


Project Planning

Planning a medical education project? Please complete the following brief questionnaire

Take Questionnaire

The Group on Research in Medical Education (GRIME) reviews all proposals for scholarly evaluation and research that include medical students as research subjects, to ensure their protection from harm and undue burden. (This covers research funded internally or externally). All scholarly work involving medical students as subjects must be approved by the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education following review by GRIME. Approval through this process is required before a project can be submitted to the IRB.

If you are planning a medical education project that will utilize students as subjects and/or their data, please email Dr. Elizabeth Bradley, Chair of GRIME with a brief description of your project, the research question(s), planned analyses, and any tools/draft tools that you will use to gather student data. Additionally, please complete the following brief questionnaire.

Please let Dr. Bradley know when you have completed the GRIME questionnaire in Qualtrics, and she will initiate the review. GRIME will provide a recommendation to Dr. Mike Ryan, Associate Dean for Assessment, Evaluation, Research and Innovation and you will be notified whether the project the project can move forward. This should all occur before you contact the IRB, as they require the email of approval from Dr. Bradley.

Project Planning

Planning a medical education project? Please complete the following brief questionnaire

Take Questionnaire