
Chiara Fabris, PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Chiara Fabris joined the Center in 2015, after receiving her PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Padova, Italy. During her PhD program, Dr. Fabris’s research focused on the assessment and characterization of glucose variability from continuous glucose monitoring signals, and the exploitation of variability indicators to classify the metabolic conditions of healthy subjects, subjects with impaired-glucose tolerance and people with diabetes.

In her current work, Dr. Fabris is primarily focused on the development of modeling techniques for assessment and real-time tracking of insulin sensitivity – a key metabolic parameter in people with type 1 diabetes, with the final aim of developing a smart bolus calculator to optimize insulin dosing. In support of this project, Dr. Fabris received an Advanced Postdoctoral Fellowship from JDRF at the beginning of 2017, which represents her first Principal Investigator experience and will enable the clinical testing of the developed technology in 2018. Aside from work, Dr. Fabris enjoys playing tennis, running, and skiing.