
Educational Activities

Division of Nephrology Conferences

Conference Schedule

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  • Trainees are required to attend weekly conferences in the Division of Nephrology and Center for Immunity, Inflammation, and Regenerative Medicine (CIIR)
  • Weekly to biweekly conferences provide exposure to basic science research and clinically relevant questions that may foster translational research
  • Division of Nephrology/CIIR conferences provide opportunities to:
    • learn about current research in the Division and CIIR
    • identify opportunities for collaboration
    • become conversant with the scientific literature
    • meet and interact with distinguished renal scientists

Conference Schedule

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Seminars, Colloquia, and Meetings

  • Attendance is relevant to the trainee’s interests, and opportunities may be found in other departments where there are comprehensive discussions of immunology, pathology, and physiology pertinent to nephrology
  • The Cardiovascular Research Center (CVRC) and Carter Immunology Center seminars focus primarily on inflammation/immune system.
  • Conferences and interest groups for clinical investigators include the monthly meeting of the Department of Medicine and Public Health Sciences Outcomes Research Group and numerous offerings on methodology, coding, responsible conduct of research, data science, team science and others offered through the integrated Translational Health Research Institute of Virginia.
  • Trainees may also find seminars of interest pertaining to nephrology in the Division of Pediatric Nephrology and the Child Health Research Center and on a broad variety of topics in the basic science departments

Development of Communication and Presentation Skills

  • Trainees’ research results are used as a vehicle to develop the skills needed for a clear and concise presentation of scientific information in verbal and written formats
  • Trainees are expected to give presentations of their research in lab meetings and Division/CIIR conferences (such as Renal Grand Rounds or CIIR Research in Progress) and are encouraged to submit abstracts and present their work at the annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology or appropriate annual basic science meetings
  • Presentations are prepared jointly with the mentor and rehearsed
  • The annual Department of Medicine Research Day is devoted to a presentation by residents and fellows in training. There are poster presentations and a plenary session with a keynote speaker
  • Writing skills are supervised by the preceptor and the Executive Committee. Mock grant writing and local grant submission provide critical experience in establishing good grantsmanship skills prior to submission of grant applications to national organizations or NIH

Career Development

Trainees are required to attend selected lectures on career development. This program for graduate students and fellowship trainees offers lectures on early faculty development, teaching skills, grant writing, and presentation skills that are taught by experienced academicians

Research Conduct & Ethics

Research Ethics Course

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Each trainee is required to take a course devoted to research ethics and the responsible conduct of research: School of Medicine BIMS 7100, offered annually. This lecture series is in reading/discussion format and is presented by faculty from several departments within the School of Medicine

Additional institutional training requirements for trainees include Radiation Safety, Biohazards, Animal Welfare, and Infection Control. These courses may be completed online through the University website.

Research Ethics Course

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Translational Training for PhD Postdoctoral Fellows

We offer a special pathway that supplements the research training for PhD postdoctoral fellows. The purpose of this program is to provide clinical relevance and experience for researchers who do not have a clinical background.  In addition to numerous educational activities including clinical conferences and a special summer lecture series (Nephrology Crash Course), we offer a 2 week “Boot Camp” where PhD postdoctoral fellows join clinicians in hospital rounds, outpatient clinic, and dialysis rounds..

Advanced degrees

During the course of the postdoctoral fellowship, M.D., DO or PhD trainees, particularly those interested in clinical research, may additionally pursue an advanced degree by applying to one of several graduate programs in the Department of Public Health Sciences.

Master of Science in Clinical Research

The M.S. in Clinical Research is an interdisciplinary 31-credit graduate degree designed to meet the changing needs of the current healthcare field, particularly the increasing need for trained professionals with well-developed quantitative and analytic skills.  In addition to coursework, students must complete a final independent research project, co-mentored by a PHS faculty member and the student’s research advisor.  The experience is one of intensive study aimed toward giving students the analytical skills needed in all areas of clinical research.

Master of Public Health

UVA Department of Public Health Sciences

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The Master of Public Health (MPH) is an interdisciplinary 42-credit professional degree designed to provide healthcare and other professionals with an understanding of the public health sciences, knowledge, and skills for use in healthcare management, population-based research, and the community practice of public health. Graduates are prepared for roles in public and regulatory agencies, profit and not-for-profit health agencies, and health services research.

Concentrations are available in:

  • Research in Practice
  • Health Policy, Law, and Ethics

In addition to course work, each student must complete a practicum and a culminating experience. Practical knowledge and skills are considered an important component of a public health professional degree program; students must apply the knowledge and skills acquired through their courses of study.


UVA Department of Public Health Sciences

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