
In the Dean’s Blog…Matthew Trowbridge, MD, MPH, and Human Center Design

March 30, 2017 by

humancentereddesign_Trowbridge_10_03212017Matthew Trowbridge, MD, MPH, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine and the Department of Public Health.  Dr. Trowbridge completed his undergraduate degree at Tuft, Medical School and his MPH through Emory, followed by residency in general pediatrics at Tuft, fellowship in Injury Research at University of Michigan and a Residency in Preventive Medicine through Emory.  While school trained as a medical doctor, Dr. Trowbridge is a researcher and change maker by trade and skill.  In the latter role, he has been working with others on a program to promote, train, and develop Human-Centered Design and this was the topic of a blog by the Dean of UVA’s School of Medicine on March 21, 2017.

Dean’s Office Blog-Messages from the Dean’s Office: Med + Architecture Team Up on Human-Centered Design Program