
Resources for Telehealth Delivery of the National DPP

Funded through CDC Cooperative Agreement NU58DP006620.  The content  and materials developed are solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Recorded March 6, 2020 (Pre-Covid 19) – A thorough presentation of using telehealth for delivering the National DPP.

Click Here: Going the Distance… Quick Tips & Practical Considerations when Transitioning your In-person NDPP to Distance Learning during Covid-19 (26 minutes)

Recorded March 19, 2020 – Provides need-to-know information to transition your National DPP to a distance learning delivery mode.

Click Here:  What’s the Difference?  Online vs. Distance Learning of the National DPP (6 minutes)

Recorded March 19, 2020 – Short and to the point, explaining the difference between online versus distance learning delivery mode.

If you need a transcript of one of these webinars, please contact Anne Wolf .

Prevent T2 (2016 Curriculum) PowerPoint slide decks aligned to deliver the National DPP distance learning.  Slide decks are unbranded, contain open-ended questions, images, and notes for the session: