
Primary Care Track

Welcome and Mission Statement

Rachel Kon, MD

Rachel Kon, MD: Primary Care Track Director

Welcome to UVA’s Primary Care Track! The Track is designed to imbue a close-knit cadre of internal medicine residents with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become top-notch generalists. We see the Primary Care Track as a true springboard for a diverse array of careers, encompassing the clinical practice of general internal medicine, academic generalism, geriatrics, palliative care, and outpatient-oriented subspecialties. The Track offers a comprehensive training experience that prepares the trainee to be as comfortable in a rural office as in the ICU.

Maria Badaracco, MD: Primary Care Track Assistant Director

Established in 1977, the Track is one of the longest running programs of its type in the country, with some truly unique rotations such as our dedicated teaching practice in rural Orange, Virginia, just north of Charlottesville. But we don’t ‘rest on our laurels’ – we are constantly seeking to enhance the training experience to match the ever-changing demands on the modern internist. For example, we utilized our transition to a “3+1” schedule to craft a comprehensive and longitudinal “+1” ambulatory training experience and recently inaugurated a community-based Dermatology experience. In addition to the required rotations, Primary Care Track residents design their elective experiences to meet their individual training needs and interests.

Our passion for and commitment to mentoring each and every Track member assures that, by the end of three years, you will have the guidance you need to develop into the best physician you can be, and to embark on the next stage of your career whether it be clinical practice, academia, or fellowship training. We welcome the opportunity to review your application and hopefully meet with you in person.

For further information about the Primary Care Track, please write, call, or e-mail:

Rachel Kon, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Director, Primary Care Training Track

Maria C. Badaracco, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Associate Director, Primary Care Training Track

Division of General, Geriatric, Palliative and Hospital Medicine
PO Box 800744, UVA Health System
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0744