
Category: Medical Toxicology

Dr. Chris Holstege Weighs In On Snakebites


Dr. Chris Holstege, Director of Blue Ridge Poison Center and Professor of Emergency Medicine, weighs in on snakebites as more people head outdoors for hiking, grilling, and other warm weather…

In the News…. Dr. Holstege & BRPC on Pediatric Suicides


Dr. Chris Holstege and his UVA colleagues at the Blue Ridge Poison Center are being nationally recognized for their expanding research on suspected suicides by poisoning in children and adolescents.…

“Inside UVA” — Mental Health, Snake Bites, and Students?


How do these things converge? In Dr. Chris Holstege's expansive career, he is Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics, Chief of the Division of Medical Toxicology, Director of the Blue…

In the News… Drug Diversion


Blue Ridge Poison Center has published its latest newsletter and it covers something that affects everyone -- prescription medications. Learn more in their newsletter about drug diversion, what it is…

In the News… The Cleopatra Project


This collaborative project, "The Cleopatra Project -- Poisonous and Venomous Animals in Virginia," is a downloadable reference guide to 32 poisonous and venomous animals found in Virginia. It is a…