
Pre-Clerkship: Foundations of Clinical Medicine

Foundations of Clinical Medicine

Pre-Clerkship Small-Group Sessions

Students are divided into small groups headed by a Faculty mentor and co-mentor. The students meet weekly to learn and practice clinical exam skills. Many sessions are hosted in the Clinical Skills Center.

History Taking

Medical students will practice interviewing skills with standardized patients. Students interview one or more standardized patients portraying different and challenging cases in each session. Students are given the option to “time in” and “time out” during their interview in order to request the assistance of their peers and mentors in the group.

Physical Examination

Medical students learn and practice physical examination techniques using standardized patients in their small mentor groups.

Gynecological/Urological Teaching Associate Program

During the second year, medical students receive instruction regarding the female breast-pelvic and the male genital-rectal examination from trained gynecological and urological teaching associates.  The students not only receive instruction and demonstration, but also have the opportunity to perform the examination while receiving constructive feedback from their patient instructors.

Pre-Clerkship Assessments

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

During the first year, medical students will take the FCM 1b OSCE.  In the second year, medical students will take the FCM 1c OSCE.  Both exams focus on history taking, physical exam, diagnostic reasoning, and communication skills.