2022 I was diagnosed with breast cancer
    Had a masectomy of the right breast
    Surgeon told me it is very rare in men !!
    Oncologist says it is hormonal cancer so on tomxifin for five years

    So i wonder sometime s about my self
    Am really o k !!

  153. Jeannie Miller says:

    This is a great site. Happy the doctor shared his story. I just suffered a intracranial bleed near the pontine cistern structure 5 days ago. I am a very healthy 58 year old. It was small. My stress level at with has been high. So, I started exercising a lot more. I had been working out in a bootcamp when a headache started. I always worked out. I thought dehydration and tried to push through. I left half way and drove 5 minutes home. I became nauseated at home , delirious, then vomiting and light sensitive with a feeling of warmth going down my neck- with neck pain. Testing inconclusive- No early indications it was an aneurysm or malformation. Will get a recheck a -gram. Still with symptoms of pain from neck down my back, or it spasms when I try to walk. Resting and taking Tylenol. I am so grateful to be alive. No deficits. Scary as ever. I find peace and gratitude in your stories.

  154. Lisa F says:

    My husband suffered a SAH on October 2, 2021 at home. Ambulance was 20 minutes away, then another 20 to local hospital where life flight was waiting to transfer to Coeur dalene ID. He was diagnosed with brain bleed then life slighted to Sacred Heart in Spokane WA. He had 3 clips put in brain, spent 18 days in ICU, had a permanent shunt put in on day 14. Spent another week in hospital then transferred to acute rehabilitation hospital for 24 days. He responded well to their therapeutic model but he had zero short term memory, no sense of direction or time, had to relearn how to sit, stand, walk. Everything! Given our remote location we had no good options for intensive rehab to continue following his release from rehab hospital. With help of family and lots and lots of phone calling we found Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals in Lincoln NE. We cannot say enough about their facility, therapists, programming, etc…We spent 2 months doing at least 20 to 30 hours of therapy a week. We were very blessed to have great health insurance thru his employer, he was a teacher. After 1 year, his humor, wit, personality are all very much intact. Short term memory is improving with use of lists, calendar and such. He continues working with an outstanding local speech therapist for an hour a week who understands the nuances of being an adult male, primary breadwinner, how to negotiate the world, social situations, etc. As his wife, I had 6 months of feeling depressed, despondent, mourning the loss of my husband, preparing to live with the shell of the man I married. But God, and His amazing Grace, has healed him to at least 95 percent! He took early retirement and qualified for SSDI the first time. He doesn’t have stamina that he had before but endurance continues to improve. He was 58 at time of SAH. We’ve been very blessed with strong family support, terrific network of friends and church family that have all pitched in to help. He is driving by himself now, returning to hobbies and activities of wood working , golf, fishing and hunting. A year ago I would have never imagined this miraculous recovery. Many prayers and strength for your continued healing and adjusting to the new normal.

  155. Christopher Cummins says:

    I stumbled upon this page last October as i was in hospital recovering from an SAH. And it gave me peace reading just how different everyone’s experience was.
    I’m a 36 y/o male, and had it while out running (pushing my then 1y/o and 3y/o in a running buggy). I felt a funny feeling and tried to run it off, but within a km I was lying on ground in pain. Luckily it was an organised ParkRun so aarshall called an ambulance and I was in hospital quickly.
    After a long month of pain management in hospital, I was released, went for my 1st run exactly 50 days after the SAH and back to work after 3 months.
    A year on, I still get headaches (esp when tired), but generally back in good health, all be it with a higher pain threshold.

    Leaving this story here because as I said I found all these testimonials amazing as I was spiralling once I got on Google on hospital last year.

  156. Babin Babitha says:

    I appreciate your hard work. Thank you for sharing. I will also share some useful information.

  157. Scott says:

    I suffered a “massive Subarachnoid Hemorrhage” on October 28, 2020 while in Germany. I was a healthy, very fit, 56 year old man. I exercised regularly. Humbling. I am so grateful to share, I went home from the hospital in under three weeks. I experienced a remarkable recovery with no loss of motor function. It did take some time to work through headaches, buzzing in my ears, dizziness, memory loss, etc. Today I am doing GREAT! When the S.H. hit…….it came on fast, hard, painfully, and very strong. I went down. I woke up in the ICU. Big gaps in the memory. My wife began contacting friends, family, pastors, other Christ followers to pray for me. People all over the world were lifting me up in prayer. The Dr. had told my bride I may not make it through the night…..I was in critical condition. The Dr. told my bride I had had a massive Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, one of the most significant he had ever seen.
    Many of my experiences were similar to Dr. Cohn’s. While in ICU, and after becoming more aware, I was told I would be in the hospital for 3 to 6 months while they assessed the damage, needs i would have while moving forward, and monitored my recovery. I was told that 85% of patients with my size of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage do not survive. He actually said, “You should be dead.” The Dr. stated, “You are a miracle!” Germans are frank and I know he meant it in the most positive terms. LOL! I was told I would be in recovery for much longer, 9 to 24+ months, while l relearned to do basic things and to adjust to life after a S.H. I was shocked. Anyhow, I went home in under 3 weeks and today I am full of gratitude and praise. I am fully healed and live a very normal life with no motor complications, memory loss, etc. So much to be thankful for.

  158. Lewis Eckert says:

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  159. Christopher Cronauer says:

    Hello not sure if this is what I think it is but I wanted to share my testimony.
    In 1997 I was in a mva (ejected 120 ft.) landing in the middle of a cow pasture. Paramedics we’re trying to figure out if anybody was with me after numerous attempts they said I raise my hand and said he’s right there they all turned to look in the direction I was pointing but could see no one. That’s where on Life flight which wasn’t available at the time but came available we were heading to the hospital and I didn’t have a heartbeat or pulse. They gave me everything they could to get me breathing again my heart going when all the power on the helicopter went out. This was the first time that it has ever happened. With the power being out flying in the dark unable to get a heartbeat or pulse they began to put me in a body bag. The Life flight paramedic told me when they zip it up to about my knees all of a sudden the power on the helicopter came back on and when the power came on at a heartbeat and a pulse.
    I was able to go back finish my senior year and then I headed out for college. After my first semester I came back home for the holidays when a friend of mine pick me up and we went to the mall. On our way back home we’re in a head-on collision where I was a lifelighted again. The doctor who performed surgery on me also help me in my first accident but did not recognize me at the time. When he arrived on scene there were six other doctors walking out telling him that there’s nothing they could do for me just to let me die. That doctor replied to them by saying there’s something about this person I have a feeling something inside me is telling me I need to do something so he took me into emergency surgery to fix my subdural hematoma. The doctor had told my parents he didn’t know how I would come out or be after the surgery he performed. By the grace of God I made a full recovery and 8t took a few months to get rid of the brain fog.

    The second wreck was almost a miracle and in itself because that is where they discovered that I had a tear in my spinal column leaking cerebral spinal fluid which at some point could have either paralyzed or killed me.

  160. Mary says:

    Had my SAH and ruptured aneurysm in September of 2021. Was at the gym, had just gotten in the pool and had a pain my neck that was horrible. Luckily I was able to get out of the pool, and there were a few people back in the area. My gym is affiliated with the hospital where my doctor is, and about 2 blocks away. I have a VP shunt, had 2 coils placed a few days after the shunt. Was in the hospital for 7 weeks, 5 of those weeks I only remember bits and pieces. The last 2 weeks was on an inpatient rehab floor, and I remember all of that. Did well there and went home by myself, with about 4 weeks of home health, and went back to work a few weeks after home health stopped. I’m a hospice social worker/ bereavement coordinator.
    In February had to go back and my neuro interventionalist put 7 more coils and stent in the aneurysm. Had an angiogram in August, everything looked good. I had headaches when I was in the hospital, and for about 6 months when I got out. I take topomax which helped until a few months ago. My headaches are back and I started falling. I still get fatigued easily, don’t sleep really well, get annoyed & angry easier, have to write EVERYTHING down, can’t handle a lot of noise, sometimes lose my words and have more trouble concentrating. I have fibromyalgia, which was controlled and I was going to the gym 5 times a week before. Now I have to push myself to go once a week, and my chronic pain is back. I’m glad to be alive, but I miss the old me!

  161. Joe Bergeson says:

    This ain’t funny. That’s what I thought when my SAH happened. I was driving when I sneezed, hard. When I got home, my terrible headache started. My stepson drove me to the ER, for I knew that something terribly wrong , my wife left work to be with me. After Ct scan, MRI, and other tests that I don’t recall, i found out that I was being transported to SLC Utah University of Utah’s ICU. I was pretty scared. I did not know if I would see my wife, or anyone again. What the hell happened? 2 weeks in ICU, 2 states away from home, and the knowledge my life is going to be different. That was August 3rd of this year. Since i have been home, I have headaches, double vision, lack of balance, spacey, irritable over little things, depression. With all the research I have done, it appears that recovery is a crap-shoot. I am soo grateful for my wife. I don’t know if i would be writing this today without her love. I’m grateful to alive, sad for the things I don’t remember, looking forward to this next adventure in my life. Peace to ALL!

  162. Dee Stotler says:

    I’m interested in knowing rehabilitation options. I’m so impressed that Dr. was able to rehab 6.5 hrs a day for a year.

    Medicare and supplement will pay for 10 days OT, PT, Speech. Then what? Back to the nursing home?

    Patient is 90 days post SAH, three coils, one stent. 3 wks ICU, 4 wks step down, 2 wks nursing home.

  163. Really your post is too wonderful, carry on your work and sharing your information with us.

  164. Jackie Bachman says:

    I too just 3 weeks ago here in Tucson, AZ suffered a fall and hit my head on the bathroom floor. My husband heard the fall and came in to find me in distress and after 10 minutes when he had me breathing again called the ambulance to take me to Tucson, AZ trauma emergency center. I was extremely lucky at 71 to only have a subarachanoid hemmorage and a subdural hematoma from this fall. I was only a day and a half in hospital. And feel blessed that I am going to recuperate as thete was no aneryurism. My husband of 50 years was a God send to have quickly gotten me medical help. My cluster headaches are just starting to ease up. Dr. Cohen I am thankful you are doing so well after 6 years. May God watch over you too!

  165. Donamarie Casey says:

    I have read everyone’s comments but have not read much about what doctors have diagnosed me here. On Oct 27,2022 I experienced the worse headache of my life. I am a health 64 yo female. I had never heard of thunder clap headaches before, never had a migraine and have never had high blood pressure. I took lots of Tylenol and by the next day I felt better. Two days later I had another. Within seconds I thought my head was going to explode. That’s when I knew something was terribly wrong and went to ER. My blood pressure was over 235/100. CT scan showed SAH but couldn’t find cause. I spent a week in critical care. CT scan with contrast and MRI didn’t show anything. Then angiogram showed blood vessels in my brain were spasming so doctors diagnosed Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome. They only see about 3/ year. My case is called Call Fleming Syndrome since there is
    No known cause. Has anyone else been diagnosed this?
    I still have headaches and fatigue but no more thunder clap and now on BP meds. Doctors say it reverses in 3-4 months so hoping things will resolve soon.
    But I am having a feeling this was a result of the Pfizer booster I had just 26 days before. I have read an article out of the UK that has linked the Pfizer vaccine to SAH. This was the first time I had Pfizer. All my other vaccines were Moderna. I’m curious if anyone else had a SAH after a Pfizer vaccine. And does anyone know if I could report this to the CDC? Thanks!

  166. Jenette Young says:

    Thanks so much for sharing, this really helped me understand a bit better what im going through. Getting told i cant work anymore is hitting me very hard. I just dont understand why i can’t. Thank you again for sharing and I wish you well in life and processes going forward. 🙂

  167. Nicole Raice says:

    Life is full of precious and I am so glad that you were able to get the medical help that you needed. I will continue to pray for your health and healing. Thank you for sharing your story!

  168. Mia says:

    Thank you so much for leaving this forum open. I pray that all of us will continue to heal and improve. I experienced a SAH on 10/30/22. I have had migraines since high school. Aside from Migraines and a bad back, I was healthy prior to this. I am 54. I had a migraine that I could not get rid of for about two weeks prior to the actual rupture. On 10/30, I experienced a strange feeling like a bubble bursting in my head and then it felt like a tornado inside my head. Dizzy, vomiting, sweating, all over weakness. Thank God I was at home and my husband called 911. My doctors think my aneurysm had been leaking during the weeks prior to the rupture. I now have a stent and I am very fortunate that everything is functioning. I spent about a month in the hospital being monitored. I was not given PT. I still get winded easily and fatigued. I still have pain along my spine and down my legs that is still so bad. The only thing that alleviates the pain is to lay flat. Anyone else have long term spine and leg pain? Anyone have hearing loss afterwards?

    Also, doctors told me not to take my RX migraine meds anymore…rizatriptan. Still on BP meds and blood thinners.

  169. Samantha Mckinney says:

    I suffered my Subarachnoid hemorrhage on October 11th of 2022. Thank you. I don’t feel so alone. I now know everything I’m going through is normal. God Bless and here’s to living the best we can.

  170. Samantha Mckinney says:

    Hi Mia. My hearing didn’t get changed but my vision did. I wore bifocals before but now can’t. I can’t walk around with my glasses on at all. I had physical issues with my feet and legs before and those issues seem to be elevated. I can’t pick up stuff heavier then a gallon jug. I am slow thinking wise. I’m glad for spell check because I seem to have lost my vocabulary somewhere. 🙃 I’m still smiling and hope you are to. Stay strong. God bless

  171. Donna Culp says:

    It might not be appropriate to say this here, But there might be someone who needs to hear this, Never give up. I was a patient diagnosed with hemorrhagic stroke, I was discharged in August 2019 after being in hospital for nine whole months in total. My stroke affected my left side, I gained full recovery with the use of World Rehabilitate Clinic herbal formula. I was recovering within a period of three weeks. I started using Herbal Formula in 2021 and I gained full recovery after two months, They specialize in internal and pulmonary medicine. It’s also crucial to learn as much as you can about your diagnosis. Seek options, Find out about what’s out there that could help. visit:(Dr Odia Herbalist Home On Facebook ), They have a cure for ALS/MND, and Parkinson’s.

  172. Naomi says:

    I had a non-aneurysmal SAH in early January 2023. I’m 30 years old – my SAH occurred after having covid 3x in the year prior, as well as the Pfizer vaccine less than one month before. After doing some research, I believe the SAH was linked to covid infections and/or the vaccine. Luckily my only lasting issues are currently migraines and fatigue, and difficulties with visual focus. More research needs to be done into the link between covid, covid vaccines and SAH. I’m concerned about whether I should get the vaccine again in the future, and which one to get.

  173. Donamarie Casey says:

    Hi Naomi,
    I wrote above that I had a similar situation. My SAH occurred less than a month after I had the Pfizer vaccine. It was the first time I had the Pfizer shot. I believe there is a link. And I have read a study in the UK about a possible link between SAH and the Pfizer vaccine. I would like to know how to report this to the CDC or if any others have had the same situation. Best of luck to you.

  174. Vanessa Kelly says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. So much of what you shared has resonated in a personal way for me. I’m 6 months post SAH and I felt very alone in this journey as most people only hear of the outcome of death, not survival from this. Sharing how your memory wasn’t present for the two weeks after it occurred and not remembering the helicopter ride to the ER matches my experience of being flown to Harborview in Seattle from Kootenai Health in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. When we are released from initial care you really feel alone and confused so your article answered a lot of my questions that I was still thinking about. A big thanks to Dr Michael Levitt at Harborview for successfully coiling my SAH and getting me through the 10 day vasospasm concerns post-surgery. Thanks for your honesty and sharing the reality of this long term recovery process and adding that each case is different.

  175. Gary says:

    It was 2 years since my SAH on March 30th. I feel I am doing good, the fatigue is still there at the end of the day, can’t walk as fast as I used to I feel, but I am 62 now so age may be playing into that & my cognetive ability, which isn’t bad until I get tired. Those are my 2 biggies I work on. Like anybody posting here, we’re blessed to be alive. I try to eat & live my life better, not in my hurried, busy way before my event. Trying not to take this blessing for granted, all I have to do for a reminder is wash my hair & feel my shunt valve, I call it my speed bump. I glad this blog is still here, I’d be even happier if no new members had a reason to post here. Stay safe everyone

  176. Loi says:

    Hi Everyone!!
    I stumbled this group while scrolling some tips about SUBARACHNOID HEMORRAGE OR RAPTURED ANUERYSM. In my green sleeve thats what its written, im been in the ICU for 18 days and been go through two operation and on the 20th of april 2023 i was discharge so from today it was 15 days at home , once in a while i still have headache, the stiffness of my right side at the back of head to my shoulder still their but the worst that bugging me until now is my dual vision and when i walk i feel like gagging from motion sickness which i dont know if this is normal? My next appointment with my neurosurgeon is on the 2nd of June and i fell it is way so ling to wait so im planning to call health link or just simply go to the small hospital near us.

  177. Matthew says:

    It’s Saturday May 20th, 2023. My wife had a sah on May 9th and is still in ICU. They have taken her off the ventilator and she has a trachea port now. I’m terrified because it seems like her light is gone. Like she doesn’t recognize me. I hope this is merely a fever dream for her. I pray she recovers. We have 2 children who need their mother. I do find hope in the stories of survivors here. The more I research it seems a miracle she survived this long. We are in the midst of clearing the vasolspasms window, 9 days to go. The nurses say she is doing great. I pray each day her light returns and I can hear her voice again.

  178. Jarrod says:

    Well, I guess after reading it would be selfish not to add to the story. November 5, 2021 in the early morning I woke out of bed with a horrible headache. I never take pills of any type so I decided to read my computer. That’s when I realized I couldn’t read. I got my wife out of bed and told her what was wrong. I was 43. I took a shower, and we decided to get it checked and she raced me to the hospital because it was getting worse. I had a bleed and the ER docs stabilized me and sent me to Downtown Cleveland University Hospitals. Tons of scans, angiograms, and things I can’t spell and they still have no idea why this happened. They monitored me for a week. No surgery was needed. They lowered my blood pressure that has never been a problem and I went through a ton of rehab and continue to do so. Reading and writing has been a challenge. Math is not at all what it was. It is getting better. Six months into the healing I had a Gran Mal seizure and was now diagnosed with epilepsy due to the way my brain is healing up. That has been a bit of a set back, but we are still moving forward. I see a therapist to help with the changes.
    FYI… I still have strange tingling sensations in the top of my head and definitely on the left side of my temple where the bleed started, from time to time. Sometimes mild headaches. Weather changes affect the top of my head. Some days are great, some days are a struggle. Words are sometimes hard to find in a discussion. Vision was bad at first but came back in the first 6 months. EAT GOOD FOOD!!! The brain likes protein and hates sugar, carbs, and caffeine!!! Some is ok, but you are give yourself the best foods you can for healing! The Mayo Clinic had some good info on it.
    It is hard to not live in fear of another bleed, but there are others in a local stroke support group that I attend who have lived 20 and even 45 years after their event. This blog is a blessing. None of us are supposed to be here. Many others didn’t get the chance to read these entries or add theirs. My daughters still have a dad. We were all chosen for one reason or another to continue forward. Don’t waste it. Live healthy, live happy lives.

  179. Janette says:

    Thank you all, so much, for sharing. I’ve learned and confirmed many things. My husband survived a SAH May 23 2015. He was hospitalized for 5 weeks in which 2.5 of those was in NTICU. Today, he suffers from fatigue, tiredness, short term memory loss, anxiety as well as fearful over many things. He too, is thankful to be alive but as I say almost daily, we live in a new normal.

  180. Cheryl Lindlief says:

    My 25 ye old son had a SAH on 6/6/23. He is currently still in the icu. He has had to have 3 additional Angios for vaso spasm. The put in 5 coils. We do not know the extent of damage as yet. We do know right now he cannot move his right side at all. He feels is touching him but he cannot move anything. I don’t know how to prepare myself or him or his girlfriend for what may be. I am so scared. He is only 25 yes old.

  181. Dusty Bryan says:

    I had sah 10 days ago. I had had a concussion a month before. Had recovered. All sudden I fell and could not get up. I thought it was my back which was surgery a few years earlier. Fortunately my wife rushed me by Ambulance to Hershey Medical Ctr. Cat scan showed large brain bleed. I was blessed my daughter is a dr there. She knew the ropes. Had surgery. At home doing ok. Tired but blessed beyond belief. I was scared I would not make it through surgery. Jesus was by my side. As was my family. I get a new scan in a few Weeks. I look at life completely differently. God Bless and heal all who have been through this
    Dusty Bryan

  182. Judi says:

    I had my SAH on 4th July 2010. I survived but it changed my life forever. I’ve suffered with hideous dizziness since. Walking is hard and I’m only comfortable lying down or with my head against a high backed chair. I’m exhausted all the time.
    I miss walking and driving more than anything. I had to stop working as a nurse which robbed me of an income and I now feel worthless.
    I’ve had no support since and am saddened by peoples lack of understanding of the effects of the SAH. It’s like nothing ever happened. Every day is a struggle and I’ve attempted suicide twice due to the awful health issues and change to my life. I have another aneurysm which couldn’t be operated on as it was too dangerous.
    So life is a battle every day. If I’m honest I wish I had not survived. I’m confined to a life of sadness and feel useless and a burden. I just wish people could show a little more empathy. Not feel sorry for me but understand my limitations and cognitive slowness.

  183. says:

    Well, after reading through so many testimonies I truly know I’m not alone. I had SAH and two surgeries 5 1/2 months ago. After a bad headache that caused me to cry to my husband, I lost consciousness. My husband called 911, and it was a short distance to the hospital. I had weeks of after care therapy.
    What I am left with, along with gratitude, is a bit of confusion in this new version of being me.
    I am fortunate to have a loving husband, daughter, and dear friends to ask me to be with them. I understand how lucky I am, but there was so much time that I don’t remember. This bothers me. I know that in time I will let it go, but it’s such a lonely feeling presently.

  184. says:

    P.S. I forgot to add that I was in intensive care for six weeks, then transferred to an after care facility for physical and mental therapies.

  185. Chris Ann says:

    It is nice to know I am not a lone wolf. I had my SAH July 10. There is no known cause and I am a recovering well. I am grateful, but feel guilty that I am depressed and have anxiety over returning to my stressful job. I am grateful to be alive, but need to make life changes to reduce stress. Due to my need to keep my health insurance, I don’t know how to do this. Private insurance does not look favorably on folks that have had an SAH. On a positive note, folks who have posted do not mention SAH reoccurrence.

  186. Carole says:

    I had a SAH in 2017. They found 2 Aneurysms on left and right front lobes. Had them cooked Have a few issues after which am coping with. But don’t think family really understands how I feel or how serious it was as I can’t explain how i feel So by reading this has been very helpful and can show my family exactly how I feel and what’s going on. Also just had left side redone because it was building again so now have a stent put in so now going through everything again. So thankyou for putting this in print for me as it will help very much. X

  187. Jessica Martinez says:

    It will be 5 years soon. I had my SBH on 1/3/19. My life forever changed that day and still is changing. But I am alive and God saved me. I still have headaches, many sleepless nights, fatigue, forgetfulness and the loss of my identity and career. I taught English to Middle School students who were not native English speakers in California. Most people wouldn’t notice, but sometimes I get my verb tenses wrong and I have to stop and really think about what I’m going to say. It’s like the words I’d the sentence are all scrambled up ams I have to put them together before I speak. It doesn’t always happen. But I think I catch it more often because I was an English teacher. I can’t teach anymore. I can’t be under the lights. I can’t handle serious cognitive reading, input, or anything for more than an hour or so. My new normal. 💕😇🙏

  188. Matthew says:

    Sadly my wife passed on May 29th. She survived 20 days after the initial sah but suffered 2 more bleeds. At the end of it all the doctors said she likely would never have came home after the first one. The deficits were too great, and that she may not have ever eaten food again. So I feel it was mercy that she did not survive. I’m happy she is no longer suffering but completely devasted at a future without her raising 2 young children. Everyone here that survived is a walking miracle. Hug your loved ones. Tell them you love them. I will never be the same and part of me died with her. I will never get to be that person again.

  189. Mauro says:

    Dr. Evans thanks for sharing this article. I recently (May 2023) suffered from brain hemorrhage that after exams was diagnosed as an AVM that had to be removed surgically via craniotomy.
    I am living exactly what you describe, while I miracle survived, got back to work and to my sports, i may look normal outside but what is going on inside and the challenges to overcome to do things normal is huge and is hard for people to see it.
    I live the same social issues and I loved the tricks to overcome memory issues and conversation tricks.
    Thanks for sharing, it makes me feel less alone in this journey

  190. Lauren Rymer says:

    live alone.Suddenly felt as though I was going to faint.I rang an ambulance.Then iremember nothing.Dont remember much after that for days.I was in and out.Anyway had suffered a subrachnoid hemorrhage.Dont know all details.Spent about two months in hosp.Then two months off work.I had had horrendous stress for years leading up to illness.Now a year on am ok.But have odd migraines.Memory probs at times.

  191. Jo Robinson says:

    So sorry to hear of your loss Matthew. I am forever grateful for surviving my SAH & cherish every day, I was so very lucky….my heart goes out to you & your family.

  192. Linda Fournier says:

    On September 29,2018. I had a ruptured aneurysm It was repaired with a platinum coil. One of the complications was a subarachnoid hemorrhage hydrocephalus I have a VP Shunt. Two years later they found a 3mm aneurysm unruptured they were able to coil it, this was on the same artery from the first rupture. I now have two coils, a stent. and the VP shunt. I get headaches from time to time. My short term is not very good. I still get very tired. I also have some Apathy. I look fine on the out side but I struggle. I seem to be getting worse not better. It helps to hear peoples stories I am not alone. I just had a CTA and waiting to hear the results Hopefully i don’t have another growing,

  193. Tauhidul Alam says:

    Hi, This is Tauhid from Dhaka, Bangladesh

    The story of Dr. Cohn is very inspiring for me and my family. My 7 years old son had this Subarachnoid Hemorrhage multiple times in November 2022. He was in ICU for more than a month, had EVD for fluid drainage, experienced hydrocephalus, loss of control in his body, no control in urine and other things. He sufferred this till March 2023. By the Gods grace, my son recovered well and now seems to be leading a normal life. I would love to have a contact of Dr. Cohn, so that I can have a chat with him. I can be reached in “”

    My son had AVM and treated with coil. Doctor’s predicted that a left out portion of AVM actually caused the Hemorrhage.

    We are lucky enough that my son could recover from this incident quickly. He is just 7 and a long life ahead.

    I pray from the bottom of my heart for Dr. Cohn.

  194. RR says:

    Feb 2014 had lumpectomy surgery for breast cancer. I was 47 healthy with no major prior issues. Woke up in recovery room with severe headache that got progressively worse on the way home. Nurse in recovery thought it was caffeine withdraw but I wasn’t convinced. They decided it was from anethesia in surgery.
    Anyhow, went home, pain in head worsened, pain in back of neck and down the back of legs. Could not stand bright lights, vomiting and dizzy. Called GP and surgeon over the next few days, they thought side effects from anesthesia and anxiety. Pain and other issues slowly improved. Went back to work after a week.
    2 weeks after lumpectomy was walking through a parking lot with husband after visiting a sick relative at VA hospital and suddenly felt like I was hit in the head with a baseball bat. Took me to my knees. Worse pain I have ever experienced. Vomiting, horrible neck pain and leg pain was back. Could not walk without assistance. Felt like electricity pulsing through my hands and up my arms. Husband drove me to urgent care, they recommended I go to emergency room and thought I was experiencing a migraine. I had never had any type of severe headaches in my life prior to the previous one after lumpectomy. We went home and I took Advil and nibbled crackers. Call to doctors again said it was side effects from surgery. Stayed in bed for days while symptoms slowly improved.
    2 weeks later, showered and got ready to shop for groceries with husband. It was Saturday, St. Patrick’s Day and I was to fly to florida for work on Sunday. Suddenly while getting into the car, experienced horrible headache again. Again like getting hit in the head with a baseball bat. Worse pain ever. Again, vomiting, severe neck pain and pain in backs of legs. Dizzy, had to keep my eyes closed because the light was so painful. Immediately lost hearing in my left ear. Like a switch was flipped off. Pain was so bad I could barely breathe, couldn’t think clearly and didn’t understand what was happening. Noise was excruciating. Husband drove me immediately to ER.
    Was barely able to stand and stay conscious in waiting room, pain was so unbelievably bad and I didn’t understand what was happening.
    After CT and MRI, ER doc said I had blood on brain probably from a ruptured aneurysm. Helicopter ride to UVA. While in ER at UVA a doctor told me “the good news is you’re here and you will probably survive”……umm, what? Doctors found ruptured aneurysm on posterior communicating artery, there were very quiet and wouldn’t look me in the eye. That worried me.
    Signed papers and Dr Crawley and Dr Lui performed coiling saving my life. Nurses and doctors at UVA were amazing. Was in NICU for a few days and then a step-down unit. Discharged after a couple of weeks at which point they explained that I had a hemmhoragic stroke. Home for 3 months, then back to work with reduced hours and resume cancer treatments.
    Severe headaches, dizziness, tingling in my hands, daily battles with fatigue, double-vision, problems with following conversations, can no longer do math or remember very well, I forget everything, problems multitasking, can not handle noise, odors, bright lights, ….after a few years I had to stop working. Stress , fatigue, changes in weather, input overload, just everything was making headaches worse. Have been seeing doctors about the headaches ever since the surgery and now take several medications trying to minimize them but struggle with the horrible pain daily. Now they have diagnosed a thoracic aneurysm on my aorta and a small aneurysm on my carotid artery.
    Life is so different now. Some times I do not understand why I survived. I get very frustrated with medical community who just push me out saying I should be happy with what I have. They don’t understand how challenging every day is after something like this happens and it changes every aspect of your life. They don’t know how to help me.
    Congratulations to every one here who has survived. I am happy for Dr. Cohen and everyone here who have healed. Thank you for posting your stories here, it helps me a lot to hear about others. Love to all.

  195. Wendy says:

    I suffered a sever thunderclap headache at work in May 2023. Since I don’t normally get headaches & consider myself a fit, healthy 64 year old I knew this was something serious so I asked a co-worker to call 911. I eventually lost consiousness & don’t actually recall anything until 3 days later when I woke up at St. Michaels Hospital in Toronto. EVD was inserted & coiling of 4mm aneurysm was completed. I also have a 3 mm aneurysm that they are monitoring. I was in ICU for close to 3 weeks, released with a few meds which I stopped taking after 2 weeks. After my last scan there is blood in the neck of the coiled aneurysm so waiting to hear if another surgery is needed to place a stent in both aneurysms to prevent another rupture. I have constant headaches & life is not the same, but I am so thankful to be alive & am ever so grateful to the medical staff at St. Michaels.

  196. Lorna Davidson says:

    It has been nearly 20 years since I had my SAH. I was found collapsed in my Bedroom by my youngest Daughter. I was told they had to put me in to an induced Coma, as I was too ill to have an Op. For Haemorraghe and Aneurysm. I have no memory. I got no support. I was left with Cognitive Problems. I am happy to read all the stories of people who had the Support if their Families. I had none. My life was left torn. Now, nearly 20 years later, I am trying to salvage some sort of life. I have walked away from everything. I was never wanted. Shunned. I tried so hard. But refuse to bto live alone
    , trying to be accepted. If I don’t think of ‘Myself’, I can withdraw like I did….that isn’t a life, I don’t deserve that.

  197. Lorna Davidson says:

    Sorry. I forgot to add, I got a Coil fitted.

  198. Cured from Hsv-2, via… R.bu ck ler1 1 ‘ ‘ g ma i l… c o m, says:


  199. Hi Dr Cohn,

    I too have suffered the same hemorrhage in July. I’m grateful to have made it through. I’m experiencing some sort of motion sickness like feeling every now and then. Is this something you’ve experienced?

  200. Julie king says:

    Hi, my name is Julie and I live in Australia and I also had an aneurysm last year on 23 May. It was a month and two days after my granddaughter was born. I had to also had headaches a big headache the day before it burst. I didn’t even know that it happened. I don’t remember hardly any of that. All I know is my daughter found me on the floor so her and her father called and ambulance took me to the hospital. They weren’t sure on what was happening. I don’t know how long? that they actually took action. I think it was within two days after . They drilled a hole in my head to relieve the pressure. I’m now semi paralysed on my right side. That’s probably the frustrating part because I was also an active person. I used to walk everywhere now it’s hard I know I’m gonna get there but like everybody tells me it’s gonna take time but still it’s hard and it’s hard when you don’t know anybody that been through it and people don’t understand that you’re frustrated you don’t mean to be, but you do get frustrated. Dammit. I’m gonna get there one way I’ve got now this 3-D tutor which is going to help me to get my arm move and again I am walking but not as good as I used to, but all I can do is go forward and hopefully stronger because that’s all I’m gonna do is keep working up the muscles to get stronger so I can try and get back because I’ve got three beautiful grandchildren. I need to be able to hold and hug. Another one is gonna come next year and I know I need to be involved with their lives i’m praying boy am I praying that I get my life back it’s good to hear some people have gotten their lives back I was told that it was pretty severe. They say that I was lucky to be here. I may be lucky to be alive, but I know I’m very depressed so it helped when I read some of the articles of people I wishes all the best to all the Survivors.

  201. Ben Mugabi says:

    I just lost my partner (36 ) to surgery (coiling) following a minor SAH event.

    My partner who had had regular minor headaches but no other health problems came back home from work on November 5th 2023 evening with a severe headache and vomiting later in the night.

    The seriousness of her illness didn’t occur to us at first as we thought that the symptoms were due to an allergic reaction to the unusual food that she had had at work.

    However, the symptoms persisted into the following morning. On day 2 she developed a stiff neck but otherwise no other neurological deficiencies. She went to her doctor who suspected a haemorrhage and reffered her to King’s College Hospital London.

    She took herself to both and GP and the hospital.

    A CT scan was done at Kings and SAH was confirmed.

    At the time of diagnosis, all her symptoms had disappeared and she felt she was back to normal.

    The doctors also told her that her bleed was small was on the scalp and not worrying.

    They would monitor her for 4 days and then and decide on what to do.

    However early the next day (3rd day), they did a CT angiogram and found that she had two other unruptured annerysms.

    Without informing me , her next of kin , they took her to the theatre for coiling, to repair the annerysms.

    During coiling, a major blood vessel was ruptured (by the coiling procedure). She bled extensively and they could do nothing to stop the bleeding. She had catastrophic brain damage and brain death.

    They didn’t break the news to me on the day. They denied me access to her and kept her on life support . By the time I found her (30 hours since the surgery) she was in a bad shape.Unconcious and unresponsive and a lot of blood was still coming out of a drain inserted into her head to relieve the pressure. The doctor attending to her told me the injury she suffered was unservivable and she was not likely to come out of that admission.
    She was declared dead on day 5.
    I believe she had survived the initial SAH but was killed by the surgery . I believe the rush in taking her to theatre was a factor in creating the mistake that killed her.

  202. Comedy Girl says:

    Thank you for the transparency You have all shared. I am a Physical therapist and have all the head knowledge of how to move forward. But the biggest help to me has been my family. They love me through each day and give me their time and energy to help move me forward on this journey I started 11/2/23. Then I show up and a day at a time.

  203. David Souza says:

    I came across your story while searching for long term impacts of SAH and glad I could read your story. Thank you for sharing it. I had SAH on January 8 of this year. I had no idea at the time what was going on other than that it was the most intense, and different, headache I have ever had.

    I had fortunate circumstances that contributed to my survival. One, I had my cell phone with me. I had been talking with a relative of mine when the headache started. I recognized the need to call 911 and had I not had my phone, I most likely would have died. I was sitting at my computer when it happened and I was unable to walk to another room without the pain increasing significantly. If my cell phone was in another room like it usually is when I’m at the computer, the outcome would have been different. My doors were already locked for the night and I would not have been able to unlock the doors for the ambulance crew.

    I was able to call 911 within a few minutes of the onset of the headache and the ambulance crew was pretty quick to come to my house. With every bump and jolt that occurred to the stretcher and ambulance, my brain would surge with pain. After getting to the ER and going through various scans and tests, they prepped me to fly to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma center in Baltimore.

    I don’t remember much going into surgery and the immediate aftermath, but I spent 2 weeks in ICU with a catheter in my head to drain the excess fluid. My cognitive functioning was pretty weak initially. With some of the more complex neurological testing, I found myself struggling to answer and would fade away into forgetfulness about what we were doing. Cognitive functioning has improved greatly in the past month. If I find my self fading away when trying to answer a question, I can recognize it and shake myself from the urge to zone out.

    I’ve had many people, including doctors, tell me how lucky I was to survive this. I’m still not able to grasp the seriousness of what happened to me. I’ve always had a positive outlook when stuff goes bad medically, like when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 24 years ago. This was no different: I have an aneurysm? Okay, now what? Surgery? Okay, great, let’s do it. I was this close to death? Oh, really? whatever, this isn’t going to stop me.

    Long term recovery is a learning process and every new day is a chance to improve. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to return to work. My thinking is a little slower, it’s harder for me to accomplish tasks, my energy is not what it was, and I’m quite apathetic waking up in the morning. Still, there is some improvement every day. And as long as I remain positive, the outlook is good.

  204. Jacob says:

    Since my last comment I am doing ok. I understand that the only thing we all have in common regardless of any experience in life will be the same. I continue to believe that life is a gift & that I am lucky to have experienced difficult events in my own life that make me appreciate every moment after the fact. I enjoy learning new things & understand that I may not be able to remember anything I have learned. I’m ok with that! It’s actually enjoyable not remembering a good movie I have already seen! Yes, it’s scary at times. Like today when my wife remembered that we had already seen a movie I was watching and I had no memory. I can only embrace that I am now different than I once was. I somehow continue to move forward & allow myself to work helping others around me with the knowledge I have at any moment in time. I only know that regardless of what happens in life is our final destination is simple. I encourage everyone who has shared what they have experienced to keep moving forward and love who you have become. Who you are now is beautiful & can only be the impetus to your success now and moving forward into the future. I hope you see everything in life for what it is & understand that regardless of any events, we have no choice in our final outcome. I love life because I choose to do so. I look at the world as my canvas & I try to be a kind painter. Warm regards

  205. Celia says:

    My name is Celia. I have had 2 brain surgeries to clip aneurysms. I haemorrhaged in both. As a result I have cognitive fatigue and other brain injuries. My first brain surgery is n October 2020 was on my birthday. What an amazing pressie. I strive to recover bee more each day. I am so lucky. My life has been saved 4 times now. Thank you for giving me then opportunity to share. We are capable of so much more than what we understand. My heart goes out to you, Celia ☺️

  206. Toni F. Holtz says:

    April 13, 2024 (sorry numbers are such a challenge for me the ex-banker:(. will be 3 years when I had a SAH aneurysm, life flighted and 6 hour brain surgery with coiling and then stroke (they tell me). I was in ICU for 18 days at UCSD Jacob’s Hospital then 10 days in rehab for stroke. In a couple of weeks I get a MRA to make sure they don’t see any problems, I Pray, so far I’’m ok, but I sure miss me 🙁 fatigue, memory loss (every time I throw in the soap packet I have to look under the clothes to see if I really put it in because I can’t remember 5 seconds ago). I get PTSD, anxiety and depressed sometimes. I get so frustrated as I remember who I used to be. I am thankful and grateful to God and for my husband. At least the fatigue and memory seems like it is normal. Thanks to everyone who wrote. I was a banker, ran the bookkeeping for our farming operation and it has changed, but my husband’s patience is amazing. Sometimes the depression makes me ungrateful. I ask for forgiveness. Please take care and thanks for listening and I am sorry for run on sentences, I miss how I used to be able to write so well. Oh my, writing an email for anything important is such a struggle. I get that multi tasking problem as if someone says anything to me whatever was in my brain in gone…really poof.

  207. Jenny Beal says:

    Just found your web page sorry its a late update. My husband was part of the ISAT trial re comparing neurosurgical clipping with endovascular therapy treatments. He had his haemorrhage in 1996 and although there are memory issues is fine. The ISAT showed he was able to return to work quicker re the clipping, he had a second bleed but had to leave his long term role a year after returning to work. Too many things he could not cope with in high pressure role. He worked though until retirement and it was late retirement. Worries I have is the diagnosis as recently in the hospital that saved him a young mother died as she presented to A & E, had Triage and was left sitting in the waiting room with that headache only those who have had understand or in fact observed someone in that condition. When called to be seen 7 hours later she was found under a coat in A & E and not asleep but in coma. This was the hospital which saved my husband who had criticised the district hospital he had attended 2 times and sent him home as thought a sleep issue re shifts. Sadly its recognition that is still the problem as the A & E she attended had a seriously brilliant neurological ward with surgeons 2 floors above. Could we all try to think of ways we can push this as yes there will be an enquiry but the presentation is classic, my husband’s was apparently. His GP immediately saw it after he had been turned away from hospital. We need people on the frontline assessment at hospitals particularly UK who can recognise aneurysms as often people present in a way when they are at their weakest and less articulate. Good luck to all who have undergone this prognosis and treatment may be ensure others get the same chance of survival.

  208. Kevin says:


    Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. My husband had an unknown unexpected AVM rupture 9/29/2023 while we were on vacation in Mexico. They surgically removed a section of his brain and was in a coma for 4 weeks until we got him a life flight out and back to the United States. It’s been almost 6 months and he tried to act like everything’s fine, but I see the change it’s had on him and the difference that exists. He’s tired but won’t stop to rest, this results in days of him sleeping nearly 24/7 to recover only to eventually do it again. I try to ask him to nap/rest/slow down only to get I’m fine. I don’t know how to help him or make him see how this is effecting him and could be negated with s few changes. However, before this he was one to never slow down, their to help everyone, and a visible figure in our community, anyway I’m just struggling to get him to understand that by slowing down he can actually do more and miss out on less.

    Thank you for sharing.


  209. Hello I first want to thank you and God bless you.I experienced a brain ruptured anyuersum in 2021 and was helped by my 12yr daughter she had to see the ins and outs of the happening and how I’m literally still recovering even though it’s been a couple years from mental, physical and emotional rollercoaster.But God is above ALL,anything is possible with him and the Big will from you walking in faith can be successful.It feels good knowing you are strong and your family.

  210. Joyce Kay Castillo says:

    Aloha after having the “thunder clap” headache while at work, I was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital and was given an MRI, which supposedly showed nothing. I was sent home with a diagnosis of “tension headache”. I repeatedly had “tension headaches” for two days and every time I went to the ER, I was told the same thing. While getting ready for another Dr’s appointment I got the worst and most debilitating headache, but because I was repeatedly told the same thing, I drove myself 40 miles to my appointment all while having the headache. I just prayed that I would make it to the hospital alive and would not get into an accident. I arrived safely at my Rheumatologist and upon arriving they saw the intense pain I was in and escorted me to the ER. I was in so much pain that I didn’t argue about not wanting to see an ER doctors. I did give in and just waited to hear them tell me once again it is just a tension headache, but this time the ER doctor suggested we do an Epidural to see if there was bleeding anywhere. Upon doing the epidural. I was immediately told to get my Advanced directive and get my children to the hospital immediately. I was taken to the ICU and was ready for surgery. They had to wait till my brain stopped having vasospams. It took the whole day to get my brain to stop with surges. The next day I was operated on and they coiled the ruptured aneurysm. I was then informed after the procedure that I have fibromuscular dysplasia. It is an autoimmune disease that causes aneurysm any where in my body. I had an aortic aneurysm in my heart. The doctors from all over are astounding because I was supposed to have not survived after having bleeding in my brain for 4 days. Although there are no serious side effects, I do have some long and short term memory loss. I do deal with vertigo and can feel any changes in my brain. I know and feel a migraine headache coming on. I don’t know if this is normal. Just wondering anyone else feels brain changes?

  211. Judith says:

    Thank you Dr. Cohn for sharing your experience. My husband had a SAH in 2021 and I have been expecting him to get 100% better every day but we have come to the realization that his cognitive challenges, memory problems and fatigue are probably permanent. I may be a Pollyanna at heart but accepting his new normal is where I am going now. I am glad your wife and daughters are so loving and supportive. It is hard when he looks and acts normal for people to understand his difficulties. It is awkward to blurt out that he had a stroke and I know it sounds strange but I say it anyway. Bad enough that he has to deal with it himself every day and I see now how it has isolated him. God bless.

  212. Jeanne says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. My SAH happened in February of 2017. The thunderclap headache was pretty horrible and terrifying. I was in a parking lot just about to get into my car when it happened. It took 2 and a half months for the blood vessels in my head to open up. I had a long road to recovery. I was extremely weak for months and for a few weeks, my eyesight became very sensitive to light, any light. Cognitively, I still cannot multitask like I could before the incident. I was a high school art teacher before RCVS. But one thing eventually improved. After a few years, I noticed that my eyesight had improved slightly. I no longer need my Rx eyeglasses. My eyes weren’t that bad to begin with but I’ve ditched the glasses!
    I’m still careful when I go out to eat or visit someone’s house or party. I have to be sure I’m not ingesting anything that may be a trigger. That’s life now. But I consider myself blessed every day. Thank you again for sharing your story with us.

  213. Mrs Jean Lane says:

    I live in Uk. I had a SAH on 22nd May, 1999… 25 years ago at 53 yrs old. Started with worst headache of my life…..collapsed unconscious and taken to hospital. I was in a coma for 5 days. Had a pioneering coil embolisation for the ruptured aneurysm. 6 months later I returned to full time teaching and never had any after effects…….never had headache since. My doctor said it was a miracle.

  214. Linda Grogan says:

    I had an SAH in 2021. No headaches before and feeling fine until I put my head on a pillow and experienced the worse pain ever, my head felt like it was exploding and dreadful neck pain then my eyes wouldn’t focus. My husband rang for an ambulance but also gave me CPR ( only knew about that 12 months later) the ambulance came within minutes ( I believe ) I was in and out of conscientious and couldn’t see ! Transferred to Whiston hospital then to Walton, Liverpool. They operated and ‘Caged’ the aneuism but only 80% of it so 20% was still bulging as they put it. I was in hospital 3 weeks then had a double vitrectomy on my eyes to restore my sight followed by cataract operations, my sight is so much better now. I had a second operation on my 20% bulge in October which they say was successful but I’m waiting for an angiogram to check all has gone to plan and nothing has moved. I’m grateful I’m alive, I didn’t think I’d ever recover from that horrendous episode in my life. I’m OK, memory isn’t good especially with words and the tiredness is dreadful but I still don’t get headaches which I find remarkable. I’m so glad I found this site it’s really helped with my recovery, just what the doctor ordered. Thankyou for sharing

  215. Kristen says:

    I am 4 months post aSAH. I had the thunderclap headache, diaphoretic, visual disturbance, and vomiting. I was asleep and the headache woke me up. I am a nurse I have suffered from occasional migraines and fought for 4 hours at home trying to convince myself it was just a migraine. Finally I could not take the vomiting and the pain any longer my daughter drove me to our local ER not a large hospital to say the least. They promptly got a CT scan and then they told me they had to do one with contrast which I responded to them with 1 word “shit” I knew that wasn’t good. After the completion they told me I would be lifeflighted to a larger hospital as I had a “brain bleed” I then proceeded to ask them for my phone so I could call my husband and daughter. I told the both without any panic in my voice “Hey I am being lifeflight to Toledo hospital for a brain bleed talk to you later love you bye” that is the last I remember for 3 days but apparently I was completely lucid and even explained to my husband how they were going to preform a coiling procedure to stop the bleed. During my forgotten 3 days I had conversations with friends and family members who visited me which I still cannot recall. I stayed in the hospital for 12 days they let me leave as I was able to clean myself and was able to eat and had not apparent deficits. Due to the shape of my aneurysm I had to have and angiogram at 3 months which showed a continued bulging aneurysm in the posterior communicating artery. I was able to return to work after 3 mos to see how it would go it has not gone the greatest I am still very fatigued and I have to have a stent and another coil placed this week. I am still trying to make sense of all of this and hopeful that working is in my future but coming to the reality that continuing to be a nurse on the floor may not be in the cards for me. My blood pressure spikes I end up with a headache I am trying to seek out as much information as possible when it comes to returning to work and the odds that I will be able to do it. So far my searches are grim at best. I have been looking and looking I know that no 2 people are the same and when it comes to brain injuries things don’t go according to a plan however I am a numbers person I would love to know what percentage of aSAH survivors return to jobs such as being a nurse. I know I should just be content with surviving but I want to fully recover!

  216. Gary says:

    It has been a bit over 3yrs since my SAH. I always read this blog to remind myself I’m not by myself in some of my hard to explain struggles. Dr. Cohn said it best, “They don’t know how hard I try to be normal”. But I also read this to pray for people going thru this and to post that there is life after what we’ve been thru. As I said, I do have my struggles, but I’m thankful to be alive, to still be able to share events with the people I love. I hate the term “new normal”, doesn’t matter if it’s in reference to after SAH or Covid. I want my old normal, as flawed as it might of been. But this is where I’m at and I will continue to make the best of it and live my life to the best of my abilities. I chose to be happy, because that I can control. I wish all who are or have lived ones going thru this the best for recovery and a full life.

  217. Heather Shepherd says:

    I had a SAH April 1st 2023 aged 65, I had been bleeding for 4 weeks maybe more as went to my doctor 3 times & local hospital they all said I had a virus, was sick march 8th over 20 time went to bed was there 3 nights my hard was like a bag of cement on it I was walking as though I was drunk could not answer people when they spoke to me, my son took me back to doctor I was so ill she said it was serious did not get a ambulance my man had to drive 25 miles to hospital & insisted I had a scan I live in UK they had to send results to America that was a Thursday , Fri 5pm they rushed me to R.V.I hospital in Newcastle was operated on next day was touch & go with me in hospital 28 nights. I have a lot of problems as when operated on a nerve was damaged I have pins & needles down left side all the time & have dizzy spells & sickness everyday & have been told I will always be like this, I find things so hard but I thank god everyday I am here x

  218. Maureen Smith says:

    Greetings, two years ago I slipped and fell on my deck striking the back of my head and torso soundly. The pain was blinding. How long I lay there I do not know but I eventually rolled over and crawled into the house. I saw my GP and was told I had a concussion. I did not get better but spiraled downward in that I fell going up/down the stairs, I drove over curbs, I had trouble with nouns and recall. I begged for a CT Scan and when I finally had this, I was told do not get up, a neurologist needed to read the film. I was taken to the ER and sent by ambulance to Sacred Heart in Spokane where I had two nights of surgeries for an SAH. I am grateful to be alive, but wonder if I am on borrowed time. Life expectancy after an SAH?

  219. Hi
    Firstly i feel for all here who have suffered this terrible life changing condition, I take my hat off to you for struggling on and not giving up.
    In approximately 2014/2015 My wife Debra had developed a severe headache after a sudden bang in the head, and had gone to work only two unable to use the key pad on the phone and looking for the return button on the computer like a type writer to make the cursor go back to the left of the screen, during a board meeting Deb started started to loose track of where the conversation was going and the headache was busting, My wife Deb then went to the doctor who informed her that the sitting at the desk typing had lead to a stiff neck and the headache, the advice given was to go home and take some pain killers and go to bed.
    I work away and flew home to be greeted by My looking like she had shell shock, when asked what was wrong! replied that the onset of a headache, after a massive bang what felt like being hit over the head by a cricket bat, I replied that the condition she was in and the look on her face and temples that this was no headache and to get in the car as we were going to the emergency department.
    On arrival after a wait Deb was finally admitted into the emergency department, during the consultation a nurse asked what the pain was out of 10 my wife replied a 9, the nurse reply that’s impossible as people with kidney stones etc don’t usually walk into the emergency ward, the nurse then went on to say that a 9 would feel like being cut up with a chainsaw.
    My reply was i have been cut up by a chain saw when it went through my foot and what my wife is experiencing is nothing any where as dull as that.
    the doctor was also of the same opinion and went to discharge her with pain killers and said sleep would be beneficial.
    A young middle eastern doctor then approached my wife and asked if he could ask some questions on answering his questions he went off and came back with a woman doctor who said her colleague was concerned that my wife appeared to have had a brain hemorrhage and lumber puncture would be required.
    the results of the lumber puncture had confirmed a brain bleed and the need for an MRI, after reviewing the MRI it was confirmed my wife had had an subarachnoid hemorrhage and was placed into an induced coma and after being placed in the cubical and forgotten raced off to the Hospital that specializes in this condition, on arrival the Staff had informed us they were waiting and had to make phone calls to the hospital as to my wife’s location.
    My wife recovered with some physical side affects limited use of the right leg and some drooping on the side of her face, about 3 latter after my wife started to catch every cold and flu going around.
    My wife suffers with headaches with the change in the weather when the weather becomes overcast.
    After seeing an hematologist Deb was diagnosed with a type of Autoimmune disease and now has to take injections daily.
    half way through July 2024 My wife started with a different headache pain shooting down from left hand side rear of her head and down into the jaw and ear with tingling down her arms two her fingers, a localized spot on the scalp above the where the pain was emanating from was tender to touch. today 31st of July we are now waiting for an MRI.
    Standing by watching not being able to help is so frustrating.
    To the people out there going through this keep strong and don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek second opinions.
    To all the supporting friends and family keep strong just and be understanding and vigilant, don’t let your friends and family be fobbed off.

  220. Christine Mazzurco says:

    My mom of 81 suffered ya SAH on 8/2/2024
    Life changing at her age is very difficult . She is recovering slowly which is fine it’s only been 2 weeks and she is making great strides , her bladder is still sleeping and walking is an issue , but we are hopeful that after acute rehab she will be able
    To go home
    With some sort of home care while
    My siblings and I are at work. . I appreciate all the support and encouragement from all especially Dr Cohn 🙏🙏🙏for all amd
    Enjoy your lives as it’s the last day ‘n

  221. Bob says:

    Wow! Thank you for assembling all of this.
    I am a 70 yoa male who is an avid cyclist. I was racing on my trainer in the basement using Zwift on New Years Eve day 2023. I had just finished one race where my HR had touched the low 170s. This was not unusual for me. I started a second race 5 minutes later and shortly into the race my HR hit 151 and I experienced an SAH. Fortunately, there is a fantastic neuro center within about 15 minutes. As a former nurse I thought I had thrown a clot. I drug myself upstairs to down some aspirin as part of MONA. Sadly, aspirin was the worst thing to so. I got to the ER, They started platelets and installed a shunt to relieve the pressure. 40 days later I was released from acute rehab.
    Note to self, if you exercise aggressively, wear a HR monitor. I should have known, but did not. A good rule of thumb is 220 – your age. The good news I am back to cycling where HR does not exceed 130 and I am looking for an ambulatory BP monitor so I can ensure my systolic does not exceed 160 mmHg per my neurosurgeons instructions.
    Life is different now but I am a survivor and my wife has stuck by my side through the ER, neuro ICU and acute rehab. I too have no memory of the first 20 or so days but that was due to versed.
    I am slowly getting my balance and proprioception back in my left leg following an infarct due to a brain cath. I am not angry. My Dr. needed to figure out what caused it and he told me about it later. I was impressed he told me he had caused it. I can’t fault him for trying figure out what caused the bleed. The hypothesis is a high BP possibly secondary to a fetal PCA which was discovered in the last CTA. Not sure which variant it is. The fact that I had been racing bicycles for so many years gave me somewhat of an edge in recovery. Life has changed, however, I will not be climbing mountain passes in CO by myself and I may not ever climb them at all. If this has happened on Loveland Pass or Rabbit Ears Pass or Vail Pass I would not be writing this. I have to take naps in the afternoon and have some difficulty falling asleep at night.
    These stories have given me hope to carry on into the future. Thank you so much.

  222. Kerry says:

    Hi to all,
    Wow, thank you to all your comments and I hope you’re all doing well now. I had a ruptured brain aneurysm and hemorrhage in February 2023
    I had no symptoms at all other than a sore red eye for years.. it would come and go, lasting for about a week and then easing off only to come back again in about 4 days.. since my SAH I have not had red or sore eyes.

    My partner had been out with mates, house was in darkness and I wasn’t in bed when he got home.. He found me unconscious on the bathroom floor. We estimate I was there for 2 hours.. I have no memory other than I was running the bath, got out to answer a message. I remember heading back towards the bath and that’s it.. I remember I had a headache and felt light headed..
    my partner called the ambulance and they took me to hospital.. because I was found naked on the floor, and my partner had been drinking, they all thought he had hurt me and knocked me out.. he begged that he would never hurt me please it’s something else.. they then thought I had overdosed on something, I ran the bath at 8pm, my partner found me at 10.30pm. The hospital realised I had a brain aneurysm burst at midnight, I was still unconscious. I went to Monash via another ambulance where they operated and drained my skull of blood. I was in a coma for a few days and have no memory of my 28 day stay in hospital.
    It’s been 18 months since my rupture and it’s been a long road to recovery. I still suffer with hearing loss, vertigo, dizziness and headaches. I was just wondering if anyone else suffers with theses symptoms.

  223. David C. says:

    Hi- I had a Subarachnoid hemorrhage in early February 2024, but I was very fortunate. I was doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at the time, but only lightly sparring, no hitting or blows to the head, just what amounted to a vigorous workout. When it hit, I had the extreme headaches and vomiting, but I never lost consciousness and did not suffer any physical or cognitive impairment. The source of the bleeding resolved itself fairly quickly, and the cerebral angiogram showed no sign of an aneurysm, or source of the rupture. Other than the blood that was present, everything looked normal. I spent about 4 days in ICU and was released. No stent was required and I did not experience any brain swelling. However, 6 months later I am still dealing with occasional headaches that are not relieved with Aleve, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc. And I deal with bouts of fatigue. These issues come on unexpectedly and they are frustrating as I have a very busy work life and cannot really spend much time nursing these lingering effects. Since my SAH was so minor, relatively speaking, is there any way to tell how long I will deal with these issues?

  224. Tammy McDougal says:

    Thanks for sharing your story and updates. I had my SAH November 10th 2023 from unknown aneurysm. The neuro fatigue is crazy. I’m a respiratory therapist and actually going back to work full time in 2 weeks. Learning to plan things that I have to take my kids too or devote appointments on my 2nd day off. The first day off I just any to lay on bad all day. My co workers understand and of course they were by my side because I was at the hospital I work at when I was admitted. My family has been great but sometimes they don’t understand my STM loss or fatigue.

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