January 23, 2023 – The University of Virginia provided the announcement of the Paul and Diane Manning Institute of Biotechnology. The Paul and Diane Manning Institute of Biotechnology will focus and project the University’s commitment to research in biotechnology by promoting collaborative science and establishing a state-of-the-art campus centered on the research, development, commercialization, manufacturing, and patient care of new, innovative cellular, gene, and immuno-therapies. The Institute will provide a confluence of researchers and scientific leaders from all biomedical, engineering, and chemical sciences at the University and amplify opportunities for students and faculty to be at the frontlines of science and technology. The new institute is made possible in large part due to a $100 million gift from the Mannings after whom it will be named. In addition to their generous gift, the first phase of the institute will be funded by a substantial initial investment of $50 million from the Commonwealth of Virginia and $150 million from UVA, for a total initial investment of $300 million.
About the Donors – Paul Manning, an entrepreneur with 30 years of experience in the health care industry, founded PBM Capital in 2010. In 1997, he founded PBM Products, which became the largest private label producer of infant formula and baby/toddler food in the world. Manning is an active member of the UVA community, having served on the UVA Strategic Planning Committee, the UVA Health Foundation, the President’s Advisory Committee, and the Honor the Future Campaign Executive Committee. Manning was named Virginia Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst and Young in 2002. The Manning family has been a longtime supporter of UVA and UVA Health’s research efforts.