Research Training
We take pride in the research training we provide to residents, postdocs and students in our lab. We usually have several undergraduate or medical students in the lab at any given time along with residents or postdocs. Each summer we usually take on 1 or 2 medical students full time to provide hands on experience in the lab. Everyone in the lab participates in the teaching and training of new personnel or in teaching new techniques. We invite anyone with interest in training in our lab to contact Tony Herring.
We have an NIH-funded T32 Cardiovascular Surgery Research Training Program that supports six surgery residents per year to train full-time for two years in basic or clinical research. We are now in year 22 of the program. The purpose of this program is to provide a foundation upon which surgical residents can develop into established investigators. The overall goal is that these individuals will combine surgery with research to eventually become surgeon-scientists.
The most important education gained by personnel in our lab is in conducting hypothesis-driven research. We enjoy providing hands-on training to Residents, Postdocs and students to learn how to:
Formulate hypotheses
Design studies to test hypotheses
Plan and perform experiments
Analyze data
Write abstracts, research papers and grant applications
Present research at national or international conferences
We encourage all Residents and Postdocs to enroll in and participate in a variety of optional classes that are widely available both within the University of Virginia and outside.
Click here to learn more about Research Opportunities for Residents at UVA.