
Diabetes Tele-Education Program

Increasing Access to Diabetes Care and Education

Our diabetes tele-education program is available free of charge to Critical Access Hospitals, health districts, community health centers, facilities for senior citizens, and community organizations that are located in areas with limited access to diabetes education.   Additionally, in 2020 we began offering the program as education-at-home too so that individuals can participate from home.  This initiative is supported by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the UVA Office of Telemedicine.Tele-education Map of Virginia from 2008 to 2016

Since 2008 the program has served over 3,500 participants at 60+ sites across the state. Almost all diabetes patients who have participated in the program tell us they feel better able to manage their diabetes as a result of what they learned.  Participants also report that instructors are very knowledgeable, with good teaching skills and use of interactive teaching techniques.