

Human Patient Simulators

The Human Patient Simulator is a life size, fully automatic, high-fidelity patient simulator specifically designed for training in anesthesia, respiratory and critical care. Manufactured by CAE Healthcare, the adult and pediatric simulators operate interchangeably in a “plug and play” system.

Key Features

  • Pupils that automatically dilate and constrict
  • Drug-recognition system with bar code reader
  • Realistic respiratory gas exchange and anesthesia delivery capabilities
  • Bilateral Carotid, Brachial, Radial, Femoral and Pedal pulses
  • Variable lung compliance and airways resistance
  • Automatic response to needle decompression of a tension pneumothorax, chest tube drainage and pericardiocentesis
  • Thumb twitch in response to a peripheral nerve stimulator


Emergency Care Simulators

Much like the Human Patient Simulator, the Emergency Care Simulator, is a life size, fully automatic, model driven patient simulator manufactured by CAE Healthcare.  The ECS is driven with the same software as the HPS system, however offers significant advantages in portability and ease of use.  This system was is best suited for the pre-hospital, military, and emergency department environments.

Key Features

  • Bilateral Carotid, Brachial, Radial, Femoral and Pedal pulses
  • Programmable unilateral chest excursion
  • Variable airway resistance
  • Programmable response to needle decompression of a tension pneumothorax, chest tube drainage and pericardiocentesis
  • Diagnostic peritoneal lavage capability
  • Peripheral IV insertion ability with simulated blood flash back
  • Automatic blinking capability and variable pupil diameter