

UVA Mindfulness

“To support the integration of mindfulness-based practices into the clinical, educational and research programs of the UVA Health System and the central Virginia community. The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers. “~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Faculty and Employee Assistance Program (FEAP)

FEAP provides professional services to improve and/or maintain the healthy functioning of the workplace through the application of specialized knowledge and expertise about human behavior and mental health. FEAP assists all UVA employees and their family members in identifying and resolving personal concerns, including health, marital, family, financial, alcohol, drug, legal, emotional, stress, or other personal issues that may affect the employee’s performance.  The Director of the Clinician Wellness Program serves as the physician liaison for FEAP and often provides services in coordination with FEAP.  (Director:  Beth Danehy, MA, MS, LMFT, CEAP)

Committee on Achieving Competence through Help (COACH)

COACH is a program designed to provide support for graduate medical physician learners who struggle with clinical performance or who request consultation regarding mental well-being, performance, burnout, or issues related to the learning climate.  Learners may be referred by their program director, or may self-refer at any time.  COACH aims to provide a safe space for resident and fellow learners to receive confidential assistance by a group of physicians and mental health professionals who are not part of their formal assessment team.  (Chair:  Karen Warburton, MD)  To set up an individual consultation, please contact Dr. Warburton at, or 215-964-8018.

Clinician Wellness Program (CWP)

The CWP is a collaboration between the School of Medicine and the Medical Center, the goals of which are: to promote the personal and professional wellbeing of clinicians, to aid clinicians in the process of finding meaning in their work as a means of reducing burnout and promoting and maintaining engagement; and to foster clinicians’ effective interpersonal communication skills. The purpose of the process is assistance and rehabilitation, rather than discipline, and is intended to aid clinicians in retaining or regaining optimal professional functioning, consistent with protection of patients and standards of appropriate and professional clinical behavior. Many of these activities are undertaken in conjunction with the Faculty and Employee Assistance Program.  Please contact Dr. Karen Warburton, or FEAP, for more information.

University Ombuds

Contact the Ombuds if you have a problem, concern, or issue and: You don’t know where to go for help; You’ve been there, done that, and gotten nowhere;
You are reluctant to go through normal channels for assistance.

Yoga classes

A Stress-Reduction Yoga class for all UVA employees is offered every Wednesday from 5:30-6:30pm in Quayle Conference Room (1st Floor of the Battle Building). The Class is drop-in and free to all employees/trainees. Yoga mats, blocks, yoga blankets and straps are offered if you do not have your own.

What's the AMA saying about Physician well-being?