
Joshua Li, MD

liCV01082014Joshua Li has maintained a strong and abiding interest in clinical-oriented research in the molecular biology of intervertebral disc and arthritis diseases. He got his M.D. and Ph.D. in China and received his postdoctoral training at the University of Virginia. He has received several prestigious awards including Kappa Delta Young Investigator Award. His research focuses on intervertebral disc degeneration and back pain. Because of his outstanding and productive research record, he has obtained over two-dozen grants for his research from the North American Spine Society (NASS), the AO-International Research Foundation, the Musculoskeletal Transplantation Foundation (MTF), Scoliosis Research Society, Cervical Spine Research Society and National Institute of Health. His laboratory is currently funded by a R01 grant to perform translational research.


  • Eastern Orthopaedic Association’s Resident Award 2015
  • AAOS/OREF/ORS Clinician Scholar Development Program 2015
  • Virginia Orthopaedics Society Best Podium Presentation Award 2015
  • Eastern Orthopaedic Association’s Resident/Fellow Award 2013
  • North American Spine Society Research Award 2013
  • Kappa Delta Young Investigator Award 2012
  • Eastern Orthopaedic Association’s Founders’ Award 2011
  • North American Spine Society Research Award 2011
  • Young Investigator Research Grant Award – AO Spine North America 2009, 2010
  • Scoliosis Research Society Research Award 2008
  • Outstanding Paper Award of the ‘Spine Journal’ 2007
  • Virginia Orthopaedics Society Best Paper Award 2007
  • Cervical Spine Society Research Award 2007
  • Outstanding Paper Award of the ‘Spine Journal’ 2006
  • North American Spine Society Research Award 2005
  • Arthritis Foundation Travel Award 2005, 2007
  • Career Development Award, Orthopaedic Research Society 2004
  • New Investigator Recognition Award, Orthopaedic Research Society 2001