
John C. Marshall

John C. Marshall

John C. Marshall
Andrew D. Hart Professor of Medicine Endocrinology

Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism

Dr. John Marshall is the Director for the Center for Research in Reproduction at the University of Virginia. His primary research focus is the understanding and treatment of disorders of reproduction with a focus on the underlying mechanisms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Research on PCOS in the Center for Research in Reproduction is funded through the National Institutes of Health under the U54 Specialized Cooperative Centers Program in Reproduction Research. Dr. Marshall’s clinical research program focuses on the hypothalamic abnormalities leading to the persistent, rapid frequency of GnRH (LH) pulse secretion in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and hyperandrogenemia. We have demonstrated that excess androgens inhibit the ability of progesterone to suppress the frequency of that excess androgens inhibit the ability of progesterone to suppress the frequency of GnRH pulse secretion, and this can be corrected by anti-androgens. Ongoing studies focus on the evolution of this hypothalamic abnormality during puberty and adolescence. Current projects aim to delineate if elevated androgens during puberty are causally related to the evolution of the hypothalamic feedback abnormalities and subsequently to LH excess in PCOS. The studies offer trainees exposure to the challenges of hypothesis-driven human subject investigation, interactions with human investigation committees, protocol writing, subject recruitment, and formal involvement.

Co-investigators/collaborators (clinical research):

  • Christopher R. McCartney, MD (Professor)
  • Christine Burt Solorzano, MD (Associate Professor, Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism)
  • Melissa Gilrain (Clinical Research Coordinator)

Dr. Marshall’s PubMed Listing (while in Charlottesville)

Recent Selected Publications (names of former fellows are italicized)
  • Lundgren JA, Kim SH, Burt-Solórzano CM, McCartney CR, Marshall JC. Progesterone Suppression of LH pulse frequency in adolescent girls with hyperandrogenism: effects of metformin. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 103: 263-270, 2018 (doi:10.1210/jc.2017-02068) PMID29095983, PMC5761484
  • Kim Su Hee, Lundgren JA, Bhabhra R, Collins JS, Patrie JT, Burt Solorzano CM, Marshall JC, McCartney CR. Progesterone-mediated inhibition of the GnRH pulse generator: differential sensitivity as a function of Sleep status. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 103: 1112-1121, 2018 (doi:10.1210/jc.2017-02299) PMID29300925, PMC 6283412.
  • Burt Solorzano CM, Knudsen KL, Anderson AD, Hutchens EG, Collins JS, Patrie JT, Marshall JC, McCartney CR. Insulin Resistance, Hyperinsulinemia, and LH: Relative Roles in Peripubertal Obesity-Associated Hyperandrogenemia. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 103: 2571-2582, 2018 (doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-00131)
  • McCartney CR, Burt-Solorzano CM, Patrie JT, Marshall JC, Haisenleder DJ. Estimating testosterone concentrations in adolescent girls: comparison of two direct immunoassays to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Steroids 140: 62-69. 2018 (
  • McCartney CR, Marshall JC. Neuroendocrinology of Reproduction. In Yen and Jaffee’s Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility 8th Ed, Eds. J. Strauss, K. Barbieri. Chapter 1, p. 1-24, Elsevier (Saunders) Philadelphia. 2018.
  • Burt Solorzano CM, Helm KD, Patrie JT, Shayya RF, Cook-Anderson R, Chang J, McCartney CR, Marshall, JC. Increased Adrenal androgen production in overweight peri-pubertal girls. J Endocrine Soc. 1(5) 538-552. 2017 (doi: 10.1210/js.2017-00013) PMIC29264508 PMC5686668.
  • Lundgren JA, Oldfield EH, Marshall JC. The Longest stalk: regression of giant prolactinoma with preserved pituitary function. Pituitary, 20(4), 485-487. 2017. (doi: 10.1007/s11102-017-0796-8) Feb, 2017 PMID 28210909, PMC 5844470.
  • McCartney CR, Marshall JC. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. New Engl J Med, 375; 54-64. 2016. (doi:10.1056/NEJMcp1514916) PMCID: PMCID:PMC5301909 McCartney CR, Marshall JC, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Authors responses to letters. New Engl J Med, 375: 1397-1399. 2016
  • Dumesic DA, Oberfield S, Stener-Victorin E, Marshall JC, Lavin JS, Legro R. Scientific statement on the Diagnostic Criteria, Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Molecular Genetics of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Endocrine Reviews 36: 487-525, 2015. PMCID:PMC4591526.
  • Haisenleder DJ, Marshall JC. Gonadotropins – regulation of synthesis and secretion. In Jameson JL, DeGroot LJ, DeKretzer D, Melmed S, Guidice L, Grossman AB, Weir GC (Eds) Endocrinology 7th Edition, Chapter 116, p 2023-2036. Saunders/Elsevier, Philadelphia 2015.
  • Marshall JC. Menstrual cycle and disorders of ovulation. In Jameson JL, DeGroot LJ, DeKretzer D, Melmed S, Guidice L, Grossman AB, Weir GC (Eds) Endocrinology 7th Edition, Chapter 129, p 2231-2241. Saunders/Elsevier, Philadelphia 2015.
Link to Dr. Marshall’s School of Medicine research page