
Anne M. Wolf, MS, RDN

June 21, 2019 by

Anne M. Wolf,  MS, RDN is the Director of the Virginia Center for Diabetes Prevention and Education. Anne earned her Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences from Cornell University and her Masters of Science from the Harvard School of Public Health.  She has a diverse work experience including research at the Nurses Health Study and University of Virginia; clinical practice including owning her own private practice and working at the Women’s Place at UVA; and business being a founding developer of BMIQ.  Anne has been actively engaged in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and The Obesity Society in many capacities. She served as the Chair of the Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group (WM DPG) in 2014-15. She was the recipient of The Academy’s Excellence in Research Award in 2012.

She is a National DPP Master Trainer and registered dietitian and certified lifestyle coach (Wellcoaches) with a specialty in obesity. Anne has been facilitating lifestyle change groups since 2009. In 2016, as a consultant to VCDPE Anne assisted in writing the Preventing Diabetes in Virginia Strategic Plan.