
Post-Graduation Plans


  • Thinking Big at Small Universities by Jacqueline Ruttimann Oberst – “Numerous factors, large and small, come into play when one is deciding where to pursue a research career. Here, faculty members and deans size up their decision to work at a smaller institution and the issues that they face.”
  • Are you PI Material? Assess Yourself by Phil Dee – “So who succeeds in this ruthless battle for the top of the heap? There are 10 skills and attributes we all need if we are to make it as a PI.”
  • Postgraduate plans for the Ph.D. Class of 2015 By Maggie Kuo – “Find out how you compare to your fellow graduates with the National Science Foundation’s latest Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) data.”
  • Transferring skills beyond the lab By Maggie Kuo – “Launching a nonresearch career doesn’t mean leaving behind everything you learned as a scientist. The skills you developed as you dove into your projects and communicated your results are valuable in many jobs.”
  • Learn to read between the lines of a job ad By David G. Jensen –  “Savvy job seekers must include checking job boards and listings in their daily regimen of tasks—and, perhaps most importantly, recognize what certain language really means in order to optimize their job search results.”