
Gastroenterology Fellowship


The University of Virginia’s Gastroenterology and Hepatology Fellowship Program selects four candidates each year to train with world-class faculty and researchers, all dedicated to providing fellows with a solid clinical foundation and mentoring their development as researchers and academic leaders.

Our flexible three-year program comprises clinical training in year one, research training in year two, and the third year of training in which the focus is determined by individual needs and career goals. A four-year track incorporating formal degree training in clinical research or public health is also offered for qualified candidates.


The goal of the Gastroenterology Fellowship Program at the University of Virginia Health System is to develop trainees who will become future leaders in academic and clinical gastroenterology.

Because all fellows do not have the same career goals, our program is flexible and designed to meet individual needs. Trainees should be eligible for examination by the American Board of Internal Medicine before beginning the fellowship.

University of Virginia FellowshipThere are two general categories within the training program:

Clinician Educator Track (3 years)

The 12-month core of clinical training during the first year is followed by 6-12 months of training devoted to laboratory or clinical research projects. The third year is tailored to the Fellow’s needs, based on evolving career goals, and can emphasize hepatology, biliary or therapeutic endoscopy, or nutrition.

Clinical Research Track (4 years)

This track is designed for the applicant with a strong interest in academia and pursuit of a career as a clinical investigator. The first year is identical to the training received by all fellows, and then the track diverges to permit receipt of a Masters in Health Evaluation Sciences during the fourth year. This intense degree experience involves the generation of a thesis and extensive education in statistics, ethics, clinical study design, etc. During the MHES year, clinical responsibilities are limited while classes are in session. This track is flexible and intended to allow candidates to apply for grant support for their early faculty career development.

Selection of Trainees

Four new trainees are selected each year. There are two principal criteria for selection: first, the applicant’s potential based on his or her academic record, letters of reference, and an interview at the University of Virginia. The second is an appropriate match between the interests and goals of the applicant and the opportunities offered by our faculty. Applications are completed online through ERAS. Applicants are not eligible for interviews unless the required ERAS documentation is provided. Interviews will be scheduled based on a review of completed applications and an internal ranking of competitive candidates. Candidates will be contacted by the program director/coordinator for an interview once those dates have been determined. Typically, interview days begin at 8 a.m. and are 4-5 hours long, allowing the applicant to become fully acquainted with our GI faculty and fellowship staff. Applicants are “matched” to our program via the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP).