
Event Category: Research In Progress

CMCP Research In Progress Series: Imaging Calcium Signals in the Adrenal Rosette


Presenters: Dr. Paula Barrett Lab: Barrett Lab Research-in-progress seminars.  Research-in-progress seminars will be held on the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 4 PM in 314 Snyder.  Pizza and…

Event Categories: Research In Progress

CMCP Research In Progress Series: How do kinetochores power the movements of chromosome in mitosis? – the Ndc80 complex perspective.


Presenters:  Ewa Niedzialkowska Lab: Stukenberg Lab Research-in-progress seminars.  Research-in-progress seminars will be held on the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 4 PM in 314 Snyder.  Pizza and drinks will be…

Event Categories: Research In Progress

CMCP Research In Progress Series: Structural investigation of the Bacterial cellulose synthase outer porin BcsC


Presenter: Dr. Justin Acheson Lab: Zimmer Lab Research-in-progress seminars.  Research-in-progress seminars will be held on the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 4 PM in 314 Snyder.  Pizza and…

Event Categories: Research In Progress

The calcium trigger in regulated exocytosis.


Presenter: Volker Kiessling, PhD Lab: Tamm Lab Research-in-progress seminars.  Research-in-progress seminars will be held on the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 4 PM in 314 Snyder.  Pizza and…

Event Categories: Research In Progress

CMCP Research In Progress: Molecular Structure of O-antigen Polysaccharide ABC transporter


Presenter: Yunchen Bi Lab: Zimmer Lab Research-in-progress seminars.  Research-in-progress seminars will be held on the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 4 PM in 314 Snyder.  Pizza and drinks…

Event Categories: Research In Progress