
Teleradiology FAQs

When do you cover?

We provide coverage M-F 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.


What are the startup costs?

Image transmission via an E-Mix account is free to the customer and can be attained in a day. Our IT department assists to ensure this secure, HIPPA-compliant solution.


How long does it take to begin services?

Typically, we prefer to have four weeks to obtain contract signature.


What types of studies are considered?

This department interprets most modalities at competitive market rates.


How are results delivered?

Password protected access to UVA EpicCare Link allows select personnel at your site to retrieve results when ready, no cost to you. When preference is expressed, final results are immediately and automatically faxed upon signature. We also offer HL-7 upload to your EMR.


Are preliminary reports available?

Yes. We do not automatically send preliminary reports, but will fax them to the customer for urgent cases or when requested, and they are retrievable via EpicCareLink.


What about unexpected, emergent findings?

These are communicated by the reading radiologist to your provider via phone call and the conversation is documented in the final report.