


The SMRI is supported by three training grants from the NIH for short-term research training in Allergy or Infectious Diseases; Cardiovascular, Pulmonary or Hematological Diseases; and Cancer Research. Prospective trainees will contact the Preceptor of the research project of interest from the available list of Unmatched Projects.   The Faculty member will complete the Student Match Form and submit.  Once the SMRI Director confirms the student match, an offer is emailed.  Confirmed trainees will receive a generous stipend of $6,000 for a 10-week commitment beginning in late May and running through early August (stipend will be prorated for shorter commitments, but the program requires at least 8 weeks of participation).  In addition to research, interns in the SMRI program are provided a professional development series designed to help explore ways in which research can be incorporated into medical careers.  Trainees benefit from a communication workshop, during which they learn to effectively communicate about science by distilling and tailoring their message for different audiences. SMRI interns will be required to submit a brief final report about their work for NIH reporting purposes, to give an oral presentation at the SMRI/SRIP Final Symposium and strongly encouraged to present a poster at the Medical Student Research Symposium in early November.  Please note that NIH training grants only can support trainees who are US citizens, non-citizen nationals, and permanent residents.