
Office of Pain Management and Opioid Stewardship

A Message from the OPMOS Founding Director

University of Virginia Dania Chastain, PhD, Clinical Psychologist & Founding Director of OPMOS

Dania Cyd Chastain, PhD
Founding Director of OPMOS
Clinical Psychologist
Anesthesiology Pain Management

The opioid crisis has changed the way we study, evaluate, and treat patients. I founded The University of Virginia Office of Pain Management and Opioid Stewardship (OPMOS) to establish and foster interdisciplinary, collaborative educational initiatives within UVA and in partnership with our local community. We offer individualized education for healthcare providers and nonprofits, for patients and families, and for students and parents. Our focus is on:

  • Communication—between doctors and patients, within institutions, within families, and with community supports
  • Treatment—research-based best practices for opioid prescribing, sparing, tapering, weaning, and opioid use disorder
  • Collaboration—with other research hospitals, community healthcare organizations, local educators, and providers across specialties (including anesthesiology, EMS, nursing, oncology, orthopedics, pain medicine, pediatrics, pharmacy, psychology, oral surgery, palliative care, social work, and surgery)
  • Safety—patient and provider protocols, drug disposal drop-boxes, and education on medication safety and responsibility at home
  • Empowerment—foundations for provider-patient communication, the role of pain management, and harm reduction strategies

We are a resource for you, and for your patients. Let us know if you are interested in an educational program to meet the needs of your practice or organization. Get involved—tell us what you’re seeing, tell us what you need at or reach us by phone in the UVA Department of Anesthesiology at (434) 924-2283. Please see the following sections below “About OPMOS,” “Continuing Medical Education,” and “Community Education” to learn more.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Dr. Dania Chastain, PhD
Founding Director of OPMOS


Continuing Medical Education

Community Education

Our Office of Pain Management & Opioid Stewardship builds educational programs for your practice, institution, and community. We collaborate with local healthcare organizations, schools, and nonprofits. Get involved—tell us what you’re seeing, tell us what you need at