

All Primary Care (PC) Track residents participate in a clinical research project during their residency training. With guidance from the Track Directors, residents are paired with a research mentor by the PGY-2 year and either choose a project from existing opportunities or develop a unique project based on personal interests. PC Track residents also have access to the same research opportunities offered to the Categorical residents, including funding for travel to professional meetings where they are presenting their research, internal grant funding opportunities, and participation in the PGY-2 research course.

Examples of recent Primary Care Track resident projects include:

  • Development of a computer-based smoking cessation aid
  • Intervention to improve resident discharge summaries
  • Multimodal intervention to improve colon cancer screening rates
  • Doctor-family communication after the death of a loved one
  • Impact of an automated reminder on osteoporosis screening
  • Multi-site STI testing in an HIV-positive patient population
  • Early-onset colorectal cancer – trends and survival
  • Student perspectives on the etiologies of burnout during clinical years of medical school