
How To Acknowledge Core

Core Acknowledgement

Prior to submission the Flow Core is happy to assist with correct interpretation and description of flow cytometric data generated in the UVA Flow Core Facility, following MIFlowCyt standards guidelines.

*All publications and presentations that include results or expertise generated in the UVA Flow Cytometry Core must be included in the acknowledgements:

“The data for this (manuscript or presentation) were generated in the University of Virginia Flow Cytometry Core Facility (RRid:SCR_017829) and is partially supported by the NCI Grant (P30-CA044579).”

*Cell sorting performed on the Sony MA900 or Cytek Aurora CS in the UVA Flow Cytometry Core must be included in the acknowledgements according to NIH S10 guidelines:

“Cell sorting was performed on the Sony MA900 cell sorter funded through the NIH S10 instrumentation program (1S10OD028518-1).”

“Cell sorting was performed on the Cytek Aurora CS funded through the NIH S10 instrumentation grant (1S10OD034355-01).”

Acknowledgement of the Flow Cytometry Core Facility and all UVA Shared Resource Labs is of great importance for obtaining future funding.