Read or watch video about UVA Department of Medicine members, their research, work, and accomplishments in this media archive.
In Good Health: The Nation’s Hydration Fixation
Eric Hendrickson, PhD discusses his works on mammalian DNA double strand break repair.
Jamieson Bourque, MD, discusses patients who have unexplained chest pain.
Michael E Williams, MD, Minimizing the traditional use of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Dr. Eric Houpt discusses developing molecular tools to diagnose infections.
Antonio Abbate, MD, PhD, research focuses on inflammation and heart disease.
Jonathan Lindner, MD, shares innovative research in cardiology.
Preventing heart attacks and stroke with immunotherapy with Coleen McNamara, MD.
Thomas Loughran, MD, discusses pioneering leukemia breakthroughs for better patient care.
Dr. Eric Houpt discusses developing molecular tools to diagnose infections.
How should you drink water for endurance sports? Mitch Rosner, MD, MACP explains.
William Petri, MD, PhD shares an effective treatment for COVID based on your immune system.
You’re sick. Is it RSV, a cold, COVID or the flu? Here’s how to tell the difference.
Community Conversation: Dr. Justin Mutter with UVA Health
UVA Researchers ID Novel Factor in HIV Transmission
How to Use and Take Care of Your Humidifier
Dr. Michael Ayers: Protecting yourself against 'silent' causes of heart disease
Justin Taylor, PhD, Researches Vaccination Alternatives to Protect Against Infectious Diseases
No evidence that aluminum in vaccines is unsafe or causes autism | Fact check
UVA Cancer Center Enrolls First Patient in National Phase 1 Immunotherapy Trial
Scott Heysell, MD discusses his work in treating the infections of poverty like tuberculosis.
Charles Chalfant PhD, More people die from sepsis every year than two 747s crashing every day.
Amy Mathers, MD discusses how important it is to reduce the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Robert Dreicer, MD discusses the privilege of caring for patients and cancer clinical research.
Jie Sun, PhD - understanding the immune system so we can develop tools to treat lung disease.
Research Faculty Explore Emerging Approaches and Biotechnologies
7 Quick Questions With Heart Disease Specialist Carl Michael Valentine, MD
UVA Joins U.S. Network Preparing for Infectious Disease Threats
Researchers at the School of Medicine and the UVA Biocomplexity Institute have been selected to help establish a national pathogen genomics surveillance network.
Saving Kids From Dangerous Infections – With An Amoeba
Efforts to use a harmless amoeba to protect children from dangerous infections has won $300,000 in support from The Hartwell Foundation.
Important Progress in the Global Battle Against Tuberculosis
School of Medicine researchers have shed new light on the intersection of malnutrition and tuberculosis. They’ve also received a $1.25 million grant to train the next generation of front-line soldiers in the war against the disease.