
Charlotte Barnett

Charlotte Barnett

Data Operations Specialist

Office: Center for Diabetes Technology
560 Ray C. Hunt Drive
Charlottesville, VA

B.A. in Psychology, Goshen College

Areas of Expertise:
Teaching and training, exercise physiology

Professional Activities:
Charlotte joined the Center for Diabetes Technology in 2015. As a Research Specialist, Charlotte assists the Principle Investigators, schedules nurses, and hires, trains, and schedules technicians who help with in-clinic studies. Charlotte plays a key role in subject trainings and making sure they understand and are comfortable with the study equipment and procedures. Additionally, Charlotte follows up if data is missing, prepares equipment kits, downloads devices, assists with organizing data, troubleshoots devices in person and over the phone, and contributes to writing and editing papers for publication. 

Personal Activities:
Charlotte is currently taking one class per semester in pursuit of a Masters in Kinesiology – Exercise Physiology through UVA’s Curry School of Education. She continues to work on this and is expected to fully earn her degree in 2024. Charlotte is a certified personal trainer through the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and works with clients as a personal trainer. In between all of that, Charlotte enjoys listening to podcasts, lifting weights, kickboxing, singing or playing the violin, and playing roller derby with the Charlottesville Derby Dames.