

Our Goals

The mission of the Genome Analysis and Technology Core (GATC)  is to serve as a scientific resource and biotechnology hub enhancing the scope and quality of basic and translational research at UVA, and providing customer satisfaction, collaboration, and quality control. The goal of the core staff is to enable Next Generation Sequencing projects for both novice and experienced users alike, by providing timely assistance in all facets of experimentation from project design and execution to data analysis and reporting.


The Genome Analysis and Technology core is a Green Lab certified core.

Highlights from their Certification include: 

  • Committing to thoughtful use of laboratory and instrumentation resources while preserving scientific rigor, reproducibility and transparency.
  • Advocating for the use of sustainable research practices to other Core labs throughput UVA as well as engaging the core community at large though seminars on Green Labs programs and round table discussions.
  • Collaborating with the UVA Office for Sustainability on a study to evaluate the effects of warmer storage temperatures on sample integrity.
  • Integrated a question about sample return to the iLab request form, to streamline sample removal after processing and reduce the need for cold storage for their users left over samples.
  • Interfacing with vendors to engage them in reducing waste in reagent shipping.
  • Making wide use of the recycling bins for laboratory plastics and cardboard to reduce landfill footprint.