
Neuroimaging Studies of Psi

Edward Kelly

Dr. Edward Kelly, co-director of the Ray Westphal Neuroimaging Lab

The faculty and staff of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia have been conducting research for many years on a variety of unusual experiences.  We hope to learn more about such experiences, including the characteristics of people who have them and the circumstances in which they have these unusual, extra-ordinary experiences.

Psychophysiological Studies of Psi and Altered States

Ross Dunseath

Dr. Ross Dunseath, co-director of the Ray Westphal Neuroimaging Lab

The term “psi” as used here denotes various kinds of anomalous interactions, not presently explainable in conventional scientific terms, between human individuals and their environments. Our ongoing research in this area emphasizes the intensive study of individuals who have been carefully selected for possession of various extra-ordinary psychological skills, including in particular, advanced meditators, those who can voluntarily control their out-of-body experiences, trance mediums, and gifted psi subjects who demonstrate such phenomena as accurate remote viewing and the ability to voluntarily effect observable changes in the physical environment via mental processes. If you feel you possess any or all of the abilities described here, please see Contacting Us and provide a brief description of your experiences.

The Ray Westphal Neuroimaging Laboratory


Ray Westphal Neuroimaging Laboratory at the UVA Division of Perceptual Studies

Under the co-direction of Dr. Edward Kelly (psychologist & neuroscientist) and Dr. Ross Dunseath (electrical engineer), the UVA Division of Perceptual Studies has established a state-of-the-art EEG research facility. This facility, known as The Ray Westphal Neuroimaging Laboratory, includes an electromagnetically and acoustically shielded chamber, a high-quality commercial EEG data-acquisition system, and extensive software resources for analysis and modeling of multichannel physiological data. These resources enable us to engage in a higher intensity, multifaceted program of research on altered states and psi that was originally conceived and partially implemented at Duke University.

Neuroimaging Lab

eeg cap Lab

The updated technology in the The Ray Westphal Neuroimaging Laboratory enables synchronous sampling of up to 128 channels of EEG, together with additional physiological signals and signals derived from specialized sensors of various kinds. Extensive and sophisticated software resources have also been developed by the DOPS researchers for analysis and modeling of the resulting multichannel data.


Altered States Being Studied

Volunteer to Become a Study Participant

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If you feel that the above descriptions match your experiences in some way, you are over 18, healthy and are interested in volunteering for study participation, please send us a detailed description via our form at Contact Us.

You may also wish to complete this Unusual Experiences Questionnaire to give us an account of your experiences. If the researchers are interested in obtaining more information they may contact you, and may want to invite you into a research protocol.

Please keep in mind, the researchers are most interested in persons who are able to re-create and control their unusual experiences and psi skills in an eeg lab setting.

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