
Resource Statement

The last 20 years, the FCCF has provided a broad range of successful investigators with shared access to cutting edge instrumentation and expertise. We are committed to expanding our capabilities and have invested significant resources to make this happen. The SOM has dedicated over 2,000sq ft to house the instrumentation in the flow core and has continually supported new technology over the years.

The facility houses a variety of cell sorters and bench top analytical instruments; 3 cell sorters all housed in Class II BSC, BD Influx Cell Sorter, FACSAria Fusion, and a Sony MA900; 2 Cytek Aurora Spectral Cytometers, a BD LSRFortessa with 17 fluorescent detectors, an Attune CytPix , Attune NxT, and a 3 laser FACSCalibur bench top analyzer; an ImageStreamX Mark II imaging flow cytometer and an AutoMACs Pro magnetic bead isolation cell separator.

In addition to analytical analysis, the FCCF offers high-speed cell sorting up to 6-ways, single cell plate sorting, BSL2+ sorting, and complex analytical services.  Other services include complete multiplex assays for a variety of human and mouse cytokine/chemokine and signaling panels capabilities, conjugation services, and immunophenotyping services.   FCCF provides a multi-terabyte server for data storage as well as multiple site licenses for data analysis software.

Researchers have the option, once trained, of performing their own analysis and cell sorting (Sony MA900) or utilizing the expertise of the facility’s SCYM certified staff to run their samples for them. Specialized training classes are offered for those researchers who wish to better understand the principles and techniques employed in this technology and prefer to directly acquire and/or analyze their own samples.