
Children Who Report Memories of Past Lives

Some young children, usually between the ages of 2 and 5, speak about memories of a previous life they claim to have lived. At the same time they often show behaviors, such as phobias or preferences, that are unusual within the context of their particular family and cannot be explained by any current life events.


Dr. Jim Tucker

Jim Tucker with Ryan Hammons and his mother

In many cases, the child’s statements correspond accurately to the life and death of a deceased individual. Some children have birthmarks or birth defects congruent with wounds or marks on the deceased person, using postmortem reports to confirm. Older children may retain these apparent memories, but they generally seem to fade around the age of seven.

The subjects of these cases have been found all over the world, including Europe and North America. For the past 20 years, Dr. Jim Tucker has focused mainly on cases found in the United States. Some cases offer more compelling evidence than others for past-life memories. Two thought-provoking cases:

  • James Leininger – memories of being a WWII pilot and getting shot down
  • Ryan Hammons – memories of being a Hollywood extra and talent agent

Statements a Child Might Make

The following list is designed to give an idea of what a parent or caregiver might hear from a child reporting memories of a previous life. This list is not meant to be exhaustive as these statements can be quite varied.

Dr. Jim Tucker interviewing a young child

Dr. Jim Tucker interviewing a young child

List of Statement Examples
  • “You’re not my mommy/daddy.”
  • “I have another mommy/daddy.”
  • “When I was big, I … (used to have blue eyes, have a car, worked downtown, etc.).”
  • “That happened before I was in mommy’s tummy.”
  • “I have a wife/husband/children.”
  • “I used to … (drive a truck/live in another town, etc.)”
  • “I died … (in a car accident/after I fell, etc.)”
  • “Remember when I … (lived in that other house, was your daddy, etc.)”

In Western culture, these type of statements often get dismissed as fantasy even though they might contain something other than pure imagination. It is probably best not to repeatedly question the child, nor try to prevent them from speaking about these topics. For more info, please refer to Dr. Tucker’s Advice to Parents.

Contact us if you are a parent or caretaker of a child who is currently speaking about memories of a previous life. You can submit observations of your child’s statements and behaviors to Diane Morini on our research team. Rest assured anything you share is held in strict confidence, only viewed by our researchers, and not shared without your permission.

Decades of Research - Thousands of Cases

Our founder, Dr. Ian Stevenson interviewing a subject in Myanmar circa 1975

Dr. Stevenson researching in Myanmar – 1975

In last 50 years of research, DOPS has collected over 2500 cases of the reincarnation type, most of which have been found outside of the United States. For the vast majority of these cases, the field notes have been coded on >200 variables and put into our database. This research has taken countless hours and hundreds of people to accomplish, and there is still so much to learn on the topic.

The database allows our researchers, as well as others, to apply various analyses to look for patterns within the files. These patterns lead to insights, such as: ~30% of the cases contain a birthmark and/or birth defect. Numerous books and articles about these cases have been published by DOPS researchers over the decades, including a two-volume tome containing over 20,000 pages by Dr. Ian Stevenson.