The 2023 Radiology Research Week has come to a close, and the winners have been announced.
Held the week of November 13, the goal of Research Week is to improve the visibility of the many different ongoing research projects within the department. Presentations were given by department trainees — including undergraduate students, medical students, graduate students, residents, and fellows — as well as assistant professors. The committee reviewed and scored a total of 21 entries, judging both the abstract and presentations.
Due to the large amount of clinical abstracts (12 clinical abstracts, compared to 5 basic abstracts and 4 educational abstracts), the committee decided to award a 1st and 2nd place prize for clinical research.
Below are the winners of the 2023 Research Week – congratulations to all who participated!
Radiology Research Week 2023 winners:
Best Overall
William Garrison
Title: Lung Volume Dependence and Repeatability of Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI Gas Uptake Metrics in Healthy Volunteers and Patients with COPD.
Best Basic Science
William Terrell
Title: Dynamic FDG PET to differentiate tumor progression from treatment effect in human
Best Clinical
Tyler Foley (1st place)
Title: Reporting of hepatic steatosis and osteoporosis on low-dose chest CT: an opportunistic screening retrospective analysis
Kassie Tulenko (2nd place)
Title: Mammographic Changes within Two Years Following Novel Breast Intraoperative Radiation Therapy
Best Educational
Rohit Sukumar
Title: Epilepsy Surgeries: Nuts and Bolts for Radiologists