
Martin Luther King, Jr. Award Recipient – Dr. Ebony Hilton

January 26, 2021 by School of Medicine Webmaster

Congratulations to Ebony J. Hilton, 2021 recipient of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. UVA Health System Award.

Established in 2013, the Dr. Martin Luther King University of Virginia Health System Awards is presented annually to a student, faculty or staff member of the Health System who embodies Dr. King’s values and teachings, in cultural competence, health disparities, or fostering an environment of inclusiveness, in accordance with the institution’s missions and values.

This year, the Award Selection Committee received a record amount of nominations. The committee and leadership were elated that so many individuals were recognized for their outstanding work and chose 11 recipients for the 2021 Dr. Martin Luther King University of Virginia Award.

“Each of the awardees went above and beyond the call of duty for our health system: mentoring, providing a network to colleagues, writing children’s books” (our own Dr. Hilton) “and communicating about racial disparities. Our award recipients have each promoted and fostered Dr. Martin Luther King’s values and teachings.”

An excerpt from Dr. Hilton’s nomination: “She is focused on exploring the issue of health disparities, particularly as it pertains to race and bridging the gap between physicians and the communities they serve. Her efforts are recognized by students, residents, teachers, medical organizations, political organizations, and the news media.”